Improve the Bracket

So I guess I will try to make as serious a list as I can.

Consider that, for all of these, they have to make sense for blizzard to implement, they won't put something in to the game that would promote botting (Access to the auction house, trading, or guild bank), or something that would make playing F2P too similar to playing P2P (They don't want to lose potential or current subscribers), and, obviously, I wont include anything that is insulting to any group in specific, or just isn't going to happen because I say it in a thread on TI (Omg! 24s! And why are there only 4 classes being played?! Diversify! Backpedro scum!).

(Now some of these have already been mentioned in other threads on here, others I have though of (So are obvious), or just talked to about with Bop)

  • The ability to invite mutual friends (You have them added to your friends list, and they have you added) to groups.
  • No gold cap, or a gold cap at, say, 100 gold. (This one has been simply petty by them, we don't have access to the auction house, trading, or guild banks, so there is no risk to having a f2p with, say, 5 thousand gold.)
  • Simply put, tactful gear choices. Atm, the only real way to get expertise, for... ANYONE, is to use Foremans Gloves, the only way for pretty much anyone to get haste, is to sacrifice over 100 health, and a PvP trinket (This, by swapping out AGM and Trinket for Swift hands of justice). Classes in specific? Just talking about warriors (where my expertise mainly is in this bracket) all I can really do is ensure I have as high a health bar as possible, and as high a crit rating as I can. That's stupid. I mean there is no other way to put that. It should be better in WoD, with hit and expertise being removed, and replaced partly by crit, and partly by haste. But still, there isn't really any tactful choices a f2p can make if they want to try a different play style built around their gear, or else they risk going full Bendandcough, trying to play in this bracket, sitting pretty in the gulch with 1.1k hp. (Oh... was that a rogue?)
  • Skirmishes. Said before, saying it again. Atm, arenas 2s, 3s (With the exception of MLD), and 5s, are actively balanced in comparison to BG's (May not sound like a vote of confidence, but it is, most any class/spec is viable in arenas).
  • Glyphs? I remember when I was playing F2P back in WotLK, trials had the ability to have a glyph that they made from inscription. Even if it was only 3 or 4 of the minor glyphs, I think that would be fun, and would add another dimension to individual character preference. Another thing to point out with this, atm, inscription is one of the only professions that never needs to be picked up by F2Ps.


A completely seperate lvl 20 f2p bracket, no 24s, just f2p or as the 24s like to call it "fail-to-pay" and also a seperate for the br and jajas
Making bgs to "Starter Edition accounts cannot perform that action" should remove disbalance.
So I guess I will try to make as serious a list as I can.

Consider that, for all of these, they have to make sense for blizzard to implement, they won't put something in to the game that would promote botting (Access to the auction house, trading, or guild bank), or something that would make playing F2P too similar to playing P2P (They don't want to lose potential or current subscribers), and, obviously, I wont include anything that is insulting to any group in specific, or just isn't going to happen because I say it in a thread on TI (Omg! 24s! And why are there only 4 classes being played?! Diversify! Backpedro scum!).

(Now some of these have already been mentioned in other threads on here, others I have though of (So are obvious), or just talked to about with Bop)

  • The ability to invite mutual friends (You have them added to your friends list, and they have you added) to groups.
  • No gold cap, or a gold cap at, say, 100 gold. (This one has been simply petty by them, we don't have access to the auction house, trading, or guild banks, so there is no risk to having a f2p with, say, 5 thousand gold.)
  • Simply put, tactful gear choices. Atm, the only real way to get expertise, for... ANYONE, is to use Foremans Gloves, the only way for pretty much anyone to get haste, is to sacrifice over 100 health, and a PvP trinket (This, by swapping out AGM and Trinket for Swift hands of justice). Classes in specific? Just talking about warriors (where my expertise mainly is in this bracket) all I can really do is ensure I have as high a health bar as possible, and as high a crit rating as I can. That's stupid. I mean there is no other way to put that. It should be better in WoD, with hit and expertise being removed, and replaced partly by crit, and partly by haste. But still, there isn't really any tactful choices a f2p can make if they want to try a different play style built around their gear, or else they risk going full Bendandcough, trying to play in this bracket, sitting pretty in the gulch with 1.1k hp. (Oh... was that a rogue?)
  • Skirmishes. Said before, saying it again. Atm, arenas 2s, 3s (With the exception of MLD), and 5s, are actively balanced in comparison to BG's (May not sound like a vote of confidence, but it is, most any class/spec is viable in arenas).
  • Glyphs? I remember when I was playing F2P back in WotLK, trials had the ability to have a glyph that they made from inscription. Even if it was only 3 or 4 of the minor glyphs, I think that would be fun, and would add another dimension to individual character preference. Another thing to point out with this, atm, inscription is one of the only professions that never needs to be picked up by F2Ps.



