US I will put in $500 if...

Hey guys i will put in $500 to twink cup.

2 Things i need to do this.

Arena rules made to mirror priest/mage/rogue for 3's tourney. Haven't decided on weapon enchants or not.

30 likes supporting the funding and the rules.

If i get 30 likes i will go to the committee and try to discuss a solution. If successful, i will fund $500 to the cup.

That is all. Cheers cunts!

excuse me sir but does the 'likes' of the common folk count too?
excuse me sir but does the 'likes' of the common folk count too?
Its a community thing, any likes count. Not bothering to try to get this changed without 30 likes. I want the community to be behind this before i act.

And for those who think i'm doing this for my benefit well in a way i am. Who wants to watch dampening fights??? Who would rather watch smart cc and positioning to outplay the other team? It's way more skill based then under powered 3's imo but hey i know everyone doesn't agree hence the 30 likes....

P.S: Those who think i'm manipulating all this, for starters i had the power to make up the rules how ever i saw fit. I could of easily made the rules then, also if i wanted to change this i could of done it in the shadows but yet i asked you guys to see what you think?

Make up what ever assumptions of "ohhh living is a selfish guy blah blah". But who donated the 2 largest amounts last 2 cups!?

Thats enough justifying my actions but as i said guys, if you want this then click the like.

As what Ally says but with a aussie twist...

/cheers cunts! :)
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The "bribe" shit needs to stop lol, it's clearly a conditional donation based on community interest. If he wants it a certain way and wants to see if others like the idea, he's free to ask.

Just like people are free to disagree that it would be more interesting.

It's not a bribe though lmao, he didn't pm conq etc with his conditions to change the rules.

I know an extra 500 bucks for some of you 20 year old basement dwellers is nothing to sneeze at -- think of all the mtn dew Doritos and hot pockets you could buy if your team wins the TC.

At the same time 19 rmp mirrors don't sound fun, so good luck with your idea. If it doesn't work out you can always just found/fund your own 3s mirror games with that prize pool attached instead of tying it to the TC.
Arenas suck to watch anyway. Doesn't matter if you are watching mirrors or not, they suck suck suck... /snoor...

You got my like though Living.
The "bribe" shit needs to stop lol, it's clearly a conditional donation based on community interest. If he wants it a certain way and wants to see if others like the idea, he's free to ask.

Just like people are free to disagree that it would be more interesting.

It's not a bribe though lmao, he didn't pm conq etc with his conditions to change the rules.

I know an extra 500 bucks for some of you 20 year old basement dwellers is nothing to sneeze at -- think of all the mtn dew Doritos and hot pockets you could buy if your team wins the TC.

At the same time 19 rmp mirrors don't sound fun, so good luck with your idea. If it doesn't work out you can always just found/fund your own 3s mirror games with that prize pool attached instead of tying it to the TC.

You are an immature child.

Grow up before you interact with others online.
Underpowered 3s are super fun for the people playing it, maybe not as fun for people to watch, rmp at 19 unless there are rules in place you can just get win in a kick.
Yeah, I wouldn't characterize this as a bribe. Just a donation with strings attached.
Livin stop bullshitting. You're buying votes, that's all it is. Some people who are gonna "be behind you before you act" are just there to get their fingers on a bigger prizepool. Not because they care about your idea.

It's pretty much the equalivant of paying people to sign your petition. The people signing the petition are likely to not care about what you're representing, yet they sign it because they want you to donate to, for example, Charity.

If you truely wanted the community behind your idea then you'd have made a thread suggesting the RMP mirror stuff. And since you didn't do that, it's obvious that you're trying to enforce changes with money, whether the community likes it or not.
And what's wrong with wanting a bigger prize pool? Lmfao man.

He wants X to happen, so much that he's offering real money(and a marginally substantial amount) to make it happen. And even then his approach is to ASK if people are interested, and THEN, to SUGGEST X change to the deciding powers.

