In the process building that Relic App, I came accross this info:
*This is a small piece of the item description returned from the itemAPI.
Note that the upgradable = true, and the availableContexts. The context is the mode in which the item was created (ie if you got it doing a normal dungeon, it would be "dungeon-normal". The available contexts are the ones in which the item could be created. I'd be really interested to see what the contexts are on the 810/101 versions.
"upgradable": true,
"heroicTooltip": false,
"context": "dungeon-level-up-1",
"bonusLists": [1795],
"availableContexts": ["dungeon-level-up-1", "dungeon-normal", "dungeon-heroic", "challenge-mode", "dungeon-mythic", "world-quest-1", "world-quest-2", "world-quest-3", "world-quest-4", "world-quest-5", "world-quest-6", "challenge-mode-2", "challenge-mode-3", "challenge-mode-jackpot", "world-quest-7", "world-quest-8", "world-quest-9", "world-quest-10"],
"bonusSummary": {
"defaultBonusLists": [1795],
"chanceBonusLists": [],
"bonusChances": []
"artifactId": 0
Just looked at
@Aelobin profile to pull the contexts from his relics. Seems one is context: 3 and the other is context: 9. Can't yet find how to translate that to something meaningful, but it might simply be zero-based on the available contexts (3 = challenge-mode, 9 = world-quest-5...) or 1 based (3 = dungeon-heroic, 9 = world-quest-4). The challenge mode one is interesting, because they are the only ones that return a different bonusList[].