So I guess I will try to make as serious a list as I can.
Consider that, for all of these, they have to make sense for blizzard to implement, they won't put something in to the game that would promote botting (Access to the auction house, trading, or guild bank), or something that would make playing F2P too similar to playing P2P (They don't want to lose potential or current subscribers), and, obviously, I wont include anything that is insulting to any group in specific, or just isn't going to happen because I say it in a thread on TI (Omg! 24s! And why are there only 4 classes being played?! Diversify! Backpedro scum!).
(Now some of these have already been mentioned in other threads on here, others I have though of (So are obvious), or just talked to about with Bop)
Consider that, for all of these, they have to make sense for blizzard to implement, they won't put something in to the game that would promote botting (Access to the auction house, trading, or guild bank), or something that would make playing F2P too similar to playing P2P (They don't want to lose potential or current subscribers), and, obviously, I wont include anything that is insulting to any group in specific, or just isn't going to happen because I say it in a thread on TI (Omg! 24s! And why are there only 4 classes being played?! Diversify! Backpedro scum!).
(Now some of these have already been mentioned in other threads on here, others I have though of (So are obvious), or just talked to about with Bop)
- The ability to invite mutual friends (You have them added to your friends list, and they have you added) to groups.
- No gold cap, or a gold cap at, say, 100 gold. (This one has been simply petty by them, we don't have access to the auction house, trading, or guild banks, so there is no risk to having a f2p with, say, 5 thousand gold.)
- Simply put, tactful gear choices. Atm, the only real way to get expertise, for... ANYONE, is to use Foremans Gloves, the only way for pretty much anyone to get haste, is to sacrifice over 100 health, and a PvP trinket (This, by swapping out AGM and Trinket for Swift hands of justice). Classes in specific? Just talking about warriors (where my expertise mainly is in this bracket) all I can really do is ensure I have as high a health bar as possible, and as high a crit rating as I can. That's stupid. I mean there is no other way to put that. It should be better in WoD, with hit and expertise being removed, and replaced partly by crit, and partly by haste. But still, there isn't really any tactful choices a f2p can make if they want to try a different play style built around their gear, or else they risk going full Bendandcough, trying to play in this bracket, sitting pretty in the gulch with 1.1k hp. (Oh... was that a rogue?)
- Skirmishes. Said before, saying it again. Atm, arenas 2s, 3s (With the exception of MLD), and 5s, are actively balanced in comparison to BG's (May not sound like a vote of confidence, but it is, most any class/spec is viable in arenas).
- Glyphs? I remember when I was playing F2P back in WotLK, trials had the ability to have a glyph that they made from inscription. Even if it was only 3 or 4 of the minor glyphs, I think that would be fun, and would add another dimension to individual character preference. Another thing to point out with this, atm, inscription is one of the only professions that never needs to be picked up by F2Ps.