I make awesome signatures for nice people.

Hi Samsom.

Nice looking sigs! I am gonna try my luck with requesting a sig from you if you wouldn't mind? I have requested numerous times in other threads but never had any luck. Just maybe I'll get lucky this time!

Char Armory Link: Mymainfailed - Arathor EU

I love the armory pose and would like to keep that or similar if possible. For background I would like to keep it Kezan-style, similar to armory background or fairly "Jungle".

Text wise just name, level, class and server and the wording if it is possible to add "Achievement Whoring Since `08". If you can`t then no real prob just name, server, level and class.

I`ll leave you to add your own obvious flair to it. Thanks in advance.

Awesome said:
Hey Sam, could you do me a sig? I love your style, and I can't seem to replicate it no matter how hard I try >.<

I'd love one with Rockinbonez@Perenolde | 85 Frost DK

I want the background to have a sort of bluish tint with lots of black / light, frosty blue. Also, if you could, could you keep the length of the sig a bit more than the height? I prefer the slimmer, sleeker modern-ish signatures that aren't too fancy, but are still damned good.

Thanks in advance, and I understand if the request is too much for you :p

I'll get on it tomorrow if you don't mind;

i hope i get it the way you want it, ill do my best!

If i understand right, u want a clean looking sig without too much shizzle?

mrdoobry said:
Hi Samsom.

Nice looking sigs! I am gonna try my luck with requesting a sig from you if you wouldn't mind? I have requested numerous times in other threads but never had any luck. Just maybe I'll get lucky this time!

Char Armory Link: Mymainfailed - Arathor EU

I love the armory pose and would like to keep that or similar if possible. For background I would like to keep it Kezan-style, similar to armory background or fairly "Jungle".

Text wise just name, level, class and server and the wording if it is possible to add "Achievement Whoring Since `08". If you can`t then no real prob just name, server, level and class.

I`ll leave you to add your own obvious flair to it. Thanks in advance.


I'll get on it tomorrow also!

Kind of busy today, ill fix both your requests tomorrow. there is a small chance that ima do 1 tonight tough
Hello kind sir I was wondering if you could make a sig of whatever. I mean you could pick whatever the **** you want to base it off of. A collage with some animation is what I'm looking for. It would be neat if you pick whatever comes to kind for each. Leyte of the alphabet. Some cool exotic textures would be cool mixed with some cartoonish pics. So to sum it up you can make a collage of anything that comes to your mind. Logos cartoons pics cool ass abstract art or even funny vies. If all of this could be wrapped up in a clean rectangle with clean borders it would be great. My only request is to have in letters, WTF just happened? Ty sir and have fun with this sig!
threesets said:
Hello kind sir I was wondering if you could make a sig of whatever. I mean you could pick whatever the **** you want to base it off of. A collage with some animation is what I'm looking for. It would be neat if you pick whatever comes to kind for each. Leyte of the alphabet. Some cool exotic textures would be cool mixed with some cartoonish pics. So to sum it up you can make a collage of anything that comes to your mind. Logos cartoons pics cool ass abstract art or even funny vies. If all of this could be wrapped up in a clean rectangle with clean borders it would be great. My only request is to have in letters, WTF just happened? Ty sir and have fun with this sig!

I dont mind making a signature/collage for you, but i want to do wow related only ;>

so if you want i can make one of some of your chars.

Also since im doing a sig for awesome and mrdoobry i cant make it tomorrow.
Samsom said:
If i understand right, u want a clean looking sig without too much shizzle?

Well, kind of like the sig you are using only not in GiF format ... I just love the color combination blue / black and my character is bad-ass looking :p
Awesome, i finished your sig.

I hope you liked it, i tried to use a blushed/clean style.

if you no likey likey, ill make a new one ;>

first i tried to make something like my gif atm.

but it looked kind of ugly with that head, undead race and the strange blue color (blue mixed with some purple/green :O idk?)

So i started to work on a new one, the reason i am a little bit late;

keeped this one rather simple i tought u wanted something like that, wasn't satisfied tough.


[ IMG ] http ://img17.imageshack.us/img17/1475/rockinbonezzzz.jpg [ /IMG ]

So i made this one, char pops out way more and color's are sexier ;


[ IMG ] http://img217.imageshack.us/img217/2613/rockinbonezzzzpopout.jpg [ /IMG ]

I hope you like it, tell me if there is something wrong with the links. i had problems also!

If there is anything wrong with the sig, ill make a new one. I dont have much time on my hands anymore

so tbh it could have been nicer (skipped some details), sorry for that. im always up for a new one, need some time then tough.
im glad you like it <3

oh and sorry mrdoobry. couldnt make it today, i hope i can fix it for you tomorrow ;D
only time knows mate, ill do it asap but there are many irl things that have priorities over this.

sorry to keep you guys waiting.
I finished your sig mister!


[ IMG ]http://img59.imageshack.us/img59/2525/mainfailed.jpg[ /IMG ]

I know you wanted you're 'gun pose'

but couldn't find a fitting one since the gun was buggy

i hope you like it, its one of my personal favs
Samsom... I got a new project for you if you want it.

It's for a guild recruit post. Might be a little tough for ya XD
Always up for a try mate, tough as stated above > kind of busy atm.

So i might skip it or it might take some days.
hey mate , i really like your work and would be awesome if you could make a sig for my dk , With text "Come At Me Bro" do it whenever you want i'd apreciate it .
Alright Samsom... going to give it to you now.

Chars I want in it....

Bowjobz @ Moon Guard - Game - World of Warcraft

Emerel @ Moon Guard - Game - World of Warcraft

Saltine @ Moon Guard - Game - World of Warcraft

Ok so now.

Backround - Alliance flag room. Whatever part of it would be best for the sig. Doesn't matter.

I want Bowjobz in the front. In his shooting position. Like he's shooting at the screen

Emerel on right... in casting position same as Bowjobz casting at the screen.

Saltine on left in attack position. again at the screen.

I would like the guild tabard in the middle or top. Roster - Game - World of Warcraft

That's about it... please do the best you can with it. If I wasn't clear enough do what you think would be best for a guild recruit post. Thanks

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