EU+US [Info] Gear for your twink! (101)

OP, could you please add in any BiS WoD gear to the list? This only covers Legion gear which isn't 100% helpful for certain classes.
Can we get some sort of proof? I need to see that so I can know my 109 can get WARFORGED
I've only read about it from someone who was wondering when he got his 1st warforged item that it dropped in violet hold because this is a 105-110 dungeon and not a 110 only. Can't find the post though.
Seen one 885 str trinket with socket + speed :p Seems like there's more high ilvl str trinkets than any other item though - maybe because it just sucks at lvl 110?
While it may suck at 110, my 101 DK would kill a fool for an 885 + Tertiary + Socket.

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