It's called sweetening the pot, and there's literally nothing wrong with it.

What you have to offer in return is pointless bitching.

If "the community" majority(30 votes for this site is a shitton based on forum activity) likes the idea of 500 more bucks in the pot more than they dislike the idea of boring rmp mirrors, then that's that.

I won't vote for it. Won't try to stop anyone else from voting for it. Voting for it isn't going to magically make it happen anyway, it'll just give him grounds to follow through and make his suggestion(with strings attached)
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And what's wrong with wanting a bigger prize pool? Lmfao man.

He wants X to happen, so much that he's offering real money(and a marginally substantial amount) to make it happen. And even then his approach is to ASK if people are interested, and THEN, to SUGGEST X change to the deciding powers.

It's called sweetening the pot, and there's literally nothing wrong with it.

What you have to offer in return is pointless bitching.

Telling someone that you'll donate to charity IF they sign your petition, are you gonna tell me that people will not sign the petition just for the sole reason that you're donating to charity?
He's not donating to charity. The twink cup isn't a charity.

You're required to win in order to get anything. He's offering to donate to the prize pool.

Are you saying all these people won't be understanding exactly what they're "signing?"

He's being absolutely clear, and nobody is being forced to "sign."

Yes, he has a goal in mind. He's offering to pay to achieve that. Just weigh X against Y, and choose the option you prefer.

You're acting like by offering money to get his way he's scum and literally twisting people's arms to force likes for his proposal.

Nobody's going in blind man.
Livin stop bullshitting. You're buying votes, that's all it is. Some people who are gonna "be behind you before you act" are just there to get their fingers on a bigger prizepool. Not because they care about your idea.

It's pretty much the equalivant of paying people to sign your petition. The people signing the petition are likely to not care about what you're representing, yet they sign it because they want you to donate to, for example, Charity.

If you truely wanted the community behind your idea then you'd have made a thread suggesting the RMP mirror stuff. And since you didn't do that, it's obvious that you're trying to enforce changes with money, whether the community likes it or not.
I'm not even going to bother discussing this matter with you. All I'm going to say is your a ducking idiot and I have lost respect for you.

People that really know me know what I'm like and know what my intentions are. I'm doing this for the spirit of competition. Your just deluded in this whole thing mate.
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Why not change this into a poll and have the community vote, if there are 300 19s using xpoff weekly (just a made up number) 30 votes doesn't matter. I suggest instead making a poll to show the yes' vs the nos.
He's not donating to charity. The twink cup isn't a charity.

You're required to win in order to get anything. He's offering to donate to the prize pool.

Are you saying all these people won't be understanding exactly what they're "signing?"

He's being absolutely clear, and nobody is being forced to "sign."

Yes, he has a goal in mind. He's offering to pay to achieve that. Just weigh X against Y, and choose the option you prefer.

You're acting like by offering money to get his way he's scum and literally twisting people's arms to force likes for his proposal.

Nobody's going in blind man.

All you got from my reply was that the TC isn't a charity? Are you kidding me? I'm not gonna argue this, rofl. Let's agree to disagree.
Fairly certain you quoted the wrong person there @Livingforce , but if you didn't then I'm going to literally laugh until my ass falls off. Literally. I will need ass-reattachment surgery after this laughing fit.

I explained in simple terms what you're actually trying to do, defended against the idea that you're trying to "bribe" your way through, and defended that what you're trying to do isn't in any way deceitful or wrong. I just said that I personally wasn't interested in it, and wouldn't like to see RMP mirrors for twink cup because the comp is fundamentally boring at 19 for a lot of people to watch.

I did like replacing disc with Rsham(but since you play disc then ehh...)
Rsham ret hunter/fmage mirror sounds like a fun to watch comp imo.

@Mvq Naw I got the idiocy from your post fully intact, I just chose to pick my battle since you clearly don't understand much past keeping things elementary-school level simple.

Anyways pce this has been a wholly entertaining evening for me, time to watch some twitch lol

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