For God's sake, don't make this about warriors. Too many people have been rolling new TI accounts just to troll; you don't want to be mistaken for one of them.
There is a serious perception issue when it comes to warriors, and I partially blame the druids and pallys who prattered on about it here on TI to deflect attention from their own completely broken selves. And therein lies the answer to your original question as well: some classes right now (and for a while) are just frankly unkillable by any other class, and sometimes people get tunnel vision and decide to go after something they can kill, such as you. How many hit points do you have?
If you want to solve the problem of being targeted, don't make the rookie move of jumping on the bandwagon against warriors which are hardly the biggest threat, especially to you as a mage who should be able to easily keep them at bay. Instead realize the problem is unkillable FCs whose classes are so broken that people don't even try to kill them as they cross mid, and wait until a full hunting party is assembled and undertake these 5-minute-long assault parties in the EFR.
tl;dr: If you think warriors are the problem, you looking at this with too narrow a view.