Lost in Gnomer
i have a laptop from 2008 which costed about 700euro and even my computer can run 3x wow 3x rift cod and so on at the same time, a decent PC from 2013 should easily handle up to 20 clients, there is even a streamer who multiboxes with 50 wow accounts and i dont think he has a 20k euro computer from the NASA
yes, twink brackets died because a huge part of them were the levelers.. but to prevent the levelers from getting raped by twinks they had to do a seperate BG for twinks.. their goal wasnt do remove twinking, their goal was to prevent non twinks from twinks. dude, you even more retarded than i thought, go read a book
That streamer uses 3-4 computers which cost around 3-5k each to run those clients lol.