IRL Photos.

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Twinkytoes said:
I stalk her

this is all that i saw. but that's ok, i'm glad you aren't outside of my window anymore.
Twinkytoes said:
Well if you couldn't catch the sarcasm in "Love u 2 babycakes" than I will tell you it was sarcasm (Hard to tell on the internet). She is cool though, she's a guildy, and a nice person. I don't stalk her, I just checked the thread and saw this mean remark and wanted to defend a guildie / friend.

twinkytoes is cool
Falkor said:
thats honestly fuckn funny as hell. she does look like a fat chode in that pic.

you guys have got to stop your weird ecrush on here, stop fapping to these images, and come to the realization that sacke is right.

Your just an idiot dude, making fun of genetics is no joke... its not like you can change your physical apperance unless you go through surgery. And who cares about someone over the internet you must be a pretty low life to make fun of someone via internet. Post a pic of yourself if your so hotshot guy. (and not one you find off of photobucket):)
Your just an idiot dude, making fun of genetics is no joke... its not like you can change your physical apperance unless you go through surgery.

Yes you can.

And who cares about someone over the internet

He obviously doesn't...

you must be a pretty low life to make fun of someone via internet.

I'm sure at some point you've laughed at a video of a fat kid falling down some stairs on Youtube.

Post a pic of yourself if your so hotshot guy. (and not one you find off of photobucket)

How can you tell the difference?
Dopedots said:
Obviously no one that plays WoW looks like a swimsuit model. Point proven.

haha just because you are also fugly and worthless doesn't mean that every single WoW player is. yes you are alone in this cold dark world...not everyone is as ugly and fat as you.
Falkor said:
haha just because you are also fugly and worthless doesn't mean that every single WoW player is. yes you are alone in this cold dark world...not everyone is as ugly and fat as you.

That was unnecessary dude :S
First pic ever :p, Really bad quality xD

i'd have to say i've always been one...just really shines ITT


bankbeauty said:
First pic ever :p, Really bad quality xD

wont even start on the fohawk or anything. i'll just leave it as lol dead wings, go 'hawks.
Vaj said:
New merch design, moar hate plz


STILL cant read that shit. nor does it make the wearer look like a badass. just makes you look even more emo (bet thats almost impossible too)
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