Immortality/ways to cheat death

Druiddroid said:
in that case, i won't respect you because you have already wasted plenty of hours playing WoW that could've been spent constructively

religion/belief systems give humans a sense of purpose...i see it as an evolutionary sort of characteristic, like if people didn't believe in anything they would just go ahead and kill themselves because of their shitty lives...but instead they keep on fighting

also if anything is going to end the human race i think it's not very likely going to be religion.

I'm fine with not being respected because of playing WoW. WoW has taught me many things, I've met people that have helped me in life, but I've also wasted time in it, given that I played too much.

Like I stated above, we no longer need religion, we may have used to, but reason and logic is now superior, religion is defunct to moving forward. Concentrating on religion instead of logic is what keeps us from moving forward in technology and understand the world correctly, instead we think god has our answers and that we have no need to research ourselves.

While I may to some extent agree that it's not going to end the human race, shit like 9/11 has killed many people that were not threatening to our society.
iaccidentallytwink said:
It's not justice. I feel bad for christian children. Society is a heavy influence on kids.

Religion was established for people to begin to understand the earth. I must admit, when we were still cavemen, religion was a necessary "folk tale", but it's wore off, we're no longer in BC, we have technology and brains that can reason.

The people that have the brain to think and see that what they believe in is very far off, but deny every other theory just because of ignorance.

But yes, children dont know any better. I believe that they need to be given an unbias choice, where their personal beliefs arent influenced by their parents.
Like I stated above, we no longer need religion, we may have used to, but reason and logic is now superior, religion is defunct to moving forward. Concentrating on religion instead of logic is what keeps us from moving forward in technology and understand the world correctly, instead we think god has our answers and that we have no need to research ourselves.
we don't need WoW either

whatever makes you happy...

While I may to some extent agree that it's not going to end the human race, shit like 9/11 has killed many people that were not threatening to our society.

the vast majority of religious people are not violent, possibly since mainstream religions teach non-violence

i can't say wether religion helps or hurts society as a whole, but for religion to destroy the entire the human race is less believable than cars being God to me lol
So I may have exaggerated it's effect, but the possibility still stands.

But like I said, WoW isn't as threatening as religion. Plenty of people have died because of religion. While it's not a majority, far less people have died playing WoW or directly because of it then because of religion.

Someone in danger would rather waste their time praying to god than spend time trying to find out how to survive. If they have the ability to drag others with them, they are threatening our survival.
The possibility of creating a heaven like state ON earth isnt an option?

It might take thousands of years, but it could come to the conclution of creating a way to capture the human soul and virtually making you believe you can do anything you want.

It would be perfection of happiness, and it would be man made.
Druiddroid said:
the possibility of a human-based god still stands too :)

And there's an invisible tiger in my room.
iaccidentallytwink said:
And there's an invisible tiger in my room.

i know nothing about god, so how the fuck should i know if there's a human based god or not
Druiddroid said:
i know nothing about god, so how the fuck should i know if there's a human based god or not

I know nothing about the invisible tiger in my room, so how the fuck should I know if there's an invisible tiger in my room.

See how that works?

Logic is what tells you there is no human sentient being or entity creating/controlling is. Reasoning (something we are programmed genetically with) is what allows us to have logic. We use science to discern logic from fallacy, (science also driven by reasoning), therefore logic is reasonable and we should follow it above fantasy.
iaccidentallytwink said:
I know nothing about the invisible tiger in my room, so how the fuck should I know if there's an invisible tiger in my room.

See how that works?

Logic is what tells you there is no human sentient being or entity creating/controlling is.

Do you have tiger prints all over your room?

Do you have scratches all over the place?

People believe in got because of inference.
Twinkzruz said:
Do you have tiger prints all over your room?

Do you have scratches all over the place?

People believe in got because of inference.

I'm sure the bible proves a lot...

oh wait, we wrote it.

One sec, let me take a fork to my sofa, I'll come back, take pictures of it, and prove there's an invisible tiger in my room!
But also the fact that the chance of there being life on earth 1 in 600 billion.

A lot of people would like to thank god for that.
iaccidentallytwink said:
I know nothing about the invisible tiger in my room, so how the fuck should I know if there's an invisible tiger in my room.
i don't know, maybe there is one? how the fuck should you know?

"I know that I know nothing"



Logic is what tells you there is no human sentient being or entity creating/controlling is. Reasoning (something we are programmed genetically with) is what allows us to have logic. We use science to discern logic from fallacy, (science also driven by reasoning), therefore logic is reasonable and we should follow it above fantasy.

i reject your logic and substitute my own

no but rly, logic tells me i have a 0.000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000001% chance of being alive today

and that's enough for me to think, perhaps, in some way, there is a human based god. unlikely to think there actually is one? yes (for me). but, this information, to me, is enough to RESPECT those that firmly believe in a human based god.
Twinkzruz said:
But also the fact that the chance of there being life on earth 1 in 600 billion.

A lot of people would like to thank god for that.

Keyword here is chance.

Chance is defined as a probability of something happening.

It's happened, therefore it has happened by chance.

By chance, there are other forms of life, but it's also by chance that we cannot contact them, because we are, by chance, too far away.

Chance strengthens my argument, not weakens it.

Not to mention that a human based god is a logical contradiction in itself, if you wish to start involving logic into your fallacy filled religion arguments.
iaccidentallytwink said:
Keyword here is chance.

Chance is defined as a probability of something happening.

It's happened, therefore it has happened by chance.

By chance, there are other forms of life, but it's also by chance that we cannot contact them, because we are, by chance, too far away.

Chance strengthens my argument, not weakens it.

But what people believe is that chance is too rare to have ever happened, and if so, why would life have thrived so far. And why would someone come up with god, why would we make up something that wouldnt have given us hints.
Twinkzruz said:
But what people believe is that chance is too rare to have ever happened, and if so, why would life have thrived so far. And why would someone come up with god, why would we make up something that wouldnt have given us hints.

Too rare? You're saying that the universe, at it's current state, has less than 600 billion planetary bodies? With the size of the universe there's also "chance" that there are entities that are far more advanced than us.

And like I said earlier, we did not have such powerful logic when religion was invented, which is the main reason we no longer require religion.
We dont requier religion, but people are opening their eyes wider and theorycrafting with their new and improved minds. Which gives the reason for new religions. I dont believe that there will be no religion in the future.
We dont need a lot.

Its called vestigal.

Body hair, our second eyelid, tailbones, these are all vestigal parts of our body that prove no function anymore.

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