

Hunters, Aspect of the Hawk now increases ranged attack power by 35%, up from 25%.
Shaman playing in elemental specialization -- Elemental Focus now increases spell damage done by 20%, up from 15%.

GREAT. Just what we needed.
These changes aren't for low level pvp. Low level is beyond saving at this point and should just shrivel up and die. They made these changes for 90 hunters for pve and pvp which is still a bit retarded. Considering Hunters are topping the charts a lot in pve and MM is in the best spot it's ever been.
Just give hunters a passive that heals them based on their damage done and call it a day...

Right now hunter pets are a serious problem to squishies. The hunter can just run away and laugh. There's something wrong here...
The thing is, F2P hunters in arenas aren't really that dangerous. They require skill more towards their cap to effectively secure kills. Being damage turrets isn't enough.

The same thing goes for other high damage classes, such as Protection Paladins.

This is more true in 2v2 than 3v3, where damage plus a minimum of CC can guarantee kills, but it still is generally true. Even after the new Aspect buff, still not scared by them in a wargame setting.

We should probably be doing more of those wargame thingys.
Just give hunters a passive that heals them based on their damage done and call it a day...

Right now hunter pets are a serious problem to squishies. The hunter can just run away and laugh. There's something wrong here...

Both pets should be active at the same time. Its not fair that one is left out of the action.

One pet would be passive staying by its Master side for close protection. It would also have a new talent called "Lick Wounds". It's licks will cause 15% DMG reduction and 15% rejuv type heals to its Master.

Since Horde have better racial for hunters the Alliance pets would double their healing output. Nelf hunters get triple the heals thanks to Goddess Elune. Also melding will trigger 100% heal.
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The thing is, F2P hunters in arenas aren't really that dangerous. They require skill more towards their cap to effectively secure kills. Being damage turrets isn't enough.

The same thing goes for other high damage classes, such as Protection Paladins.

This is more true in 2v2 than 3v3, where damage plus a minimum of CC can guarantee kills, but it still is generally true. Even after the new Aspect buff, still not scared by them in a wargame setting.

We should probably be doing more of those wargame thingys.

I'm trying to stay calm really but when i read such bull**** it's very difficult. And again, i dunno who are the hunters you arenas with but if you say you handle them easily i have bad news to them. A decent hunters in arena with moth just global your healer's *** (ty buble i'm able to live 8 more sec)
I'm trying to stay calm really but when i read such bull**** it's very difficult. And again, i dunno who are the hunters you arenas with but if you say you handle them easily i have bad news to them. A decent hunters in arena with moth just global your healer's *** (ty buble i'm able to live 8 more sec)

I'm fairly certain we settled this last time with a "You are entitled to your opinion" post, and we moved on.

I can guarantee you I have done more arenas at this level than you. I can also guarantee that I have played against better hunters than yourself.

The over-dramatic responses you create to show what is simple disagreement is mildly amusing. That being said, "You are entitled to your opinion."
I can guarantee you I have done more arenas at this level than you. I can also guarantee that I have played against better hunters than yourself.

That made me giggle, i don't know you, you don't know me, imagine if i'm being as stupid as you and just respond the same stuff to you...

I'm just trying to tell to the people here, badly tho my english is not perfect, that they shouldn't take your facts as real, simply cause it's pretty much bull**** and i'm even not sure you play the same game as we. Nothing to say more, claiming hunters aren't scary say it all.

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