Kidneypopper former Cyclone/Veng 19 priest


Looking for a guild or group that does premades on ally side. I'm up to date on gear and have all the proper enchants

my armory is Tyroneniggie-crushridge US

kidneypopper#1850 add me if you need a filler or anything
Looking for a guild or group that does premades on ally side. I'm up to date on gear and have all the proper enchants

my armory is Tyroneniggie-crushridge US

kidneypopper#1850 add me if you need a filler or anything
Hi KP, welcome back.

Good luck finding a guild, there are a couple on alliance side. Also, check out the recruitment threads
Danny! drayner, twiggi cannibis nice to see you all around still! i should be more specific though i'm not gonna transfer my priest but if you add me and let me know a time i might be able to fill in
Danny! drayner, twiggi cannibis nice to see you all around still! i should be more specific though i'm not gonna transfer my priest but if you add me and let me know a time i might be able to fill in

Hey KP. I don't have any serviceable 19s anymore but I did resub JUST YESTERDAY. I know nothing about the bracket it it's current state but I did want to pop in and tell you hello! ;)

I still remember the time when me and Lucid were doing arenas and we played you a few times.... oh that and the Team Vengeance infiltration. :) Good Times.

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