In regard to the level 10 'problem'

Yes, this is another level 10 thread. However, instead of QQing about how ridiculously overpowered they are (although tbh a level 10 resil twink is more powerful than any twink in any bracket I can think of since Ive been twinking in Vanilla), Im just going to say what the bottom line should be: theyre not going to go away of their own volition. Whether or not most of you want to acknowledge it, the 10-19 bracket is full of a bunch of 12 year olds. This bracket has by far the youngest players for any twink bracket (speaking US here, no idea for EU). Do you really expect a 12 year old to have any concern about what theyre doing in regards to a bracket? No, of course not. Theyre going to grab a flag, run around midfield /spitting and /laughing at the 6-7 dps attacking them, and think that the game is 'fun'. Theyre not going to care that 10 people arent having fun, only that they as an individual ARE.

The only real solution is just quit playing. Obviously we submit our tickets, complain to Blizzard in whatever ways we feel will work, but in the end asking a group of kids to put down their amazing new shiny toy just isnt going to work. Kids will be kids.
Subpar said:
So, if you play a level 10 twink youre a 12 year old? Flawless assertion

Hi, my name is Subpar and Im going to take separate points in your post and combine them into one, in an attempt to dilute your meaning.
Cattitude said:
Don't we play the game for this purpose? Just saying...

its not fun when you kill your bracket.
Subpar said:
So, if you play a level 10 twink youre a 12 year old? Flawless assertion

Most, now, will be.
No point moaning about it, your options are...

1, Moan about it to Blizz

2, Accepts its here and move on

3, Choose a different brackrt


Was it worth being trolled?
Aside from the name calling, I think there's still some truth in this post. Because level 10s have the option to abuse a mechanic in such a way to make the bracket seem, by some accounts, unenjoyable, there are always going to be some folks who do so. There's simply not a whole lot that can be done to speed up the outcome of this situation. In short, unfortunately it seems that you all are just going to have to grin and bear it. It's a shame to see such negativity come to a bracket like this, but in a lot of ways it more accurately reflects the limitations of twink etiquette in general rather than the will of the 10s bracket. Level 10s are simply the new scapegoat right now: as much as I do sympathize with the 19 community on the issue, it would be unwise to throw out the baby with the bathwater, so to speak.
Falaris said:
Hi, my name is Subpar and Im going to take separate points in your post and combine them into one, in an attempt to dilute your meaning.

That about sums me up, thank you.

That said, its not the immature players playing 10s. Its the people crying, swearing, etc on the forums (not this thread, but the forums in general). Shits always been op, and people have always dealt with it. For now theres nothing anyone can do but quit QQing and either quit playing or get used to it.
Evade said:
its not fun when you kill your bracket.

rofl dont be such a drama queen. how is the bracket dead, this bracket has seen SOOO much change in regards to "buffs, bugs, and exploits". get over it and move on, or go make an 80 and qq about that bracket. as long as your not the best, your gonna whine and moan like a baby
You want to see BGs fixed?

Then you need to get Blizzard to want to fix them, and you do that by driving their paying customers away from the game. There's no better way of doing that right now than using level 10 resi twinks in levelling BGs, because they can hold flags to make sure no-one in there ever gets any XP, and they will stay at level 10. While doing that you've got the mid farming rogues massacring every normal leveller in there for a solid 25 minutes.

When the WoW forums are demanding that Blizzard do something, and the threats of cancelled subscriptions start to get through to Bobby Kotick, then they will fix things.

Let the 12 year olds have their fun. The more of them that do it, the sooner it'll all be over.
Falaris said:
Whether or not most of you want to acknowledge it, the 10-19 bracket is full of a bunch of 12 year olds. This bracket has by far the youngest players for any twink bracket (speaking US here, no idea for EU). Do you really expect a 12 year old to have any concern about what theyre doing in regards to a bracket? No, of course not. Theyre going to grab a flag, run around midfield /spitting and /laughing at the 6-7 dps attacking them, and think that the game is 'fun'. Theyre not going to care that 10 people arent having fun, only that they as an individual ARE.

I Peeked and Poked before most of you were born. Most of you have no clue as to what that means.

10's is also all that I do.
Subpar said:
That about sums me up, thank you.

That said, its not the immature players playing 10s. Its the people crying, swearing, etc on the forums (not this thread, but the forums in general). Shits always been op, and people have always dealt with it. For now theres nothing anyone can do but quit QQing and either quit playing or get used to it.

Id like for you to name one thing in Twinkings history that was powerful enough to allow one person to sit midfield for the duration of a game, be attacked by 6 DPS, and /rofl at them the whole time
Falaris said:
Id like for you to name one thing in Twinkings history that was powerful enough to allow one person to sit midfield for the duration of a game, be attacked by 6 DPS, and /rofl at them the whole time

450 profs, exploited armor/shoulder kits and shoulder enchants, seeing as how this was pre-bg merge. Also WBFH to a lesser extent.

Like I said, you have to quit playing or get used to it. qq oh well, try another bracket

ps, i play a 10 rogue with a grand total of 2 resil. u mad?
Maybe you should rephrase it to " attacked by 6 full BiS twink DPS...".

That has never been done before, because it was always the lone twink taking on 6 non-twinks for previous 'exploits'.
Subpar said:
450 profs, exploited armor/shoulder kits and shoulder enchants, seeing as how this was pre-bg merge. Also WBFH to a lesser extent.

Like I said, you have to quit playing or get used to it. qq oh well, try another bracket

ps, i play a 10 rogue with a grand total of 2 resil. u mad?

If we quit, the population of the bracket goes from bad to worse. I'd much rather have a bracket of whiners, willing to never heal a level10 again, than a bunch of mindless derp stalemates with downie 10s.
Subpar said:
That said, its not the immature players playing 10s. Its the people crying, swearing, etc on the forums (not this thread, but the forums in general). Shits always been op, and people have always dealt with it. For now theres nothing anyone can do but quit QQing and either quit playing or get used to it.

3 cheers for subpar!

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