It's not that i just play 1 character. I have 10 on AP and i can't gear them all by playing my priest. I also have 2 p2p accounts @ the EU activated with alot characters on those. I can't play all my characters at once.I simply meant that you no longer do BGs, so I never see you anymore, leo.
The question now is if i will ever be going to play that toon again because i know i will progress with hk's and achievement points so there is no way for me to get of this list other then opting out. I don't believe lofi's idea behind that thread is to force people to stop playing and deleting their characters either.
I was probably the first, yeah, but that list and the thread lofi made are completely different threads. Like i said somewhere, I even made the armory library and placed my toons in there myself but you can't compare those lists to some kind of ranking list at all. Those will become automaticly a race, perhaps an epeen thread for some people and it is not complete, accurate and real f2p either wich give a false impression in the first place.Being a turtle fan, and your being the first, or at least one of the first, people to catch one
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