PTR iLevel 100 gear from pre-patch even requires level 30


Bear in mind this might change, but that's normal nyolatha level gear... on a level 30

This might be the new twink tier.
So they applied a standard level requirement for the ilvl 100 items from the start of BFA? Cool, good.

I wouldn't think that this means 30 is going to be the new twink level though. They've been standardizing level requirements on dungeon drops from BFD and stuff, probably just the same thing.
No no no, the pre patch event has a bunch of the Naxx bosses from WotLK raiding capital cities and stuff. Those drop level 30 items with the same iLvl as Normal Nyalotha gear (about iLevel 100), which is super insane compared to other level 30 stuff.
No no no, the pre patch event has a bunch of the Naxx bosses from WotLK raiding capital cities and stuff. Those drop level 30 items with the same iLvl as Normal Nyalotha gear (about iLevel 100), which is super insane compared to other level 30 stuff.
Interesting, thought the event was just zombies. Curious to see if lower levels can take advantage of that stuff.

Moving to a more appropriate sub-forum for less confusion, our sub-forums atm aren't meant for SL brackets.
The only way I can see obtaining the gear is through the same exploit used to get warfront gear pre 120. haven't tried it yet though. if so it will of course be illegal to use in pvp and most likely pve as well. though I've talk to a gm about warfront gear in pve and he said he didn't care. might be personal preference but he said as long as i didn't pvp with them he didn't want to do anything about it. Knowing this community though I would assume 99% of you would pvp the moment you got a 30 in full 100ilvl gear. so I wont share the method. if you dont know it then im sorry but dont ask me.
[doublepost=1597352276,1597350184][/doublepost]Unlocking daily quests does no unlock them on a lower level toon. the event is just for level 50s! so only through an exploit could you possibly get the gear.
yes the items in game require 30 to wear but only a 50 can see the mobs that drop the items. so only 50s can use the items. unless obtained outside of normal means a 30 will not be able to obtain the items. even if they did they would be breaking tos by obtaining and using said items. if it is intended we will hear more about it as the weeks go on.
yes the items in game require 30 to wear but only a 50 can see the mobs that drop the items. so only 50s can use the items. unless obtained outside of normal means a 30 will not be able to obtain the items. even if they did they would be breaking tos by obtaining and using said items. if it is intended we will hear more about it as the weeks go on.

I don't see why you're so anal about this like some Blizzard activist or something. You're on a website that encourages going against Blizzard. People have been cheating enchants for years. People have been cheating to get XPoff characters into XPon bgs. People have been buying gold from gold sellers that sell for less than WoW tokens and people in the Classic forums even tell you to just buy gold. People have advertised and talked about playing on private servers.

I don't care if you tell people or not, but stop acting like a smug "holier than thou" judgment figure and get off your high horse. People that know the exploit will leak it with or without your say anyways.
The only way I can see obtaining the gear is through the same exploit used to get warfront gear pre 120. haven't tried it yet though. if so it will of course be illegal to use in pvp and most likely pve as well. though I've talk to a gm about warfront gear in pve and he said he didn't care. might be personal preference but he said as long as i didn't pvp with them he didn't want to do anything about it. Knowing this community though I would assume 99% of you would pvp the moment you got a 30 in full 100ilvl gear. so I wont share the method. if you dont know it then im sorry but dont ask me.
[doublepost=1597352276,1597350184][/doublepost]Unlocking daily quests does no unlock them on a lower level toon. the event is just for level 50s! so only through an exploit could you possibly get the gear.
Not really keeping up on the exploits, and I dont need to know it, but is this the Arathi method or something different?
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the EPL WQ is not a phased event, ive taken a lvl 5 and 10 there now,
u get credit for kill but no loot. Im thinkin it works like death metal knight.
I cant be stuffed testing but sum1 should take a lvl 30 there to see if gear starts droppin,
I know wowhead head says lvl50 event but my theory is gear starts droppin at 30+
[doublepost=1597398575,1597397101][/doublepost]when I killed him on lvl 5 and my lvl 10 I got kill credit but that was it,
I just realised a had a lvl 40 sittin there so I took him to WQ, couldn't see WQ but could kill boss, got credit and seen the cut seen too this time (sumthing that didn't happen on the lvl5 and lvl10) still didn't get any loot as dragon was gold.
[doublepost=1597400485][/doublepost]just took another 50 there was a gold dragon but loot droped, I thought my first 50 I took there saw a silver dragon.
[doublepost=1597401510][/doublepost]if any1 wants to test northrend stuff with me let us know, Im not DC'n or getting world server down so ill try to finish quests to get to phased area.
[doublepost=1597405742][/doublepost]got a 50 with rares unnlocked
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plus I got a 32 sittin there ready to test. rares pop up every 20 mins or so, but there all over place and people zerg em down fast.
I know method if u need to know it, its super ezy to do.
Killed a rare on my 49 and got scourgestones, but that's it. At least some loot is dropping which is a good sign. No idea of that 100 loot scales down or not. Would be dumb if it didn't lol. But I still want it to be relatively strong.

