
don't mind that balance druid buff . should make [MENTION=13500]Bisonpower[/MENTION] and his stupid balance tank mentality happy . but frankly all of my gear is cloth except bracers so it doesn't help me as much
I love threads made specifically about hunts and bitching :) The people posting always shows more then what they are actually posting. Quite amusing how easily some of these "godly" hunts are beaten by 24s/better hunts/better dps (minus a few specs)/good healers.

If you come on here to bitch about hunts or (any class for that matter) try and improve yourself against said class, because frankly I think a set that has more then 1000 hp would benefit yourself more when getting globaled with a scatter shot then coming on here to say how OP they are ;) You may continue with this utterly pointless unlocked thread
So you play a hunt kk :))

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Yep that's why it was in the list of classes that can beat hunts :p If this thread was directed towards the better hunts who know what they are doing and don't skey and use macros etc etc then I'd understand, however the direction of the argument seemed to go (just did a few glances at the bickering) into every hunt being ungodly overpowered and with the avg skill lv of hunts in this bracket that is just plain incorrect.
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This thread degraded into EU holding their own opinions about how broken hunters are.

Experienced players don't hold those opinions, specifically in Arena. As has been noted, I'm not going to go sift through the sheer number of "Nuh Uh!" posts made to refute them. So I'll just summarize it with this:

Hunters (and Rogues, and Arms Warriors) were gibbed on Korgath to make certain classes viable that would not be otherwise. It's hard for a priest healer to last long through Rogues and Arms Warriors. I was against the gibb to Hunters. Their damage numbers are insane, but they are very easy to counter with good players.

To be frank, the only quality of EU f2p's that I have seen so far are the players that Trialmop plays against. Doesn't take a leap, a skip, or a jump to determine what the problem might be.

I'm going to let Minifranger and/or the other person claiming that Hunter teams should win every arena continue to make ignorant assertions without significant experience against gladiator players to back them up. From the perspective of the people with actual experience in the competitive bracket, it's kind of a chore to work towards convincing people with obnoxiously strong convictions that they may not be right just because they cry the loudest.

And they do cry the loudest. Opinions without facts to back them up. So here's a cool little factoid:

In the Korgath Arena Tournament (featuring only an eyepatch restriction), the top teams were

1. Arcane / Discipline
2. Protadin / HPally

The 2-3 Hunter teams that participated were all extremely well geared, and experienced hunters in the bracket. Mechanics counter mechanics. In the grand scheme of things, the truth is that Hunter's have consistently high damage but without the burst that is necessary to come out on top against healers.

Inb4: You're wrong but we have no facts to present.

This thread degraded into EU holding their own opinions about how broken hunters are.

so you welcome an AP buff to hunters?

Experienced players don't hold those opinions, specifically in Arena.

Don't make assumptions about other peoples experience of arenas, and even if you've had experience it doesn't necessarily mean you learned from it

Hunters (and Rogues, and Arms Warriors) were gibbed on Korgath to make certain classes viable that would not be otherwise. It's hard for a priest healer to last long through Rogues and Arms Warriors. I was against the gibb to Hunters. Their damage numbers are insane, but they are very easy to counter with good players.

good players can do a lot against any setup

To be frank, the only quality of EU f2p's that I have seen so far are the players that Trialmop plays against. Doesn't take a leap, a skip, or a jump to determine what the problem might be.

making assumptions again, don't worry we think hes awful too

I'm going to let Minifranger and/or the other person claiming that Hunter teams should win every arena continue to make ignorant assertions without significant experience against gladiator players to back them up.

nobody said they should win every game (well mini might have)

you don't need gladiator experience to be good at f2p arenas

From the perspective of the people with actual experience in the competitive bracket, it's kind of a chore to work towards convincing people with obnoxiously strong convictions that they may not be right just because they cry the loudest.

and what about when people with an experienced perspective try and convince each other

And they do cry the loudest. Opinions without facts to back them up.

not sure what facts you can glean from qualitative data

So here's a cool little factoid

In the Korgath Arena Tournament (featuring only an eyepatch restriction), the top teams were

1. Arcane / Discipline
2. Protadin / HPally

should we conclude that arcane mages are the best dps class, and discs are the best healing class? or do the people playing the classes have something to do with them winning

also in what patch was this arena tourney?

