
G'day Bruces! Great site.

I'm from the UK but play on US servers, mostly Mok'Nathal. I'm a perpetual noob with loads of alts and no high end toons XD

My first and fav twink is Mudgard the esteemed Scots Nutjob and Dwarf Hunter lvl 19.

Unfortunately I didn't know anything about twinking until a few bars from 20 so I think he's gonna have to move to 29. I've started another to take his place - Pointystyx the dirty hippy NElf hunter.

I was away for a while including the WOTLK release so I'm here looking for advice on the changes to twinking.
I'm the player people mostly know as Natasya, guildleader of the 19-pvp guild First Blood, residing on Talnivarr, Reckoning EU. For a while I've been in Atleast You Get A Token, when it was still playing at Frostwhisper, Rampage.

I've been playing WoW since '05 with some periods of inactivity and am proud owner of the following chars:

- Natasya, 19 blood elf female hunter. First Blood, Talnivarr. Completely finished char, besides professions. DPS-machine.

- Tasyá, 19 undead female rogue. First Blood, Talnivarr. Completely finished char, currently in crit/agility gear.

- Tasya, 19 blood elf female priest. First Blood, Talnivarr. Completely finished char, besides professions. Been on Frostwhisper before.

- Natasýa, 19 human female paladin. TwinkZ, Trollbane. Lacks fishingboots and kinda got inactive on that char.

- Natasyá, 19 undead female warrior. First Blood, Talnivarr. Lacks fishinghat, eventhough proud owner of 5 pair of boots.

I'm leading First Blood for over two years now - eventhough we had a time we all played in the old school guild Demolition Team - and am proud to say we got an awesome bunch of guys with a regular acitivity.

Got hooked on the twinking game back when I was selling arena teams/points (it was the only time I remember having over 2k gold... ah I miss those days :( ), I always liked the idea of having a nice chilled out session on a 19 with a few doobies instead of a flaming rant at my 2v2 partner for playing like sh*t @ 70. I havn't bothered lvling my 70 warrior, had a go at the WoTLK trial, I must of done about 5 quests and gave up it's such a drag! :p

I went for a shaman first, because from the little research I did, there wasn't any good shamans around. Anyway he's name was Kimbo! but recently I gave him the chop, and he is a she, called Instagibb on Draenor :eek:.

I've recently started a new lock called Weedbeard on Sunstrider, he's almost finished, missing some BoE's/fish and agm but all in good time.

Also! I've seen some farmiliar names to people who post on pwndepot, I would appreciate it if you ignored anything I have typed there before because I used that forums out of pure boredom to stir up some flames with the cyclone people :) there are quite a few ego's over there :p

I'm not usually a forum person but I've had a look on this site for the passed few weeks, it's a very helpful site and I like the community :)
Hello, i am Valerio, i come from Rome (Italy) and i am 16 years old.

I've been playing wow from about a month before TBC came out, my main character is a warlock, but i love my twink even more :)

After spending a lot of time into my 19 rogue, i made a 19 Priest (Banana - Aggramar EU - Hostile) and i understood it was the right one, its my favourite character :)

i also have a 39 rogue i barely use.

Nice community :)
Weedbeard said:
\ I always liked the idea of having a nice chilled out session on a 19 with a few doobies instead of a flaming rant at my 2v2 partner for playing like sh*t @ 70.

seriously QFT
Howdy folks, I'm Manguy -

I started "twinking" back in MC days when I thought Fiery Rogues were amazing and haven't stopped since.

I have one active twink in the 19 bracket - Malëdiction, Affliction Warlock. I also have one retired twink - Icebound, Frost Mage.
Hello all, just found the site.

I play an 80 protection warrior (Tankueray) and just started a 19 twink Druid (indi) both on mal'ganis US.
Hi all. I love this site!

I love the 19 twinking bracket. Because the 19 twinks are easier to make than other brackets, it's easy to persuade my husband and friends to make one and kick around in WSG to relax.

I consider my main a hardcore raider, and I don't really focus on alts other than my twinks. I got serious about gearing up my first twink, a rogue, in the down time between BT and SWP. Several of my guild members also made twinks and we made a guild that kicked butt in the U.S. Vindication battlegroup...that is until SWP came out. lol

My newest twink is a priest, and I think she is going to be my favorite.
Aloha ya'll

To get right to the point i have a hunter twink ( Tyrand ) that i made because a friend of mine started making a warrior twink and ever since it's been mostly fun times :]

I've been playing him more and more lately and in my search for ways to better myself i stumbled onto here.