I also killed the world boss Nathanos Blightcaller. It dropped a lvl 50 req ilvl 72 azerite chestpiece, which is weird. And the container it's from says it's from BFA on wowhead. So I guess it's a placebo?

Confirmed drops for level 49. Was able to do the entire pre-patch questline (so far) on a 49.

Edit: Also, azerite powers still work and when crushing assault procs, slam does hilarious damage.


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Interesting, now I wonder if a level 30 could get drops from it, could see how low you can go.
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Interesting, now I wonder if a level 30 could get drops from it, could see how low you can go.
I've seen 48s get loot, but I think that's as low as you can go. It seems like you need to be able to get the quest to get into the phased version of Icecrown. Maybe some sort of summon or party sync shenanigans that would certainly be considered an exploit that needs to be found on the PTR before it is allowed to go live...

Edit: Has anyone been able to test what is the lowest level we can get the Heart of Azeroth? And is it possible to get Essences on something lower than 50?

More interesting findings:
The base Warlords weapon only requires level 35, and the upgraded essences can be used by a level 10. Might be interesting for anyone doing different brackets. If anyone has a tankard sitting in your bank, it's probably worth several bajillion gold if it stays that high item level.


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It seems you are correct, however two items appear to not have a level requirement based on wowhead, and the other items appear to have a level 25-40 requirement range(when someone linked one in the chat it said require 30). if you could get into the phase, and if it drops loot, then its plausible you could use it.

I do wonder if the Heart will be available, wowhead says it requires level 50, and when I tried it on my level 10 I think it said you need a higher level for it. It will be interesting if they change it. Yeah at level 49 Magni has a greyed out quest and I cannot go into the heart chamber anymore. Seems like its only allowed at 50 but I would have to take other characters that didn't get the Heart originally to confirm.
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Yeah at level 49 Magni has a greyed out quest and I cannot go into the heart chamber anymore. Seems like its only allowed at 50 but I would have to take other characters that didn't get the Heart originally to confirm.

Wait so heart is GFd for anyone below 50?
Wait so heart is GFd for anyone below 50?
I already had the Heart with the character I checked on, I would have to check on a character that doesn't have the heart, like my lvl 45(110). Based on wowhead's quest requirement, and not having access to the Heart chamber I am gonna assume so for now.

Edit: I did not auto accept(or obtain the quest at all) like usual on my 45, and when i went to silithus I couldn't access the Heart chamber or obtain the quest from him. At least at 110/45, it appears to be grandfathered.
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Edit: I did not auto accept(or obtain the quest at all) like usual on my 45, and when i went to silithus I couldn't access the Heart chamber or obtain the quest from him. At least at 110/45, it appears to be grandfathered.

Just leveled up on the ptr from 45-49, no Heart. I will check again when they update the ptr again, but it looks like if you want to make a 49 twink, you better get the neck now.
Also, it looks like azerite gear from questing is grandfathered also. My copied twinks have azerite abilities that work, the character I leveled only had generic gear as quest rewards, even from the "guaranteed" azerite armor sources.

Interesting sidenote: Untamed Blade procs 100 strength fairly often, even at level 49. Doesn't seem to be scaled. Would be ludicrous at level 25.

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