Hunters lol

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Igotoparties said:
Honestly I dont understand why you guys even have this thread. All the people that currently have 29 hunters are people that think it's hilarious that you guys rage.

You are a nerd and sir, I go to parties.
if you say that you report people because of profanity, then don't do it yourself, lol

I don't report people because of profanity. I reported one person because they bypassed the profanity filter just to tell me to **** off on a website that doesn't want profanity to be displayed in case it might offend someone. This website seems different, in that I don't think they have an issue with people using profanity.

Edit: except for the F bomb, I guess.
Igotoparties said:
Honestly I dont understand why you guys even have this thread. All the people that currently have 29 hunters are people that think it's hilarious that you guys rage.

That is pathetic.
Oknobpolisher said:
How's your healing with 3 hunters shooting you? Just curious since it was stated that you could bypass this. <3

With the hunters currently queing? I dunno they don't generally all target the same person. If they did I'd hop agm and run like hell I guess lol? I think my only statement has been i can handle a 3 hunter game, not be the primary target of 3 hunts :p there would be a difference.
Daydra said:
With the hunters currently queing? I dunno they don't generally all target the same person. If they did I'd hop agm and run like hell I guess lol? I think my only statement has been i can handle a 3 hunter game, not be the primary target of 3 hunts :p there would be a difference.

That's what I thought. And yeah, same here. Healing goes pretty smoothly unless you're the sole target. :p
Oknobpolisher said:
That's what I thought. And yeah, same here. Healing goes pretty smoothly unless you're the sole target. :p

WTB stealth
Quickly horde, get on hunters to win! Games will be more fun!
Ohai said:
Quickly horde, get on hunters to win! Games will be more fun!

Done and done.
Daydra said:
Imagine them irl saying pew pew, pew pew.

Don't forget yelling "pwnnnn" (pronounced as spelled, too)!
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