^_^ so i hope to get to kno ya'll and how to play my twink better soon
I’m Rayekk, a level 19 Rogue twink on Uther (US) and apparently the oldest fart in this forum (I’m a late 30’s professional). I created my twink about a year ago on a whim (just post DC) on the Alliance side (casue I can’t stand the Horde and that’s where are my mains are). When I created Rayekk, there was not real guild or help to follow; I’ll I could do was look up other level 19’s I’d run across and ask noob questions. About 3 months after I finished Rayekk, I suffered a long string of crushing defeats (mostly because I’d not gone “all the way” with certain aspects of twinking). After the launch of WotLK, I dusted off Rayekk (he’d become my uber expensive bank toon), talked my girlfriend into leveling a 19 Warlock, and have been twinking ever since. To date, I believe I only have three or four more achievements left in WG. And I’ve started to create a druid for 29’s.
i would like to introduce myself by saying that you should not have to have a minimum post count to play the arcade.
rayekk said:
i’m rayekk, a level 19 rogue twink on uther (us) and apparently the oldest fart in this forum (i’m a late 30’s professional). I created my twink about a year ago on a whim (just post dc) on the alliance side (casue i can’t stand the horde and that’s where are my mains are). When i created rayekk, there was not real guild or help to follow; i’ll i could do was look up other level 19’s i’d run across and ask noob questions. About 3 months after i finished rayekk, i suffered a long string of crushing defeats (mostly because i’d not gone “all the way†with certain aspects of twinking). After the launch of wotlk, i dusted off rayekk (he’d become my uber expensive bank toon), talked my girlfriend into leveling a 19 warlock, and have been twinking ever since. To date, i believe i only have three or four more achievements left in wg. And i’ve started to create a druid for 29’s.

ohhhh dahhh?
Eldiablito (The little Devil) here! lvl 19 alliance gnome lock from Kul Tiras EU Reckoning.

Locks are so much fun at 19 if you know what you're doing :) Master of WSG since 21-12-08, 29913 hk. Don't have the best gear (missing fishing gear, shoulders and Arena trinkets) but I still give those pesky horde a run for their money! You'll find me in the late night WSG sessions mostly, unfortunately this is when the horde are usually at their strongest!

I see a few familiar faces here including my current guild master (hi Van!) Respect to Natasya and the First Blood guild and all you Gnomeless guys and not forgetting all you Cookie Monsters.

Great site btw!

Stormfist / Woah / Yamaraj here. Former AYGAT / MNT of cyclone, current NP and Superiority Complex of Misery.

Hi i am josh and i am 17 and have multiple twinks in different battlegroups such as wirlwind and cyclone. 3 twinks on lightbringer, lionlord, grrimacow, forsakan and on suramar i have 3 healsrus, unstoppable, swiftshots. my main is a 72 rogue on lightbringer and a 65 DK on suramar. btw i live in san diego CA
Ah well I'm quite new here so I'd like to say hello to all of you and say alittle about myself. I play on Dragonmaw(us) Reckoning battlegroup, and have 3 19's, 1 29 and 2 more 19's in the works. As you can see I just LOVE the 19 bracket =). And I have been in the 19 bracket for well over 3 years now and only in the 29 bracket for around a year. I have recently started a new "mixed: twink guild in the hopes to actually get organized pre-mades going again. But I'll wait and see where that goes. For about a year before creating this guild I was co managing a guild called "Twink The Rainbow"...If that sounds familiar please don't hate on me lol. It was more so total crap due to the real gm not letting anything happen to the guild. So after about a year co managing that our gm stopped playing so I just kicked everyone from the guild and am reforming under the new one and hoping to get thing running smoothly after a while. Well thats about all the recent things I've done and now I hope to enjoy myself here and that I can fit right in and meet some good ppl =)
Hi, Im danny im 17 from UK, recently stumbled across this site and like the look of the community so im going to start posting here :D

I have played every bracket upto 49 with multiple classes at differing levels of gear and have just had my first excursion into 59 . . .but hated the DK fest, but thats a different story.

@19 Ive played Rogue,Warrior,Mage,Hunter and Shaman

@29 Ive played Rogue, Hunter, Paladin and Warlock

@39 Ive played Rogue and Hunter and am planning a new Warlock

@49 Ive played Shaman and Priest

Ive been twinking Pre-Xrealms and it takes up 90% of my playtime, the other 10% is either just socialising leveling my main 78 shaman (to get BoA's ofr twinks)or playing AH (for gold for my twinks hmmm) ok maybe its more 98% :p

I havent introduced myself yet, Helmût - Earthen Ring is my main twink. I used to be active mostly in the Cyclone battlegroup. Twinking used to take up about 80-100% of my time in game, although I've been raiding on my main since Cyclone died.

My hobbies are teabaging the corpse of Yamaraj and flaming people on the forums.

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