Honeybadger challenges all, don't dodge this

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Not worth the time obvious egoinflated selfimage is obvious

Seems neat honey I will participate although not a gm :)
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i already do this. my challenge will be to que solo and sober for a week straight. no gauruntees on me following through but ppl wouldnt wanna face me sober anyway.. let alone with a group
You complain about Duo or 24s running 5 man - 10 mans. Didn't think you do it anyways.


What a failure of a post.

We don't care about Duo running 5 mans or 10 mans. He's entitled to run with as many people as he wants as this is a social game after all. We call him out for gy farming, dodging 10v10 wargames, and acting like a badass when he wins with a numerical and/or buff advantage in pugs.

When are you going to 10v10 us? If you're still in desperate need of a target caller, I'd gladly do it for you.
What a failure of a post.

We don't care about Duo running 5 mans or 10 mans. He's entitled to run with as many people as he wants as this is a social game after all. We call him out for gy farming, dodging 10v10 wargames, and acting like a badass when he wins with a numerical and/or buff advantage in pugs.

When are you going to 10v10 us? If you're still in desperate need of a target caller, I'd gladly do it for you.

Save your voice for ur first premade in this prestige bracket of ours. You should apply skill in your 5man pugs that get farmed often for wateva reason.
Anywho ive enjoyed the games tonight got to chat with a few f2ps and went 11-2 so far. Shout outs to Dori's hunter ran into an AB premade twice with him in as the games were in progress. Hence giving me my 2 losses for the day.

logging off for the night from Twinkinfo, this failed post 1150 views and 71 replies in under 12 hours.

Hilarious, how easily it is to get people worked up.
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I have 4 of us on horde that would love to join in on some 10 v 10 if anyone has room. Pm me.

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It's an easy way for me to read the forums on my phone, why does it make you mad? Genuinely don't understand.

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OP plays a 24... asks people to challenge themselves by solo queueing... :p


Would love to see some better than average 24s solo queue in PUGs! Lezz go!
Oh so now I see you've turned into duododge. Keep up the bad work.

i sent you a pm. any further msging u can take to a pm.

this thread was address to any 24s willing to solo que for a week who may not solo que on a regular basis. Asking Gms to do this was a small olive branch, so the f2p community would see an effort by 24 leaders to enjoy the game in a little less Op fashion. i felt was a nice statement to show bracket & a challenge. Since Premades won't be ready for 2 weeks +.

If you don't care to join then don't. It's simple.
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