Tome and chest for mog purposes.
Everyone who can post on official forums, create feedback about abilites rearrangement in WoD. Pretend you're speaking on behalf of lvl 19 twinks and the intent is to keep that bracket healthy and active. Engineer an in-depth discussion and keep bumping it for a few days. When the thread starts looking like valuable feedback, point it out to the devs on Twitter too.

The goal is to tell Blizzard that in order for low lvl pvp to remain interesting, classes must retain their core pvp abilities and that it includes mobility and cc. For example, if the rogue changes from MoP (gouge and sprint learned at higher levels) were reverted, and the priest changes planned for WoD (cc moved to fourth row of talents) abandoned, then these classes would allow players to utilize their skill in a much richer way.

Basically, remind Blizzard that while reshuffling abilities, they need to take low lvl pvp into account too. This doesn't affect endgame in any way, so you may even be able to convince them.

That would improve the bracket. Ofc they may still choose to do completely the opposite, out of spite...
Everyone who can post on official forums, create feedback about abilites rearrangement in WoD. Pretend you're speaking on behalf of lvl 19 twinks and the intent is to keep that bracket healthy and active. Engineer an in-depth discussion and keep bumping it for a few days. When the thread starts looking like valuable feedback, point it out to the devs on Twitter too.

The goal is to tell Blizzard that in order for low lvl pvp to remain interesting, classes must retain their core pvp abilities and that it includes mobility and cc. For example, if the rogue changes from MoP (gouge and sprint learned at higher levels) were reverted, and the priest changes planned for WoD (cc moved to fourth row of talents) abandoned, then these classes would allow players to utilize their skill in a much richer way.

Basically, remind Blizzard that while reshuffling abilities, they need to take low lvl pvp into account too. This doesn't affect endgame in any way, so you may even be able to convince them.

That would improve the bracket. Ofc they may still choose to do completely the opposite, out of spite...

been happening since around 2011.
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I think well get more out of this thread if we hold off on suggestions that only Blizzard can make happen. This shouldnt be a F2P wishlist. This should be about the changes individuals can make right now to improve the community and state of the bracket. If the OP intended differently than by all means keep dreaming about glyphs and gold and CR, those things would be nice sure, but they can only be something we are pleasantly surprised by in the future, and nothing we have control over. Its easy to criticize the bracket and its easy to ask for things we dont have. Its harder to troubleshoot and be creative using whats available, turn something into something more. Thats ultimately what twinking is all about, so I encourage you to do just that.
Low levels are unacceptable - Blizzards commitments - Forums - World of Warcraft
Extensive low level pvp feedback - Forums - World of Warcraft
on low levels. - Forums - World of Warcraft

We actually have been doing this for longer then 2011 but we always had the anti twink trolls ruin it and not enough support from our community untill we united on TI and agreed on massive suporting these topics made by Kore.

I Remember. I said 2011 'cause that's when cata came out, and IMO when low level pvp was in the shitter.
More WPvPs :) ! More PremadeVpremade , like a 5men Wsg Versus a 5men WSG , HvH AvH AvA! More Arenas, Maybe a 5men F2P Versus 5men P2P just to test skills against them. Its cool to do that. If you are able to defeat them you are good and get some more skill on your actions.A 24 can be deadly and it puts you in a difficult position , that puts you ito pressure. You need to think EVEN IF YOU ARE PRESSURED , that might improve players alot i think.
And obvmore guides on different specializations , more macros , more strategys etc :) !
I am a firm believer that the best games i have come across in my f2p battleground experience have been 5v5 (realmvrealm etc) fight each other along side the pugs they are given in a normal warsong. I encourage group queuing with 3-5 people whenever possible, as it promotes teamwork, makes the games more enjoyable, and last but not least Encourages other groups of 3-5 twinks to queue up and catch another another squad! Unfortunately 10v10 wargames do not currently work in the f2p bracket due to the xp issue, I would LOVE to do 10v10 premade warsongs, but even if that day never comes, there are always steps we can take within blizzards boundaries to promote healthy, active competition! - HB

