<Horde Invasion> [19,24,29,39,60,70,80,85] Anub'arak


Established in September 2007 as a twink guild that became the largest twink 19 guild WoW has ever seen. Horde Invasion (HI) broke the old guild system with over 750 twinks. Based on a few core principles players could count on there being players on to play with and more importantly knew they played by the same principles. Top PvP players from around the World of Warcraft were drawn by our activity and reputation to our guild and vent to duel, queue, premade, arena skirmish, and trade tips and tricks. We promoted and helped establish a community in the Whirlwind Battle Group that provided 10v10 premades on a regular basis.

After Wrath made it difficult to get a game many of us moved to Azgalor in the Ruin Battle Group. It was an attempt to congregate enough players to get pops and worked for awhile but over time the acidic epeening nature of the majority of vocal players turned an ever increasing number of players off to the bracket.

After Cataclysm and the changes it brought including cross battle group load balancing we started drifting back to Anub'arak. Summer 2011 saw the start to us leveling the guild to 25 of which we hit in April 28th, 2012.

HI has always been active in many brackets and watched as they fought for activity. As the decline of the 19s persisted we looked for an opportunity to start anew. The Free to Play (F2P) trial accounts provided just such an opportunity in the 20-24 bracket in the form of consistant activity even when new content and PvP seasons kick off. That baseline of activity and the dedication and honorable gameplay of F2P twinks offers a unique scenario where negatives such as AFK (away from keyboard), negative emotes, etc are minimal and allow for a new player community to proactively establish standards that help trend the bracket toward high activity, high level PvP. That at low levels avails new player's to more rapidly enter edge of seat gameplay. New players are vital to any bracket and insure high levels of activity into the future.

Those Principles:
1. Be Fair
a. Everyone gets the same deal
b. We fight without using exploits
c. AGM system helps everyone get one
d. No A team. Everyone will get into a 10v10 match
e. No cheesy AFK. Give your best game possible
2. Be Positive
a. No negative emotes
b. Build up player skill by teaching
c. Build up the bracket by seeing our opponents as players, not enemies.
3. Pay it forward
a. Help others and they will help others. Gear, enchants, tips, etc.
b. Be able to help others
4. Get in Vent!

What we are looking for:
Horde Invasion is looking for and collecting great people first, skill second. While kicks are very rare HI has never kicked a great person. We have kicked great players.

What class do we need? Whatever class you will play and enjoy the most. We take transfers and re-rolls but expect, if at all possible, at least a DK for a "main" with professions.

We support F2P and have a system to include them in the guild via our voice server and website.

While this site is about twinks we do endgame PvP and have 92 RBG wins to our credit. We will begin increasing activity and gearing a month before the next season. With that said we twink year round.

Level 25 guild
Extremely active
Daily 24 groups and runs
7 tab guild bank w/rumsey tab
Guild repairs
Website; HordeInvasion.com
Daily dungeon runs
Lots of rockets and sandstone drakes
Huge Ventrilo server soon to be gigantic Mumble server
Great people
Instant queues 20-24 xp off

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I find it amusing that you guys have to bring 85's down to Garubashi to keep my 20 trial toons from killing your terribad 24's =P

Also I find it funny you guys promote a friendly fair guild, when said 85's also feel the need to then corpse camp and grief 20's.

It is awesome that you have such a great sense of humor. Let me enlighten everyone with some facts. Horde Invasion has been supporting our twinks getting AGM's for almost 6 years, long before F2P 20's existed. We support all our players, great skill or noob.

Before saying anything or determining a course of action about said camping I would need more information to hear both sides. Will pm you for follow up and get you our vent info.

Again, thanks for you humorous approach to this matter. :p

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The main camper is a Lock named Lith something, likes to follow you around spamming CoE and fear. Followed me for 20 minutes the other day and when I tried to run into mobs and die he just killed em all, finally I alt+f4'd out.

I'd be happy to pwn, I mean face your 24's, but bringing higher levels when it's completely unnecessary, well that's just takes all the fun out of it =(

*Edit - Fun hanging with you guys in the arena, maybe when you guys are done running a monopoly I could get a shot.... =D

Still waiting for that PM btw.
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Lith is my friend and I will talk to him.

Yes in fact we hang our banner from the place. We are serious about the trinket. We don't duel over it. We duel before and after. The recipient is already determined in vent 5 minutes before. Again, that recipient may be any toon there regardless of guild or faction as long as they are in our vent and follow our simple rules. Said recipient can defer and often do if they have other twinks already with an AGM and it is the first for the other player. Greed does not work in our team we call a guild. Example; when a rare BiS item drops for one of our players who does not need it we almost always give it to another player over rushing to the AH and selling it.

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I was in vent several times, 45 minutes prior to arena, my toon is BiS dungeon gear and they helped a level 2 get it....

And it was his first trink as he got the achievement.

Also I was enjoying the conversation during their 15 man 24 AB premade in which they were gy / spawn farming ( I don't care personally just funny you guys claim to be of higher moral character). It was all very enlightening. As a result I may go back to play on AP more as AA is overrun by kids playing 24's.
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I care. Did you introduce yourself and announce how many trickets you already have? Is this your first toon with one? A level 2 sounds like one of our re-rolls so it would be their first toon.

I would like to chat with you. Fyi not all of our vent users are HI or fully up to speed on how we play. We are a work in progress and our leadership spend a lot of their play time investing in our players. Thank you for your feedback.

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I am curious if the guild could use a 19 Resto Shammy with several items of grandfathered gear (Inferno Robe, Seal, Jutebraid, Deadskull, etc), but no BoA's, yet? I see you have few Shammy's, and they are mostly Enhance.

I made this guy a while back (right before 19's died off), and I would love to dust him off and get him into an active PvPing guild. He's on a semi-dead server right now, so I am using that to get his AGM(s) before transferring.

