TBC Classic
BIS Guides :
Gear: @Fx
PvE: @Onlydreams
I'll add more to this over time, but to start i'd like to add one item in particular that helps weapon damage in pvp that people may not know.
For you reputation farmers out there or people with extra reputations exalted across the board, this one includes the reputation Ogri'la and is purchased from it's quartermaster Jho'nass. Revered is the minumum required to purchase this, in order to purchase it you must have 1 Apexis crystal and 50 Apexis shards this trinket is called Crystalforged Trinket. This reputation grind and everything associated to it takes place in Blade's Edge Mountains.
Now what makes this trinket helpful is that it gives bonus damage inside arenas and Bgs. the exact difference is not insane, but it is a bonus which is what twinking is all about. Also increases agility in arenas and bgs by 12 which is pretyy substancial.
My weapon damage is 532-533 without the trinket equipped as shown. Also 340 agility:
My weapon damage is 547-548 and 352 agility with the trinket equipped as shown:
this bonus continues even after the trinket is removed, but only outside of instanced pvp can the trinket be removed in order to keep the bonus for future ques. Also, in order to recieve the bonus it must be equipped before entering the arena or bg; and cannot be tampered with inside of instanced group or it will be removed. So far this has only been tested as an outlaw rogue. in the furture i will add more to this thread including other tricks and additions to this one. Thanks for reading and remember im always down to organize US alliance 70 activitys!
Battletag: TheMango#11450
Gear: @Fx
PvE: @Onlydreams
I'll add more to this over time, but to start i'd like to add one item in particular that helps weapon damage in pvp that people may not know.
For you reputation farmers out there or people with extra reputations exalted across the board, this one includes the reputation Ogri'la and is purchased from it's quartermaster Jho'nass. Revered is the minumum required to purchase this, in order to purchase it you must have 1 Apexis crystal and 50 Apexis shards this trinket is called Crystalforged Trinket. This reputation grind and everything associated to it takes place in Blade's Edge Mountains.
Now what makes this trinket helpful is that it gives bonus damage inside arenas and Bgs. the exact difference is not insane, but it is a bonus which is what twinking is all about. Also increases agility in arenas and bgs by 12 which is pretyy substancial.
My weapon damage is 532-533 without the trinket equipped as shown. Also 340 agility:
My weapon damage is 547-548 and 352 agility with the trinket equipped as shown:
this bonus continues even after the trinket is removed, but only outside of instanced pvp can the trinket be removed in order to keep the bonus for future ques. Also, in order to recieve the bonus it must be equipped before entering the arena or bg; and cannot be tampered with inside of instanced group or it will be removed. So far this has only been tested as an outlaw rogue. in the furture i will add more to this thread including other tricks and additions to this one. Thanks for reading and remember im always down to organize US alliance 70 activitys!
Battletag: TheMango#11450
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