I make awesome signatures for nice people.

So, I had a go at some of my own signatures of my own characters and i thought to myself whats the fun of doing my own characters so i looked at some of your requests Samson and thought id try out other peoples, Im not trying to take credit from you or trying to help you out making anyones and im not saying they should use mine, I just wanted to know what people think of this, what you see here is bullingzlóls request to samsom tell me what you think, this is something i put together in around 1 hour 30 mins.


Sorry about taking over your thread Samson, I might make my own.

This is my 3rd one, i made it for a friend hes using it as a wallpaper.
Ok so this will be my fourth one, I made it of all four of my twinks, I've not put my 19 rogue in there because i don't play it anymore, tell me what you think.

Thanks! Pm me your armory link/links and tell me what you would like in it and ill see what i can do for you.

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