Hunters lol

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well if you don't need BoAs rerolling to something else won't be too difficult for you?

it was a friend request and i waited like 10-15 minutes and finally accepted it before tabbing out to do other things. i come back to see some stupid status and then the person gone from my real id.

i know it's you guys because said person added me back later on in the day. it's someone in MB.

nothing i post is useless. i never said you needed BoAs to be competitive. I said quite the opposite. There are plenty of twinks that compete and succeed with no BoAs. Go ahead and play your hunter and make games unfun. I just won't queue anymore. I doubt I'll be the only one discouraged from queueing when the alliance has 2-3 hunters in every single game. i was being sarcastic about rolling something without BoAs comment but you seem to have taken it quite literally.

also keep insulting me over something like this. that's totally an acceptable response to when someone disagrees with you.
rubikz said:
most of my twinks do not use boas. as far as i know, i was the only active 39 rogue for about a year who didn't have boas. the hunter i rolled for 19s got all his boas from q'ing pug 19 WSG. initially, i wasn't going to level a toon for this bracket at all. since my entire guild decided to invest in 29s, i followed along and picked something that would be easy to level. the funny thing is that you think i need boas to be competitive, when i q'd one night with unfinished gear, no enchants, and no professions. it would be extremely generous to say that my gear/professions are competitive with that of a finished twink without boas.

Easy to level to 29- every class can do it in less than a day.

You had an unfinished twink and performed admirably. Do you still think Hunters are not OP?
Donteventrii said:
Megumi rerolled. You lose.

How does someone rolling another twink = I lose? I seem to recall one night last week where Megumii was on his/her hunter all night. Who's to say he/she won't decide to play their hunter again? I don't think discouraging hunters has the effect you think it has.

Average number of hunters horde side per game??? less than 1, hmm no no way is the folks discouraging them on horde having an affect on the population.

Keep your trolling on the wow forums willy we can respond here without eating your ban hammers.

After our talk the other night, you still think I am trolling? Also, there's rarely a game where horde has 'less than 1' hunter. Sure, you can claim that there's less than 1 'skilled' hunter, but that's just going into semantics.
Willyshatner said:
How does someone rolling another twink = I lose? I seem to recall one night last week where Megumii was on his/her hunter all night. Who's to say he/she won't decide to play their hunter again? I don't think discouraging hunters has the effect you think it has.

I can think of 4-5 people off the top of my head who have at least lessened the usage of their hunters, a couple more who have stopped playing their hunter entirely (myself included).

If I have 4 blue marbles and 9 red marbles in a bag, and picking (more than one) blue is an undesirable result, adding more blue marbles to the bag is something you want to try to avoid, lest you end up randomly choosing more of them. Because thats what Blizzard's queue system amounts to, marbles in a bag.

If we have 5 active hunters instead of 10, we are going to be far better off.

edit - Hell the EU thread says they ask people not to play hunters, this isn't like some unique thing.
"did i stumble my way into a 39s game? 3 hunters camping roof ramp with a warlock a healer and an fc in a 1-1 game with 15 minutes left"

Well, I wasn't sure.

edit - it was kind of like 300, where we were being funneled through the hot gates by the Spartans, but instead of Greeks, it was a bunch of faggot hunters
Honestly he rolled a hunter, leave him the **** alone. Stop being terrible crybabies. Get better at this game and overcome it. Banning AS is fine. Trying to discourage a whole class is not. Its dumbing things down.
i'll be on my best behavior as a good teammate and i'd expect the same from you and your guild.

Well, your /spit macro got a nice workout on MB tonight. Yeah, you sure are a class act and definitely not a hypocrite. A true moral paragon indeed.
HoolioGonzalez said:
Well, your /spit macro got a nice workout on MB tonight. Yeah, you sure are a class act and definitely not a hypocrite. A true moral paragon indeed.

i spit once and it was because of a hunter/holy pally playing flag room D while the rest of the team mid farmed 10 feet away. a macro implies more than once. it's ok though if you need to bend the truth to support your side of things.

edit: and it wasn't even on a macro. i did have to type it out. after i did i stood there and died to the obviously more skilled mid farming players.
allahkazam said:
i spit once and it was because of a hunter/holy pally playing flag room D while the rest of the team mid farmed 10 feet away. a macro implies more than once. it's ok though if you need to bend the truth to support your side of things.

edit: and it wasn't even on a macro. i did have to type it out. after i did i stood there and died to the obviously more skilled mid farming players.

whos your 29 bro? im just curious i see you post a lot and idk who you are in game
allahkazam said:
i spit once and it was because of a hunter/holy pally playing flag room D while the rest of the team mid farmed 10 feet away. a macro implies more than once. it's ok though if you need to bend the truth to support your side of things.

edit: and it wasn't even on a macro. i did have to type it out. after i did i stood there and died to the obviously more skilled mid farming players.


You /spit on more than one occasion, no ifs, ands, or buts about it. By your own admission, people only macro things they intend to use more than once. It should be quite obvious how I arrived at my conclusion. Now, whether you truly macro'd it or not isn't something that can be proved or disproved; I must take you at your word. Given your previous hypocritical comments however, I am reluctant to do so.

The only "bending" of the truth going on here is your meagre attempt to save face by denying actual events. Whether you macro'd it or not is irrelevant anyway lmao. A real class act indeed.

I hope you new folks to 29s don't judge our community based on Allakhazam. We generally are a respectable group of players.
From this:

i'll be on my best behavior as a good teammate and i'd expect the same from you and your guild.

To this:

allahkazam said:
lol who else did i spit on? I spit on either Rub or Toast in the flag room after fcftw died. and then at the end of one game i yelled M R M U.

oh oh rub was getting rocked by a hunter and paladin and i didn't come out of stealth on my druid to help. let's not forget that.

who is your 29 again?

You did not spit on other players, just the aforementioned players more than once. By the way, do you feel proud for remaining in stealth whilst your team mates could have used your assistance? "Wah wah, this new guild has a single hunter on their roster! I'm going to get them good by playing like trash and bringing down my team". Stop acting like a petulant child for Christ's sake. It doesn't bode well for the bracket when people see one of our vocal advocates behaving in the manner that you are.

And I am known as Hoolio, Hoolio Gonzalez.

I hope you new folks to 29s don't judge our community based on Allakhazam. We generally are a respectable group of players.
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