How To: Alliance Queue Times

i have a laptop from 2008 which costed about 700euro and even my computer can run 3x wow 3x rift cod and so on at the same time, a decent PC from 2013 should easily handle up to 20 clients, there is even a streamer who multiboxes with 50 wow accounts and i dont think he has a 20k euro computer from the NASA

yes, twink brackets died because a huge part of them were the levelers.. but to prevent the levelers from getting raped by twinks they had to do a seperate BG for twinks.. their goal wasnt do remove twinking, their goal was to prevent non twinks from twinks. dude, you even more retarded than i thought, go read a book

That streamer uses 3-4 computers which cost around 3-5k each to run those clients lol.
guys, are you rly that retarded? ofc do you need more time than him or someone else with many good pcs, but its still an exploit go ask a fcking gm if you dont believe me. It doesnt matter if you steal a t-shirt or a porsche, both is stealing so using the exploit with 4 clients is the same as using the client with 400. common sense guys, sorry that i thought you have it

edit: to bring an ingame example : it doesnt matter if you wintrade in the arena up to 1500 rating or 2200 rating, both isnt legit and bannable.
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guys, are you rly that retarded? ofc do you need more time than him or someone else with many good pcs, but its still an exploit go ask a fcking gm if you dont believe me. It doesnt matter if you steal a t-shirt or a porsche, both is stealing so using the exploit with 4 clients is the same as using the client with 400. common sense guys, sorry that i thought you have it

edit: to bring an ingame example : it doesnt matter if you wintrade in the arena up to 1500 rating or 2200 rating, both isnt legit and bannable.

I like how we defeat your points time and time again and you'll just say hurr durr durr it's an exploit and come up with something else stupid. And the fun part is, as I said before, people have asked GM's and they got as a response that it's not bannable.
So please show me the proof, btw youre not "destroying" my points, you just write random bullshit :)
I also asked blizzard about THIS and opening so many tickets till a random gm does something what a gm shouldnt do (boa via mail abuse), both is an exploit and no "clever use of game mechanics", sadly there are more stupid ppl on this website than ppl with brain, thats the only reason you feel like youre right.. because many stupid ppl agree with your stupid "opinion"
So please show me the proof, btw youre not "destroying" my points, you just write random bullshit :)
I also asked blizzard about THIS and opening so many tickets till a random gm does something what a gm shouldnt do (boa via mail abuse), both is an exploit and no "clever use of game mechanics", sadly there are more stupid ppl on this website than ppl with brain, thats the only reason you feel like youre right.. because many stupid ppl agree with your stupid "opinion"

Too can play that game. If you asked Blizzard and they told you it's an exploit, show me the evidence. Also, we're not talking about BoA via mail. And if we're not destroying your points, how can it be then that you come back to your points all the time and adjust them. Also you avoid so many things we said because you know we're right, but you're too stubborn to give in.
So please show me the proof, btw youre not "destroying" my points, you just write random bullshit :)
I also asked blizzard about THIS and opening so many tickets till a random gm does something what a gm shouldnt do (boa via mail abuse), both is an exploit and no "clever use of game mechanics", sadly there are more stupid ppl on this website than ppl with brain, thats the only reason you feel like youre right.. because many stupid ppl agree with your stupid "opinion"

Why should we come up with evidence? You are the one who's accusing this method as being an exploit.

So, you asked a random GM and he told you that?

Cool, tell me more about how GMs know jack-shit they're talking about.
this method has been around as long as unlimited trials. people have farmed bloodthirsty this way (pre account wide) on level ones.

there's also some gy's that have less spawn time than others. there was one in OL that gave none.

you can get stripped of titles and honor obtained like this. [MENTION=6815]Dramatized[/MENTION], remember when massakra was stripped of his blood thirsty title? this is what he was accused of.
PSA - I have decided against continuing this method, as I have come to understand the many negative connotations behind the system I was using, connotations which had not previously crossed my mind. I messed up. Whatever. I'm done with it.
If you would like to do this, go ahead, but just know that I am no longer participating in this, whether it is an exploit or whether it isn't, I don't care.

