Yeah, we don't like those guys.
I plan on beating you one day.
Well you got your wish this evening when your team trounced us 3-0 in a 19-minute match. I knew it would be trouble the moment I saw seven alliance hunters and three healers against our eight players only one of whom was a hunter. After the first cap, a 20 rogue on our side afk'd out, leaving us with only 7 until the game was half over when we finally got a full ten-man team. (Thanks, Blizz.) Hopefully we put up a good enjoyable fight.
knocked Duohuntard on his ass
Good! Tonight my group ended up in a BG where Duofail and his little band of girl scouts pull their usual stunt of grabbing the flag and then not capping. My group stayed in the resto hut near the alliance gy in order to prevent Duo's team from restoring their health and mana there, which sent little Duo into one of his tantrums. Apparently the allies didn't understand that we were purposely sabotaging Duo's efforts as they would come into the hut to attack us. At first it was just some undergeared 20 trying to take down Phrontistery. We held fire and spammed /truce at him but he clearly didn't understand that we were not the ones gy farming. Probably all he understood was that "the horde" were gy farming him.
Sometimes when we find out that Duofag and his band of little girl scouts are online, Crit and I and other <HI> members will log our alliance toons and start queueing up for WG in hopes of coming across the gy camping asshats from <Holy Crit>. So far, no luck, but I still vicariously enjoy hearing about that asshat getting stomped by alliance. It just gives me a nice warm feeling inside.
and semi farmed him (I think it was called for so no regrets),
Well, I'm not going to condone it, but if anyone ever deserved to be griefed, it's Duo.
By the way, I heard tonight that you yourself sometimes engage in GY camping. Alamoo told me that he was pugging and ended up in a game where your team was up 2-0 and you had the flag, but instead of capping you went to camp the horde GY. Other players (couple of 20s) chimed in that they too had seen you do this kinda stuff. The only way I find out which allies gy camp is from other players since <HI> doesn't get gy camped. (Everytime I get into a WG, I ask the other players if they recognize any of the allies as gy campers. If so, we will target them for "special treatment.") I didn't want to believe that such a skillful player as you would find it challenging or enjoyable to camp the other team's gy. BTW, if you ever upgrade your account to 24, you will truly be a powerhouse int hsi bracket.