Honeybadger challenges all, don't dodge this

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Serious question. Why in Lord Buddha's name should we give 2 sacks of ketchup packs for f2ps? They don't pay to play. We do. We're supposed to be dicks to them, that's how she goes. If they don't like it they can choose to pay to play like everyone else. It's that simple. That's what the trial is there for. To get them to pay.

/rant for the day. :)

First of all you are not supposed to be a dick to them , there are people that love f2p twinkinf even tho they have a p2p account.
Honest question. You say this will be for a week but when does it start? Already seen two 5 person premades from your guild today in about 5 bgs.

You'd think the GM that is issuing this "challenge" would let his guild know not to premade or is this just some trick to let sanctuary faceroll more then normal?

Did you read Sanctuary challenges or Honeybadger challenges.you won't see Honeybadger grouping So Eartho you in or dodging?
Today until 3am Tuesday. If people don't want to do it. That's fine it's on them and their parents for raising a dodger. This challenge ain't sh^# to Honeybadger. HB solo ques.
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First of all you are not supposed to be a dick to them , there are people that love f2p twinkinf even tho they have a p2p account.

Hey you're that druid that I'm always helping across with flags when the rest of our team is wandering mid aimlessly :)

Serious question. Why in Lord Buddha's name should we give 2 sacks of ketchup packs for f2ps? They don't pay to play. We do. We're supposed to be dicks to them, that's how she goes. If they don't like it they can choose to pay to play like everyone else. It's that simple. That's what the trial is there for. To get them to pay.

/rant for the day. :)

Would gladly challenge you if I could.
Today until 3am Tuesday. If people don't want to do it. That's fine it's on them and their parents for raising a dodger. This challenge ain't sh^# to Honeybadger. HB solo ques.

Implying my/others parents didn't raise their child too think for themselves
If I ever lost a legit game to a bunch of 20s, I would ax-kick myself in the face.
its always fun to take a group of under geard kids and win a game against a few opposing 24s. challenge accepted

Excatly, Honeybadger doesnt expect to win all the time. But HB looks forward running into f2p 5man + Premades from certain servers & 24s grouped up.
Hey, I've never played a 20 before so you're brave and I'm a coward. Stop.

Wow and I surely never payed for the game so I have to tolerate this nonsense you're writing.

Edit: Armory-link please so I have some visualization. No hunter please
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Wow and I surely never payed for the game so I have to tolerate this nonsense you're writing.

Stopped reading after "payed".

And don't call me surely.
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Then read again or is your attention span that low? You want others to read your stuff too right? Oh just if they pay :( OK out then..

No, just no...nvm dude. And you got it right, I do play a hunter with full agi gear/enchants. Step @ me. I'll global you, son.
Competitive games don't come from solo queueing or group queueing. They come from getting 20 people in Skype, deciding fair teams, and queueing a wargame.
Competitive games don't come from solo queueing or group queueing. They come from getting 20 people in Skype, deciding fair teams, and queueing a wargame.

The man here is definitely on to something, the 29 wargames that they organize are some of the most fun and balanced WSGs I've played in a long time.
Don't think thread was called " what's your definition of a competitive game".

Btw. Win - loss ratio of the week added ( if you'd like to share)
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