Thanks to [MENTION=18606]madhombre[/MENTION] for letting me know.

Ahah! Clever Clever my friend! What a great idea:) will be doing this on my Damn Mage :p
holy crap who the hell cares

... Not a big fan of classical, but "A Hunting We Will Go" comes to mind.

This exploit must've been around some great time :O I mean, World PvP has existed ever since the Beta was introduced.

No, it has not been around that long. In vanilla the honor system was just that; not the cheap currency system that it is now. Killing someone over and over would result in a 1/3 reduction of honor each time, and after killing someone 3 times you would no longer gain honor from killing them for - I believe it was - 12 hours.


What the OP is doing is not an exploit. It's more work than most people are willing to do, and Blizzard may have made some changes to make it harder to do, but it is not an exploit.

Furthermore, if what the OP is doing seems distasteful to anyone (speaking to madhombre here), that is none of your business. You're welcome to have an opinion on the subject, but you are NOT welcome to make a series of insulting posts about somebody who makes different choices from you.

Have a great day. It's still CTA weekend so if you want to go earn honor your way, feel free. Just don't get in other people's shorts for not doing the same.

I agree completely... stop watching from the sidelines, and stop complaining about it, and GET IN THERE AND RIP HIS HEAD OFF! Complaining on the forums won't stop this... abomination. These are times of action! One must go boldly forth and slay the exploiter filth where they nest (In the game)!

Telling them to stop, asking them "nicely" will have no affect, these sub-humans... have no morals and will not listen to reason; drunk on their so called "honor farming" they have degenerated into the lowest form of humanity -- cannibalism... self-inflicted cannibalism... These "people" (and I use the term loosely) kill themselves in order to feed on their own "honor," only to immediately reproduce what was just lost via scripts and macros, and devour themselves again...

I would relate this to some hideous freak eating its own young as they emerge from it, while continuously pleasuring itself, only to repeat the act again moments later... Disgusting things these exploiters...
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Oh noes! The jig is up!

I think I get where you are coming from. You must feel like you're on crazy pills. It doesn't seem right that this sort of activity, that seems so against the spirit of competition, would be tacitly condoned by Blizzard. But time and time again, Blizard has upheld that multi-boxing is a legitimate way of playing. If a player wants to control more than one player character, that's fine by them, and they have made it clear that this is their position. They get more money by looking the other way, and the player gets whatever he wants without fear of getting ever banned.

Blizzard might have a care left for someone that is actually botting — that is, automating the process with software — but even that is a fine line. This whole area is one big shade of gray. For example, it is OK for someone to wpvp with both factions simultaneously, but it is not OK to automate the process using software. But what about assitive devices? Surely Blizzard wouldn't want to discriminate against the elderly/disabled, so what if I had a little robot arm that pressed the keys? Would that be ok? Seems legit. Well what if I had a piece of software that did the same thing whenever I said "cast moonfire". And then what if I couldn't talk and just had an assitive devices that spoke "cast moonfire" when ever I ring a bell. And what if I had a tape recording with just bells ringing every 5 seconds...

Dang i just had a Goonies/Pee-Wee's Big Adventure/Ferris Bueller flashback there. I digress, anyway madhombre, we live in a crazy mixed-up world of Warcraft, where up is down, 85s sometimes oneshot 90s, and you get "honorable kills" for ganking people from the sky. What the OP was up to is just another flavor of multiboxing, and isn't even against ToS, so I would just give it up, or take it to Bliz.
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[MENTION=13178]Vailent[/MENTION]: Can't tell if sarcastic or just really mad?
[MENTION=13311]srsbsns[/MENTION]: The original post had absolutely nothing to do with multi-boxing, where did you get that from??
Oh noes! The jig is up!

