Poll: Should players be allowed to opt-out of the TOP 100 listings?

Should players be allowed to opt-out of the TOP 100 listings?

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I simply meant that you no longer do BGs, so I never see you anymore, leo.
It's not that i just play 1 character. I have 10 on AP and i can't gear them all by playing my priest. I also have 2 p2p accounts @ the EU activated with alot characters on those. I can't play all my characters at once.

The question now is if i will ever be going to play that toon again because i know i will progress with hk's and achievement points so there is no way for me to get of this list other then opting out. I don't believe lofi's idea behind that thread is to force people to stop playing and deleting their characters either.

Being a turtle fan, and your being the first, or at least one of the first, people to catch one
I was probably the first, yeah, but that list and the thread lofi made are completely different threads. Like i said somewhere, I even made the armory library and placed my toons in there myself but you can't compare those lists to some kind of ranking list at all. Those will become automaticly a race, perhaps an epeen thread for some people and it is not complete, accurate and real f2p either wich give a false impression in the first place.
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The only thing this poll will show is:

A. People who care about and have respect for others
B. People who don't care about and don't have respect for others
C. People who don't care about A. and B. without respect for others (otherwise they would have chosen A.)

I'm glad that this thread actually has a function.
Eh, I'm neutral.

Just like how I feel about abortion. I'll have no answer instead of having an answer that will piss someone off no matter what the aforementioned answer may be.
The only thing this poll will show is:

A. People who care about and have respect for others
B. People who don't care about and don't have respect for others
C. People who don't care about A. and B. without respect for others (otherwise they would have chosen A.)

I'm glad that this thread actually has a function.
I don't have to respect you or anyone.
I'm sorry that you think only the ''big boys'' get a voice. If such were the case, why are we even having this discussion? It's obvious the people that disagree with the list are the minority here.

Another TI member who likes to put words in peoples mouth, You'll fit right in.
Cool story. If you take the time to read however, you'll see I don't give a damn about this topic. You put words in my mouth, none of which I said or inferred, and you're stating that you don't have to respect anyone here. If you graduated kindergarten by any miracle of god/science, you would have learned the golden rule which is to treat others the way you want to be treated. Have fun here. I mean that sincerely.
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You know it's kinda funny how Lofi asks everyone if people should be giving the option to be removed but doesn't care at all about the fact that everyone is saying "remove the bots".

And leotseddap is completely correct. Lofi should respect the fact that some people do not wish to be part of this. Then why force us into this? You expect me to be polite to a person who completely disregards the reasonable wishes of other people?

I'm not asking him to stick me as number 1 or put up a false info about my character. It's deleting names from the list. Lofi is making a swirling vortex of shit out of a completely reasonable request. I honestly don't understand why everyone else has gotten involved into this or why a poll was created...
Just delete the bots and remove the NAMES of those who don't want to be seen in it but keep their statistics. This way everyone might be happy.
Like the armory,many Facebook profiles are public, that doesnt mean its ok to use some person's info if they dont want to.
Like the armory,many Facebook profiles are public, that doesnt mean its ok to use some person's info if they dont want to.

It is not like you hold any proprietary rights to your character's statistics.
I don't have to respect you or anyone.

I am not asking for any of this. If you don't want to be a nice person i don't care at all. I don't have to deal with you in my real life. This is about respect for other players and members wishes. If you would have read the whole story you might have known this. This topic misses alot core information about this thing going between lofi and me and he pretty much masks it by creating this thread. Twinkinfo staff is even backing him up with this and that is concerning and not healthy because this thread is nothing more and nothing else doing then starting a flame wars because the poll was doomed to get the most voters for B in the first place.

That is really low of you there Lofi, I am not a fanboy of such lists while the majority is. The outcome is B by default wich makes this thread pretty much an @ thread with the intention to cause grief and herras people who want an opt out.

Now be the adult here Lofi or i will just lower myself to your level. I can think of several poll worthy things in the way you have done this and throw the ball right back at you. And believe me, it won't be nice.
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My understanding is that Lofi uses a program or something to automatically update the lists. If this is true then whoever wants their name to be taken off must be coming across to Lofi as ungrateful and just trying to make maintaining this list more work, because they would need to find a new way to do this. If it is done manually then I don't see why their name shouldn't be taken off but leave the rest of the information so that it still will show people where they are on the list.
My understanding is that Lofi uses a program or something to automatically update the lists. If this is true then whoever wants their name to be taken off must be coming across to Lofi as ungrateful and just trying to make maintaining this list more work, because they would need to find a new way to do this. If it is done manually then I don't see why their name shouldn't be taken off but leave the rest of the information so that it still will show people where they are on the list.
If you can write a script to automate this, it shouldn't be too hard to automate it aswell to leave certain armories out of the equation.
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