ilvl 155 gear?

I think I figured it out .. I used three accounts:
1) Account on SL timeline
2) F2P account - regular timeline
3) Level 50+ Subbed account - regular timeline

First off form a group with all three accounts and have account #1 start party sync. Enter dungeon with accounts #2 and #3. When the boss is at low HP have account #1 leave party to end party sync. Finish off the boss with account #3. Next leave the party and quickly reform group (as to not get teleport timer). Now have account #1 activate party sync again. Run back and loot boss. Profit. $$$

View attachment 23360
EDIT: This could help even the score for F2Ps since we can get them too ;)
29's are kaput
let the f2p retaliation begin
I think I figured it out .. I used three accounts:
1) Account on SL timeline
2) F2P account - regular timeline
3) Level 50+ Subbed account - regular timeline

First off form a group with all three accounts and have account #1 start party sync. Enter dungeon with accounts #2 and #3. When the boss is at low HP have account #1 leave party to end party sync. Finish off the boss with account #3. Next leave the party and quickly reform group (as to not get teleport timer). Now have account #1 activate party sync again. Run back and loot boss. Profit. $$$

View attachment 23360
EDIT: This could help even the score for F2Ps since we can get them too ;)

Well done dude, wouldn't it be ironic if this actually helped level the playing field a bit in the 20's bracket.
doesnt seem to work. when acc 1 (in SL TW) leaves party. it doesnt end party sync. think more details would be helpful.
acc 1 stays out of the dungeon the entire time?
when boss is about to die, you end party sync, leave party on acc 1, then kill on acc 3 (lvl 50+)?
When i leave on acc one, nothing happens besides acc 1 leaving party. party sync doesnt end. other characters dont get kick out timer. what are you running back to the boss from?
So on account #1 I click leave party before the boss fight and which opens a prompt to "Leave party sync". I leave the prompt open and only click 'Leave' after getting the boss down to low HP using account #2 (my F2P twink). After account #1 leaves it ends SL timeline for account #2 and the boss is ?? lvl and one shots the F2P (don't release until boss is dead -- but this where is the running back comes from). I then use account #3 (the level 50+) to finish off the boss in regular timeline. Re-grouping with account #1 is needed to re-activate party sync on SL timeline -- which can be done by having account #3 reinvite #1 and then promote #1 back to lead to enable party sync (or disbanding and reforming the group like I mentioned originally).

Here's another confirmation it's working ;)

Screenshot 2023-08-15 152942.png
Like I suspected, it had to do with party sync shenanigans in the non CT version of the SL dungeon.

I have gotten it to work without the leaving party stuff, I just turn off/on party sync on the third character but dont need to leave party.

The timing is tricky though, I cant tell if I am doing it wrong when I get no loot option, or if the boss just isn't dropping anything for me. Normally even if gear does not drop, I still get loot option so I suspect those times I just got the timing wrong or something else I am not aware of.

I have tried leaving a bleed or dot on the boss before I stop party sync, in case it resets the tag, but its not consistent.
hold up, so... this would put 20s and 29s at the same ilvl essentially right? because 29s can't get any higher than 155?

edit: minus the additional talents and abilities that 29s would get.
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Is it supposed to have no loot drop? followed the method lofi described exactly but its difficult to know if i'm doing it right since no gold.
This won’t equalise the bracket. Throwing Nukes at each other won’t make it a fun game. It’ll be whoever gets the first attack off wins……..

Still, would be fun to have a 155 set for $hits and Giggles :KEKW:

Though technically I’m assuming it’s an exploit so may have the potential for banning?
back in my day, twinking was meant to be one and done.

now it's "regear every 6 months".

just play end game, yo.

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