I think I get where you are coming from. You must feel like you're on crazy pills. It doesn't seem right that this sort of activity, that seems so against the spirit of competition, would be tacitly condoned by Blizzard. But time and time again, Blizard has upheld that multi-boxing is a legitimate way of playing. If a player wants to control more than one player character, that's fine by them, and they have made it clear that this is their position. They get more money by looking the other way, and the player gets whatever he wants without fear of getting ever banned.

it's not against the rules to have more than one account. therefor IMO, it shouldn't be against the rules to play them at the same time.
OP is multiboxing, he's just not using a software to do it.

Is that so? Multiboxing is usually how we refer to a person controlling more than one character at the same time, usually in a battleground, such as Navydew used to do with one shaman and four hunters to burn down opponents with coordinated attacks that they can't defend against.

Not the same thing, in my understanding, as simply having more than one account, and opening multiple sessions of the game, but only controlling one at a time. (The others just stand there as honor targets.)

It's going to be very confusing to any conversation to conflate the former with the latter, as obviously the impact of one on other players is MUCH more significant than the impact of the other.
Blizzard might have a care left for someone that is actually botting — that is, automating the process with software — but even that is a fine line. This whole area is one big shade of gray. For example, it is OK for someone to wpvp with both factions simultaneously, but it is not OK to automate the process using software. But what about assitive devices? Surely Blizzard wouldn't want to discriminate against the elderly/disabled, so what if I had a little robot arm that pressed the keys? Would that be ok? Seems legit. Well what if I had a piece of software that did the same thing whenever I said "cast moonfire". And then what if I couldn't talk and just had an assitive devices that spoke "cast moonfire" when ever I ring a bell. And what if I had a tape recording with just bells ringing every 5 seconds...

I find the idea amusing... Sounds like a lot of work.

You should remember though, Ben Shaw, a blind wow player that Blizzard thought enough of to honor him with his own in-game item. Hexu's Amplifying Helm - Item - World of Warcraft I'm sure you also remember they removed the follow command from bgs, which is how a blind player could get around in the game. So no, Blizzard, these days, cares little for any disabilities you might have, when it comes down to making sure bots cannot follow in bgs.

Regarding the topic at hand:
One might argue the semantics of something being a bot, if the bot's owner is present, however simply because the owner is at the keyboard observing the automated script in action, does not change the bot's activity, which remains at the automation of the script.

Additionally, are you aware inter-faction cooperation in such cases is in itself against the rules (regardless of the botting)? I recall several cases of guilds win trading in bgs back in BC and subsequently they were banned for it. I would grant you this is on a smaller level, but essentially comes down to the same thing, regardless of how many people are invovled.
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Is that so? Multiboxing is usually how we refer to a person controlling more than one character at the same time, usually in a battleground, such as Navydew used to do with one shaman and four hunters to burn down opponents with coordinated attacks that they can't defend against.

Not the same thing, in my understanding, as simply having more than one account, and opening multiple sessions of the game, but only controlling one at a time. (The others just stand there as honor targets.)

It's going to be very confusing to any conversation to conflate the former with the latter, as obviously the impact of one on other players is MUCH more significant than the impact of the other.

Multiboxing - WoWWiki - Your guide to the World of Warcraft

"Multiboxing is a term used to denote one user playing multiple accounts simultaneously".
Multiboxing - WoWWiki - Your guide to the World of Warcraft

"Multiboxing is a term used to denote one user playing multiple accounts simultaneously".

Plus I think my point still stands; around here when you talk about a multi-boxer, memories of Navydew and one person simultaneously controlling 5 characters in a battleground and wtfpwning everyone is what comes to mind. Not using multiple accounts to farm a little honor off in some remote corner of the game world. One hurts many people, the other hurts no one.

If you're going to point at Phron and shout "Multiboxer!" then I would submit that we need clear and distinct language to differentiate what Phron does from what Navydew does. I don't think anyone could really disagree that it's not fair to lump them together as the same act.

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