EU+US Help me improve my 60 Hunter!

Okay becuase ur are EU ill help u......
2x dark iron ring or 1x dark iron and a aquamarine ring pref 12 attack power and 8 agility, cloack of firemaw.

If u are not going for the t3 set i would suggest u to get some scale gear instead of that shitty pvp gear u have on. Get the heirloom shoulder pads with enchant. And get dragon stalker boots instead maybe... Some insperation doe.æ&page=2 - OG JOSH - OG ME

gl hf nub
Care to elaborate about the "shitty pvp gear"?
I'm using 2 pieces for the 20 stamina, comparing my stats to yours and Zae I must say mine is superior for PvP.

Zae has 1 agility and 5 more AP than me while I got 2k more health than him.
Sure, your hunter has quite a lot more AP than me (around 80 ingame, due to 4pc t3) mine has almost 7k HP higher.

Thanks for the advice though, I'll make sure to get those rings and look into that cloak.

Pce "nub"

Edit: Not really a fan of using heirlooms for twinks, just something I prefer avoiding.
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Elaborate more in your future posts please.
Yes I'm aware of scaling, what are you implying? From what I can see on Zae's gear he only uses 3 scaling items (bracer and rings) and I said I'm going to get the rings already, and I honestly can't see that 1 item (bracers) make up for the difference in our stats.

FYI I am going for the t3 set, got 3 pieces so far. But you know, it takes some time :pp

Would be really helpful if you could explain a bit more to why your/zae's gear is so superior so I can improve my gear.
Get the Chardev addon to find out if an item actually scales better (or worse) than the choices you've already made. I find Blizzard has done fairly well with the scaling, that is making items from all sorts of different iLvLs scale exactly the same, but they always miss 1-2 random pcs that seem to scale MUCH better.
Yea sorry for not elabaroting more. Well most of the things u have are correct.. Ofc there are different play styles, me and zæ likes the attack power because it fits us better, but if the stam is working out better for you, thats offcourse what u should pick. There are many different types of gear u can get. I myself havent tried going leather on my hunter,but it could actually be fun to see what my AP and stam would be if i did as the rogues and went full out on the AP/crit-stam.

If this is something u would like to try out with me just pm me :) And sorry for being a douche :( Best of luck brother
Thanks buddy, do you happen to have any screenshot of your stats inside arena/bg when they're upscaled? :)
Yea sorry for not elabaroting more. Well most of the things u have are correct.. Ofc there are different play styles, me and zæ likes the attack power because it fits us better, but if the stam is working out better for you, thats offcourse what u should pick. There are many different types of gear u can get. I myself havent tried going leather on my hunter,but it could actually be fun to see what my AP and stam would be if i did as the rogues and went full out on the AP/crit-stam.

If this is something u would like to try out with me just pm me :) And sorry for being a douche :( Best of luck brother

Don't forget the mail 3 socket pants so you can get the +13 stats gem in there somewhere!
Hello, I've been working on this hunter for a while now and I wanna know what you guys think I can improve on it.

List of things I know I miss:
Ashjre'thul, Crossbow of Smiting
Dark Iron Ring

Anything else?


I'll just add on top of what Pepsi already mentioned and maybe change a few things (again, like he said, its subjective to your playstyle!). You to decide what to use :)

Neck I would use the BoA since the heal makes it subjectively BiS
Get the T3 4 set and T2 3 set effects
Its preferred to use mail 3 socket pants since you can slap on the +13 stats gem. (although I use the 3 socket helmet since i have swag gf enchant)
BoA gun is BiS since you can slap on an OP +150 AP enchant onto it

You can check as well if you want to see what it looks like
You should not equip Leather pieces in any slots as hunter. You will miss out on the 5% bonus you get @lvl 50
You should not equip Leather pieces in any slots as hunter. You will miss out on the 5% bonus you get @lvl 50
in certain situations the extra stats you can get from having however many slots leather instead of mail can be more than 5%. Don't lose out on your bonus for +1 agi, but if you have 5 items that in total give +50 agility, they're worth using, and once you lose the bonus you might as well equip that +1 agi item from earlier.

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