Edit: Someone previously mentioned all moving to one server, although it is a grand idea for organizing arenas/duels/groups queues etc, the missing ingredient for me personally to reroll a f2p toon would be the ability to queue 10v10 wargames. If this error has been fixed (not sure as of 5.4) I would gladly roll a toon on a new server, but for most people it would be an inordinate amount of work to re roll toons just to have an arena hub.
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I think well get more out of this thread if we hold off on suggestions that only Blizzard can make happen. This shouldnt be a F2P wishlist. This should be about the changes individuals can make right now to improve the community and state of the bracket. If the OP intended differently than by all means keep dreaming about glyphs and gold and CR, those things would be nice sure, but they can only be something we are pleasantly surprised by in the future, and nothing we have control over. Its easy to criticize the bracket and its easy to ask for things we dont have. Its harder to troubleshoot and be creative using whats available, turn something into something more. Thats ultimately what twinking is all about, so I encourage you to do just that.
Exactly, the question is: What can we do with what we already have?
Removing Adal from the website will tremendously improve the bracket. :)

nooo. I love Adal. he and srsbsns are my favorite trolls. just imagine Stephen Colbert narrating everything he says and you guys will understand him

I am a firm believer that the best games i have come across in my f2p battleground experience have been 5v5 (realmvrealm etc) fight each other along side the pugs they are given in a normal warsong. I encourage group queuing with 3-5 people whenever possible, as it promotes teamwork, makes the games more enjoyable, and last but not least Encourages other groups of 3-5 twinks to queue up and catch another another squad!

yess please. people just have such different schedules that it's pretty difficult to get in against other teams by just random queueing. you know I tried that pugmade tournament thing. but I think it sounded like too much effort to people to try and simul q against other teams. takes an extra few minutes to time queues and such but.. there are quality games to be had if we can find a way
I am a firm believer that the best games i have come across in my f2p battleground experience have been 5v5 (realmvrealm etc) fight each other along side the pugs they are given in a normal warsong. I encourage group queuing with 3-5 people whenever possible, as it promotes teamwork, makes the games more enjoyable, and last but not least Encourages other groups of 3-5 twinks to queue up and catch another another squad! Unfortunately 10v10 wargames do not currently work in the f2p bracket due to the xp issue, I would LOVE to do 10v10 premade warsongs, but even if that day never comes, there are always steps we can take within blizzards boundaries to promote healthy, active competition! - HB

Edit: Someone previously mentioned all moving to one server, although it is a grand idea for organizing arenas/duels/groups queues etc, the missing ingredient for me personally to reroll a f2p toon would be the ability to queue 10v10 wargames. If this error has been fixed (not sure as of 5.4) I would gladly roll a toon on a new server, but for most people it would be an inordinate amount of work to re roll toons just to have an arena hub.

This exactly what I was going to post, agree 100%. Great post. :cool:
I am a firm believer that the best games i have come across in my f2p battleground experience have been 5v5 (realmvrealm etc) fight each other along side the pugs they are given in a normal warsong. I encourage group queuing with 3-5 people whenever possible, as it promotes teamwork, makes the games more enjoyable, and last but not least Encourages other groups of 3-5 twinks to queue up and catch another another squad! Unfortunately 10v10 wargames do not currently work in the f2p bracket due to the xp issue, I would LOVE to do 10v10 premade warsongs, but even if that day never comes, there are always steps we can take within blizzards boundaries to promote healthy, active competition! - HB

Edit: Someone previously mentioned all moving to one server, although it is a grand idea for organizing arenas/duels/groups queues etc, the missing ingredient for me personally to reroll a f2p toon would be the ability to queue 10v10 wargames. If this error has been fixed (not sure as of 5.4) I would gladly roll a toon on a new server, but for most people it would be an inordinate amount of work to re roll toons just to have an arena hub.

This exactly what I was going to post, agree 100%. Great post. :cool:

I've heard this tune before. Don't think it'll ever make it on a greatest hits album.
I do not think Blizzard should have added the scaling enchants. Low level PvP is already unbalanced enough as it is and people with 90's already with a huge advantage having all heirlooms available. Also, Blizzard stated that they wanted to put more emphasis on low level PvP balancing and then precede to do this, thus, making it even more difficult for them. I fail to see the point in scaling enchants.
nooo. I love Adal
What's wrong with you lol, all he ever does it ask stupid questions to get a discussion going on a topic he doesn't care about, or tell you how to or why you should or why it's good to cheat/hack.
Don't worry most enchants will be going the way of the dodo(raphus cucullatus) come World of Dreanor. Scaling is staying, ilvls are increasing when in combat, skirmishes will happen at low level and in cross realm/battlegroups, we will get strongboxes from PvP play. Good days are ahead.
The next time Chicken Little tells you " The sky is falling, the sky is falling!" Don't let her lead you to the fox's den. Or in this case, the troll's.

Sweetsidney ...

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