I make awesome signatures for nice people.

Wow, those are amazing! I wish I had Photoshop skillz.. How long does it generally take you to create one?
Hi Sam, I love how much time and effort you put into these, i love yours especialy, maybe in your spare time (if you have any) you could throw me one together?


I wouldnt mind one looking abit like yours possibly

Thanks, Ben.
It's done mate, you wanted one that kinda looks like the one im using.

But in my opinion yours came out way nicer.

I hope you like it.

Hey sam!

If you got time, would you like to make me a goodie sig?

I'll give you free hands on it, cuz I know ur good at it

Only thing i request is my name whit the same letter layout as Razzerz!

Chars i want in the sig is :


and if you think you can mix something good together with 2 chars i would like my 70 too


But i only want the name of my 19
i want to announce that i got some requests running atm,

i will do all of yours, it is gonna take some days (some irl issues).

peace (L)

edit: so if i'm right bulzing, you want a fire theme also or just the font that way =)?

edit2: me so dumb, u want me to do you're normal gear or the gear ur boas are transmogged to?
Hey Mate, tried one out of my own frist time couldnt quite figure out how to get her coming out of the screen with the daggers like you did in mine.

Tell me what you think guys <3 Razz

way way way better then my first one, keep practising and you'll get better!

As for the requests i've been getting, they are alot and i will try to do all of them

and as stated before it will take a while since my lack of free time, be patient please

cheers x
How do I get the 3D effect of the weapons coming out of the screen with the character in the background?

u can rotate your character in WMV, i made it look like 3D but i just chosed the right position ^^

after that i just let the daggers/hands go out of the border, its all done in Photoshop.

oh and i did Xavizi's sig:


dont really know when the next one will be ready.

Cheers x
I'm honestly amazed by these sigs... You have talent bro! Do you just do these for free for strangers? Thats hella nice if so and if so would you be willing to do one more /wink ! PM if your willing to <3
Thanks mate, yep i do them for free =)

i have some reqeusts running atm, but send me a PM and i hope i can fit you in very soon.
I'm abit useless when it comes to photoshop do you think you could explain to me in a bit more detail?

-Razz <3
i think it is the best to get used to the basics first instead of learning some difficult things.

I suggest you look on youtube some signature tutorials if you have any specific questions i might be able to answer them

but i cant explain photoshop in detail to you (also because i suck in explaining in other languages) ^^

oh and i made bullzinglol's sig, sorry to let you wait mate.


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