I don't get it. Why zerg the mage? (Or any other clothe class that doesn't heal)

As a mage, it probably wouldn't be a bad idea to stack stam>int. High hp deters people looking for 1 shot kills to get a victory rush. I personally go after the biggest threat with the lowest hp, or target something that is already being targeted, thus causing a possible kill.

^This IMO.

Stack as much effective health as you can. Mage has naturally high burst, it won't take away from that, but will make you a more effective well rounded class in the gulch.
I won't deny it. At least I run the flag. I deserve more respect than a denounce spamming HPal

Paladins are the worst, I don't mind warriors so much, I mean you can admit most warriors have the IQ of a melon ( the re-rolls)
Paladins are the worst, I don't mind warriors so much, I mean you can admit most warriors have the IQ of a melon ( the re-rolls)

Any class with 3 abilities seems like they have the IQ of a melon. I've been playing Warriors in F2P since Cataclysm. Back then it was only me, [MENTION=14204]La'Haryl[/MENTION], [MENTION=5871]Mialo[/MENTION], Spewfeel, and like, 2-3 others come to mind but I can't remember their names.
I won't deny it. At least I run the flag. I deserve more respect than a denounce spamming HPal

If a 'denounce spamming' HPaly downs the non-healer efc so you can cap because the enemy team left their FC alone so they can hunt you with 9 people but your HPaly was simply faster, tell me again how he's useless...

Don't take it the wrong way, I'm not defending denounceadins that completely ignore their teammates' health bars just to do dps, but saying you DESERVE more respect than someone gets me a /facepalm - how was that saying? 'Respect isn't granted, it's earned'?

Edit: Not playing my mage atm, several reasons which can be obviously found by looking up the last 2 threads by Deadvulcano
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Any class with 3 abilities seems like they have the IQ of a melon. I've been playing Warriors in F2P since Cataclysm. Back then it was only me, [MENTION=14204]La'Haryl[/MENTION], [MENTION=5871]Mialo[/MENTION], Spewfeel, and like, 2-3 others come to mind but I can't remember their names.

I've played warrior since Cata too, I meant the re-rolls more specifically than anything else, warriors deserve a period of "working"
Of course,if you guys have played as warriors since cata you are automatically entitled to a condescending attitude and disparaging remarks towards all warriors created in mop.Because,you know,you are not "rerollers" and stuff.
For God's sake, don't make this about warriors. Too many people have been rolling new TI accounts just to troll; you don't want to be mistaken for one of them.

There is a serious perception issue when it comes to warriors, and I partially blame the druids and pallys who prattered on about it here on TI to deflect attention from their own completely broken selves. And therein lies the answer to your original question as well: some classes right now (and for a while) are just frankly unkillable by any other class, and sometimes people get tunnel vision and decide to go after something they can kill, such as you. How many hit points do you have?

If you want to solve the problem of being targeted, don't make the rookie move of jumping on the bandwagon against warriors which are hardly the biggest threat, especially to you as a mage who should be able to easily keep them at bay. Instead realize the problem is unkillable FCs whose classes are so broken that people don't even try to kill them as they cross mid, and wait until a full hunting party is assembled and undertake these 5-minute-long assault parties in the EFR.

tl;dr: If you think warriors are the problem, you looking at this with too narrow a view.
As a 24 Restoration Shaman, Protection Warriors do not bother me - unless they are 24 (Pummel) and know when I am fake casting or not. Holy Paladins on the other hand are just far too overpowered - would prefer to run into a group with 5 Protection Warriors than 5 Holy Paladins, maybe that is just me though.

On topic; you're squishy, they want to feel strong! Yes, it is all about the kills there.
Prot warriors are absolutely fine,but i grew to hate the sound of shield slam.It drives me nuts,maybe because prots spam it as soon as it is off cd.
Prot warriors are absolutely fine,but i grew to hate the sound of shield slam.It drives me nuts,maybe because prots spam it as soon as it is off cd.

Prot only has 3 moves, so of coarse they use it on CD.
Same why they got trained in arenas.. If you leave mage to free cast, specially in arenas, its lost game.. So easy thing to do is train mage, then you can't do dmg, you can't cc, and most of all, healer need to spam a lot of heals to keep you alive compered to, lets say, warriors..
i think the OP is asking more why people go AFTER mages/locks aggressively. not necessarily in a fight, but you know how it is- hunter sees mage riding by minding his own bizniss, hunter follows mage to the ends of the earth passing up objective play, hunter conc spams and kills mage. it feels like crap because you can hardly do anything about it (cept for lock in which case i turn around and turn them into ashes) i guess you would only understand if you've actually played a caster but w/e
Isn't the question answered within the title? Clothie that can't heal.
Isn't the question answered within the title? Clothie that can't heal.

It actually says "clothe class that doesn't heal", which includes shadow priests.
Left, right, front... and of course the S key. Thats 4 moves dude

Don't knock the S key on melee classes. Keeps those rogues off your back. At least it did when backstab was around in 19's. Simpler times.

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