I don't get it. Why zerg the mage? (Or any other clothe class that doesn't heal)


Why zerg the mage? In almost every BG hunters, pallys and especially any 24 will lock on to me, despite having two or more healers on my side that they should be focusing on. In honesty it is a little frustrating to be spiked repetitively, but I don't understand. The whole explanation is "kill-whoring" , where instead of playing the objective scrubs just want kills, and I'm on their diet sheet.
Bit of a QQ , my first post...
Maybe I'll spark debate maybe I'll get locked...
Thanks for reading!
They Zerg us Mage's cause we got the Beef son.

They get jelly when they chase after us and find that they are Sheep's in a Frost Nova

We got da beef.
Its a solid tactic. Unload on the Healer, get outhealed and not be able to down him, hardswap to an easy to kill target such as a Mage, Warlock, Rogue, ... Healer is now left solo without any worthy DPS around him.
I understand that, but scrubs that peel of your FC to follow me around and derp on me is just irritating :(
For God's sake, don't make this about warriors. Too many people have been rolling new TI accounts just to troll; you don't want to be mistaken for one of them.

There is a serious perception issue when it comes to warriors, and I partially blame the druids and pallys who prattered on about it here on TI to deflect attention from their own completely broken selves. And therein lies the answer to your original question as well: some classes right now (and for a while) are just frankly unkillable by any other class, and sometimes people get tunnel vision and decide to go after something they can kill, such as you. How many hit points do you have?

If you want to solve the problem of being targeted, don't make the rookie move of jumping on the bandwagon against warriors which are hardly the biggest threat, especially to you as a mage who should be able to easily keep them at bay. Instead realize the problem is unkillable FCs whose classes are so broken that people don't even try to kill them as they cross mid, and wait until a full hunting party is assembled and undertake these 5-minute-long assault parties in the EFR.

tl;dr: If you think warriors are the problem, you looking at this with too narrow a view.
I purposely didn't mention warriors in the OP, my "main" is a warrior, I just don't play it often in this patch for obvious reasons.
I think druids and paladins are far more over powered, with druids in particular being ridiculous right now.
I have 1.5k in BG's, and I play arcane not frost, coupled with the hit chance bug right now if my FFR or Nova misses then no I can't really keep them at bay
Well you removed your post trash-talking warriors, I suppose I should be thankful for that although it does make my post look out-of-place

I guess the simple answer to your question is that people target you because you're an easier target. There are some things you might be able to do to change that, and a lot of things that you can't really do anything about because the game is forever going to be broken to some degree, it's just a question of how much and in what direction.

Edit: And then see, some other dummy and/or troll comes right along and makes it about warriors again.
For you OP...rerooooooooooooollll!:

I do enjoy playing mage when I'm not getting stomped on... Wasn't really much point in this thread lest to Q.Q about it, I know there's not a lot I can do hence venting my frustration. And warriors don't really bother me much yet unless they charge in two's so I can't really complain.
Hunter's are my nemesis.
Well you removed your post trash-talking warriors, I suppose I should be thankful for that although it does make my post look out-of-place

I guess the simple answer to your question is that people target you because you're an easier target. There are some things you might be able to do to change that, and a lot of things that you can't really do anything about because the game is forever going to be broken to some degree, it's just a question of how much and in what direction.

Edit: And then see, some other dummy and/or troll comes right along and makes it about warriors again.

I never trash talked warriors for the record, I derped with "are" and "aren't" , my bad on that front!
Edit: And then see, some other dummy and/or troll comes right along and makes it about warriors again.

I am both a dummy AND a troII Kincaide, White Knight of the f2p Bracket

my point was that these compIex thoughts about strategy aren't going on in peopIe's heads, they just want big crits on the cIass with the Ieast amount of armor

I shouId know, after aII, I AM a haIf-dummy
I zerg mages because if they're left to free cast they can really jack your team up, and all their CC.

You can usually 3-4 shot them and healers can't keep them up.
Because you are a free kill, without a healer.

Even with a healer man. They have absolutely no mitigation. I haven't seen a healer be able to keep a mage up lately. I kill them through heals.
I know how ya feel, its a tough life as a caster but rewarding in the end. I take getting focused as a compliment above anything, especially after you send them to the gy multple times and they get mad and try to hunt you down.

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