The 2-3 Hunter teams that participated were all extremely well geared, and experienced hunters in the bracket. Mechanics counter mechanics. In the grand scheme of things, the truth is that Hunter's have consistently high damage but without the burst that is necessary to come out on top against healers.

how much more burst do they need? hunter burst is easy to setup too, unlike some other classes

Inb4: You're wrong but we have no facts to present.


Its your opinion about hunters so im not going to say youre wrong, but I disagree with you when you say they aren't dangerous
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so you welcome an AP buff to hunters?

This is what's known as a false dichotomy. Just because someone doesn't hold the exact same opinion as you, does not mean that they therefore must hold the antithetical opinion. It's a cheap way to assail someone's argument through baseless oversimplification.

not sure what facts you can gleam from qualitative data

This is just me being pedantic, but, the word you're looking for is "glean". Gleam is a flash or reflection of light.

This is what's known as a false dichotomy. Just because someone doesn't hold the exact same opinion as you, does not mean that they therefore must hold the antithetical opinion. It's a cheap way to assail someone's argument through baseless oversimplification.

well maybe I could have phrased it better, but its OT with the original post and I think this thread needs some simplification

sure I know hunters can be countered, but broken is how I would describe them

This is just me being pedantic, but, the word you're looking for is "glean". Gleam is a flash or reflection of light.


ahh yeah m and n are close together, thanks ill fix that
Bop, your post is full of arrogance, i've arena with/against probably the best EU hunter (Lullabyu) and his win ratio was incredibly high, he even had to play on his alt cause hunters were kinda 'banned' later on. You should (everybody should) watch Nevmind's arena clips (and learned from it) to understand that EU isn't < US as you seem to forget it.

Maybe you should get off your high horse next time you post if you don't want such drama to happens.

Edit : otherwise, i really agree with Zehj's point of view, which is not really different from mine.
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I love threads made specifically about hunts and bitching :) The people posting always shows more then what they are actually posting. Quite amusing how easily some of these "godly" hunts are beaten by 24s/better hunts/better dps (minus a few specs)/good healers.

If you come on here to bitch about hunts or (any class for that matter) try and improve yourself against said class, because frankly I think a set that has more then 1000 hp would benefit yourself more when getting globaled with a scatter shot then coming on here to say how OP they are ;) You may continue with this utterly pointless unlocked thread

Lil im sorry hunters have no counters levels 10-85. You can literally go aimedshot/cobrashot/silencing shot and win 2.2k....

I have 2.1k rating as of now and the difference between r1 gld rating player and no rating in this bracket is minimal

they used* to have counters maybe pre wrath

I really liked the quote by r1 glad,
Anyone who still complains about major balance shifts hasn't been playing WoW for more than a few years.

The solution is to make a BiS of every char and just play FotM.

QQ less.

I could go on and on the abilities they changed and added just to prove how retard proof the class became(not like 90% of other class spells aren't though) but it would be obsolete
Whats the most used class by scrubs in this bracket? Hunters. Why? Coz theyre the FOTM.Why? Coz they can kill shit without even try.
Thats why people who main a hunt are pretty crap with other classes , and they rarely play them or dont play at all.

Also, hunters may be not as scary in arenas in this patch, but they were in 5.3 or when they had intimidation, specially if it was a panda hunter with a crane.
Whats the most used class by scrubs in this bracket? Hunters. Why? Coz theyre the FOTM.Why? Coz they can kill shit without even try.

There's a difference between skill floor and skill cap. The fact alone that a class has a low and broad skill floor doesn't necessarily mean that that class has no counters.
Hunters are retardedly underpowered. The way I see it F2P Hunters should be given P2P enchants (Not the other classes though), their pets should do triple the damage, pets can passively heal anybody within 100 yards, and hunters should be given a sniper rifle that 1 shots anybody they use it on.

Their pets should have a spammable 1shot ability too and hunters should be given the ability to heal themselves, bubble themselves, and also get Mindblast.

Hunters should also be able to spam disengage without a cooldown.

Concussive Shot should not be dodgeable.
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Hunters are retardedly underpowered. The way I see it F2P Hunters should be given P2P enchants (Not the other classes though), their pets should do triple the damage, pets can passively heal anybody within 100 yards, and hunters should be given a sniper rifle that 1 shots anybody they use it on.

Their pets should have a spammable 1shot ability too and hunters should be given the ability to heal themselves, double themselves, and also get Mindblast.

Hunters should also be able to spam disengage without a cooldown.

Concussive Shot should not be dodgeable.


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