How's your luck today with Fishing Contest? (Just came here to boast)

I fished for 2 hours straight, got ganked 1000x by random lvl's 90's, even after the contest was over. No luck on Keefer ofcourse.
I got nothing. :)
And during the contest there were 4 players in whole STV, 3 f2ps and an ally 90
No ganks nor interrupts except mobs, and i got nothing :)

I've tried 7 times to win it (in cata and also MoP)

Gotten 3rd 3 times
Got rockfish twice
Got stupid fishing line fish 4 times
Got boot fish twice
Got LFH 5 times

Then this week after talking in trade for like a week to some of the known tourney fishers I convinced 5 of them to bow out to help me get DPR then I find out last night that I need to work now an hour before the tourney starts :/ QQ
first time ive ever tried to get the hat, had a look at the guides on this site and thought id give it a shot so i fished the eastern side of STV. got the keefers angelfish on the 25th cast! and ended up coming second in the tournament! shame i chose a mage as my first F2P ;(
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Hat on 7th cast and won second place. Feelgoodman.jpg
A few weeks ago now, after many months of extreme fishing every Sunday, I finally caught the elusive Keefer's Angelfish!

Later that night, however, my computer started having weird graphical errors. Looking back, my luck being too good to be true, I should have virus scanned that hat before I equipped it.

Anyway, the next morning, my computer was completely bricked! So now I can't awe noobs with my pally's kraken-like stamina, or even play WoW at all!

The moral of the story is, be careful what you fish for (and stay away from weird Balkan porn sites).

Or you'll end up posting on TI from a hand-me-down Wii! *,,,,*
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