
Hey..glad to say that I was the 1st member on this site. Thanks Drayner for taking the time to make it. Always a pleasure to play with you in BG's.

I'm 30, married with 2 kids and just graduated college last year with a BA in Geographic Information Science with an emphasis in Geomatics. I'm a Hydrographic Surveyor and work in the offshore industry so i'm away from home for 4-6 weeks at a time.

Started off on Kul Tiras with my 1st 19 twink, Esteban (Human Warrior) who then moved to 29 bracket for a good while where I joined Dominate's 29 guild, then 39's and is now level 40 (someday will be 49).

1st official twink was Coca who has been with <Dominate> since BC x-pac came out.
Hey, Im Nick im new here just joined, I live in US, Kentucky and im 16 yrs old. I have a 70 Death Knight, 29 Hunter, 19 rogue, and a 29 paladin and im on Earthen Ring. Yes i know its a RP server lol i didnt know what an RP server was when i started playing WoW. Also i was looking to make a 19 dwarf hunter on Uldum if anyone plays on there please tell me and we can do BGs.
Hello, my name is Savagedpuck, you can call me Puck. Anyways my very first character is my lvl 19 warrior twink named Savagedpuck. I have added a few more twinks, mostly 19s, to my experience and tend to play shaman more now.
Leper said:
im 17 and live 30 min away from blizzcon

ive been addicted to wow for over 3 years

ive played on suramar, darkspear, and frostwolf

i usually play a 19 hunter

northern CA or socal? and did you go to blizzcon this year :O...maybe i saw you 14 i live in southern california...been playing twinks since the beginning of TBC, ive practically committed suicide in school by skipping 2 grades and choosing to take all honours :D /cry.... yah not the best combo...honours + wow.....*sigh i failz :[ *....i play a 19 mage , 19 rogue, 19 pally, 19 lock (soon) , and 39 lock (soon)....yah....bout it...oh yah......*iz short* its the end :]
Hi guys

I'm Meshell, formerly known as Fudgemaster. (both mages, true story)

I've played Wow since the start of it all. Back in the day, before The Burning Crusade, I was a hardcore regen-based healing priest for a very decent raiding guild, had no chance for pvp what-so-ever.

Got the idea to twink almost randomly, when there was no cross-realm battlegrounds, even no twink guilds I knew of, I started the guild Sparkle Motion and soon it was an all-time hit! Oh yeah, the server is Sylvanas, always been there, horde side.

Though, I quit Wow before the Burning Crusade actually even came out, from time to time got on to twink. Was actually the only thing I missed when I had quit. Well, now restarting once again!

Really worst thing about me is, I've never been able to loot any fishing items. Ever. Oh, believe me, I've tried so hard.

Ok, time to wrap it up. I actually just wanted to say Hi, but I got a strong nostalgic wave and just put the basic facts down.

One more thing, "Introduction" is not a good name for the thread where you're supposed to introduce yourself.
Meshell said:
Hi guys

I'm Meshell, formerly known as Fudgemaster. (both mages, true story)

I've played Wow since the start of it all. Back in the day, before The Burning Crusade, I was a hardcore regen-based healing priest for a very decent raiding guild, had no chance for pvp what-so-ever.

Got the idea to twink almost randomly, when there was no cross-realm battlegrounds, even no twink guilds I knew of, I started the guild Sparkle Motion and soon it was an all-time hit! Oh yeah, the server is Sylvanas, always been there, horde side.

Though, I quit Wow before the Burning Crusade actually even came out, from time to time got on to twink. Was actually the only thing I missed when I had quit. Well, now restarting once again!

Really worst thing about me is, I've never been able to loot any fishing items. Ever. Oh, believe me, I've tried so hard.

Ok, time to wrap it up. I actually just wanted to say Hi, but I got a strong nostalgic wave and just put the basic facts down.

One more thing, "Introduction" is not a good name for the thread where you're supposed to introduce yourself.

Hi Mesh and welcome =)

When it comes to fishing gear, your luck will come sooner or later :D
Hi guys

My name is Runawayagain (my main), and I've been twinking for a long time now, since BC came out basically. My first twink was a rogue, now lvl 71. My experience with 19 twinks includes 2 rogues, a lock, a frost mage, a healing pala, a shaman with spellcaster/healing gear, a hunter and a healing priest. (Tried most of the different classes) I currently only have 1 19 left and am working on a 29 priest and a 39 lock.
hey ppl

my name is Igor 19 and i have a lvl 19 rogue on Twisting Nether name Wisperin(ally side).

im one of 3 guild masters of the <Do Not Fear Me> and ive been playing twinks for quite some time (pre tbc)

i decided to make my rogue twink when i was lvl 19 and had 10 bars exp allrdy so now i have problems with geting my rogue full cos of exp so im making 19 hunter
Hi, I am Whaty!! I currently have multiple twinks, but the ones I play most are my 2 19 hunters, my 19 rogue, my 39 resto druid, and my 60 warrior.
Hi I am Bragh, I lick Inky in the butt. I also think this site is a Ripoff of Pwndepot. But care, I'll prolly start trolling here too.

Ink Butt taste poo.

I play on Cavern of Aspects, played on Ravencrest/Frostwhisper, in Atleast you get a token, until it died.

Also playing a 39 hunter who's name is Sergeant Braghy. Which looks WAY better than Inky's 39 rogue;o
Hiya! My name is Pat and I play a 19 warlock! Im super excited I just found this website and its everything I have been looking for the last 2 years or so. (We all know hurts more then it helps.) Im looking to transfer to a new server/battle group with my main twinking partner Savoy and my other twink Nauron. I have a level 71 priest and lvl 75 priests for mains -- They are just my grindwh*res. Im looking to put out a few guides and log a massive amount of data towards twinking I have aquired over the past 2 years.

Thanks and nice to meet you all!!

As my character in Twinks I'm mainly known as 'Agility'. (19 gnome rogue)

All my characters are located at Vashj on the Rampage Realm ;)

I play WoW for 4 years now and I guess my rogue is about 3 years old, even I had whiles I didn't log him forever :p

Further I have another 39 draenei heal-twink (lackskillz).

Also I've had a twink in the 39/59 bracket for a while (wunderwoman), but I decided to level her to 70 because only 1 main (supermen) was to boring.

Twinking always will stay a passion :)
Hey, my name is Andreas and i play a 19 warrior named Phenom with Ordo Disilluminati on Sylvanas in Rampage (EU).
Hey, my name is Andreas and i play a 19 warrior named Phenom with Ordo Disilluminati on Sylvanas in Rampage (EU).
My name is Trenton, i play on Darkspear (ally), not much for twinking going on in this battlegroup, but its fun. Current twinks are hunter (which i have to lvl to 39, accidental lvled to 30 :mad:) and a 49 boomkin.
Hi, I'm Spence and I play a level 19 Druid twink called Savoy on Lightninghoof. It's a pleasure to be here.

Looks like I've already been introduced by l0rdpat. :p

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