
Hi there,

I have a twink warrior, Karhazan.

I am the GM of a fairly active twink guild (Resilience) in the EU/Ghostlands server.

I also have a twink rogue.

With my main tank warrior (Hazraar) I usually do Naxx-25, The OS and EE.

I am also a moderator of the Thottbot forums (alongside GinsengSamurai).

If you are a frequent visitor there, you may know my "Adventures of a Noob" stories ...

Anyway, I saw this site after a link from WoWInsider, and I think it is so great I had to register here :)
Hello, my name is Hassan and I recently moved to the US from Lebanon. I like Chinese calligraphy (to explain my weird name). I have a 19 twink rogue and I am working on a 19 twink hunter.
Hey everyone, my name is Mike, I'm from Calgary, AB. I have an level 80 human rogue, a twink 19 human rogue and am currently working on my hunter and paladin for the 19 bracket.
Totally missed the introductions thread. . .

Hey everyone. I love the site and all the input everyone has posted.

Started twinking like 4 years ago and it was my WoW life for maybe a year. I was lured back by an old 19 twink.

In the process of rolling a 19 hunter and a 14 rogue.
Hello! I am Kruppt/Severe, RL name Harley. Been twinking for around 3 years now. Some may know my tewns, some not. Very nice site Drayner!
hey im zach, 15, live in Georgia, USA i have a 71 mage, and on my old account i had a 49 prot warrior, 49 rogue, 49 shammy, 49 holy pally, 49 ret pally (you begin to see a trend here), a 29 enh shammy, and a few 19 fc's 2 droods and a prot pally i think.
Hey everybody, my name is Max and I play on the Mug'thol realm. My twinks are a 19 warlock (Demøniç) and a 19 rogue (Soulslit). I'm in two guilds on the server (Best in Show and Roll Call, respectively) and like my lock better. If you want to BG with me, send a tell to one of my twinks or to my main, Deathstomp. I think I'm a nice enough guy.

See you in WSG!
hi everyone, posted on the wrong thread earlier. im jen, and i play on Coilfang realm (Retalliation battle group). I have a lvl 10 rogue. Its good to be here. great site!
Hey guys my name is Jake, I live in US, Wisconsin.

I play a level 19 gnome-rogue and a level 19 Human-priest.

I'm new here, nice to meet you guys. :D
Hey I just joined the other day and have been reading some different post.

My twinks are Ninjafied-Mage; Ninjafied-Paladin

there both on the server Turalyon. :D

I'm Philipp from Austria!

I am 16 years old, I play and twink since the beginning of Bc.

I play on Rajaxx EU :)


Hey guys, my names Chris (19) and im from the United Kingdom!

Fairly new to twinking although i have been playing the game since official release.

Playing my Dwarf Paladin 'Iire' (19) On Sylvanas EU, Rampage Battlegroup :)

Hello. My name is John(25), I'm from California. Was in the process of gearing my twinks on Dragonmaw when the patch hit and had not read about the fishing boots (poor Hildagar). So came here as I heard this is a great source. Probably looking to start a twink on a new server (druid more than likely) as I had originally made a druid to twink on dragonmaw but found that they weren't competitive enough at the 19 bracket without support from others. I'll probably finish off Hildagar even though it will require alot more time spent trying to get some boots to replace my lost Pagle's. Kinda wishing I had could afford 2 accounts so I could just run myself through the instances i need.
Hello Twink Info! My name is Andrew (21). Atm i am going to college at Kansas University working on a business management degree. I have twinked pre-bc all the way til now. I have quit several times, but this game keeps drawing me back. I recently decided to form a twink guild on Perenolde server named <Vendetta>. So far the guild is a big success! Hope to see you all on the battlefield.
Hello, My name is Ian, I have a semi twink, but am still new to twinking, I have used these forums a bunch for info, and I am glad to be a part of twinkinfo
'ello, my name is Oskar. Im rather new here hehe and i got some questions.

How does i get a Profile picture?

And how does i get one of those things?

Please post on my thread on the forum:

Twink rogue: talent, spec, race and gear. XD

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