My alt-aholism caused me to leave Anub'arak a few years ago, ha. I already have one toon that is still in HI, and a few higher level toons on the server that I would like to bring into the guild as well for guildy assistance (the highest is 61 at the moment).
Crit I have bged with u plenty of times and I do appreciate a couple of your HI members but lately it seems like some of your new or no name HI players dont really believe the whole quick cap and play fair. You never stated how you feel about GY farming but Im seeing it more and more from HI (specifically a couple hunters and priests) just what ive noticed but otherwise some very nice 24s in there :)
I am curious if the guild could use a 19 Resto Shammy with several items of grandfathered gear (Inferno Robe, Seal, Jutebraid, Deadskull, etc), but no BoA's, yet? I see you have few Shammy's, and they are mostly Enhance.

I made this guy a while back (right before 19's died off), and I would love to dust him off and get him into an active PvPing guild. He's on a semi-dead server right now, so I am using that to get his AGM(s) before transferring.

My alt-aholism caused me to leave Anub'arak a few years ago, ha. I already have one toon that is still in HI, and a few higher level toons on the server that I would like to bring into the guild as well for guildy assistance (the highest is 61 at the moment).

We are always open to more players however we are currently not active @19. We will roll in the 19s again when it is time but presently the 24s is where it is at soon to be 85 RBGs.

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Crit I have bged with u plenty of times and I do appreciate a couple of your HI members but lately it seems like some of your new or no name HI players dont really believe the whole quick cap and play fair. You never stated how you feel about GY farming but Im seeing it more and more from HI (specifically a couple hunters and priests) just what ive noticed but otherwise some very nice 24s in there :)

GY camping is not permitted. If you see it please let me know. We are growing very fast and some require repetition to remember our SIMPLE rules. I will be repeating...:what:

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You never stated how you feel about GY farming but Im seeing it more and more from HI (specifically a couple hunters and priests) just what ive noticed

Not sure exactly what you mean here by "gy farming." I've been in BGs where we have pinned much of the opposing team into the NW corner while we're actively running the flag, but I have never seen <HI> deliberately prolong a game in order to camp a gy. Even when we're running the flag, we will tell our fellow horde to back away from the GY a bit if they are too close.
bump :D
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Not sure exactly what you mean here by "gy farming." I've been in BGs where we have pinned much of the opposing team into the NW corner while we're actively running the flag, but I have never seen <HI> deliberately prolong a game in order to camp a gy. Even when we're running the flag, we will tell our fellow horde to back away from the GY a bit if they are too close.

No Ive been in more then a couple bgs with you where you were farming. Specifically that time you were on the dmf rocker thing and your 24 hpal and i think 2 more from your guild was probably 60 ft from our gy killing our spawns as soon as we jumped down. Our team was bad and theres no way you couldnt have capped before 9 minutes left. Also been in a couple bgs with harder which he has healed 24 hunters RIGHT at our gy for 5+ minutes. Still a respectful guild dont get me wrong just seen more farming or prolonged games recently where HI was in complete control of the game
No Ive been in more then a couple bgs with you where you were farming. Specifically that time you were on the dmf rocker thing and your 24 hpal and i think 2 more from your guild was probably 60 ft from our gy killing our spawns as soon as we jumped down. Our team was bad and theres no way you couldnt have capped before 9 minutes left. Also been in a couple bgs with harder which he has healed 24 hunters RIGHT at our gy for 5+ minutes. Still a respectful guild dont get me wrong just seen more farming or prolonged games recently where HI was in complete control of the game

I seriously doubt Harder prolonged a game.
No Ive been in more then a couple bgs with you where you were farming.
You really think that I was "farming"? Lilhunter, for the most part I avoid getting kited to the Alliance GY since I know that at any time a few allies could rezz and catch me out in the open. Sometimes just for fun I might run through and drop sandbox tiger in the Alliance gy, and if there happens to be an ally standing in the gy then I will sap him and then drop the tiger before running off.

If you mean that I hang out in the Alliance GY and kill Alliance players as they rezz, then I must reject the accusation. That simply is not my play style.

Specifically that time you were on the dmf rocker thing and your 24 hpal and i think 2 more from your guild

I sometimes throw down a campfire, horde battle standard and sandbox tiger just outside the Alliance tunnel entrance. This encourages my team to gather near that spot, allowing us to provide cover for our FC should he decide to go either ramp or tunnel, and also to intercept the efc. If we can control that spot, then we can control the game.

was probably 60 ft from our gy killing our spawns as soon as we jumped down

Neither my shadowstep not my ranged weapons have such range. :D

Ally players who merely rezz and stay in their gy have nothing to fear from me. Likewise if they come over and jump on the sandbox tiger, or drop a picnic basket or disco ball or start dancing,

Our team was bad and theres no way you couldnt have capped before 9 minutes left.

If it took us 15 minutes to win then it means your team put up a fight. I understand that it might have appeared that we dragged our feet, but I assure you that we did not. Sometimes our FC will cap without a member of our team ready to grab the next flag, but that's because we usually have a guy who is more or less the designated FC. I won't carry the flag unless we're in a pinch.

We simply do not drag out games. Every HI fc knows our policy on this. If someone new HI member grabbed the flag started dance around like Duofail, we would remind him of our guild rules and urge him to cap the flag If he persisted, we would gkick him right on the spot.

If a non-HI member picked up the flag and decided to not cap then we would again urge him to cap the flag. If he persisted, then we would inform him that HI will not protect him. And then we'd stand down and let you guys whack him. (This happened a couple weeks ago, and when it did we all stood around and did /golfclap and /rofl at the guy. He afk'd out in shame.)

You don't really think that I would GY camp you, do you?

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