EU+US Healing at 20-29


I'm trying to create a statistical model to evaluate the healing ability of the different twinned classes at 20-29.​

What is the highest you've ever healed and what is the lowest? Please include a link to your character too!

If you wouldn't mind writing a description of why it was so high/low it would help me understand the data better as well.

Like total healing done in a bg or in just a single cast?
hly priest is just untouchable on healing
I don't think holy priests have the survivability to top the charts in most cases, they're just too easy to kill if you know what you're doing. That being said, I'd love to see more good holy priests playing, only great holy I've seen is Rexha!
I don't think holy priests have the survivability to top the charts in most cases, they're just too easy to kill if you know what you're doing. That being said, I'd love to see more good holy priests playing, only great holy I've seen is Rexha!
Hold my beer. #zorblasty

You do however make a good point. Being locked out of your only tree is and "can" be a problem.

I don't think holy priests have the survivability to top the charts in most cases, they're just too easy to kill if you know what you're doing. That being said, I'd love to see more good holy priests playing, only great holy I've seen is Rexha!
this was a game where the team i was on was severely in the shitter, and constantly being focused by the opposing enemy team.


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Away from my wow install at the moment, so I can't give you images. But I think one thing you may want to ask for is that people use some kind of meter addon (recount or skada) and submit their readouts. Recount will breakdown heals/overheals/absorbs, and then by spell averages/crits.

I'll try to get to my wow machine this weekend and run some BGs on disc, mw, rsham and send recount images your way. Do you want to normalize gear for testing? Like all ilvl 25 or something? (I've not read up on the 7.3 changes so apologies if gear has changed yet again)
I don't think holy priests have the survivability to top the charts in most cases, they're just too easy to kill if you know what you're doing. That being said, I'd love to see more good holy priests playing, only great holy I've seen is Rexha!


Ok, @Hashbrowns and I just did a couple BGs. Here's some decent in-BG data for an f2p 20 Disc in a game where it was 51/49 Time Damaging/Time Healing. I stupidly forgot to ss the details on PW:S, Atonement, and Penance. I'll grab those later. But you can use the stats on Flash Heal since it's disc's biggest and most used heal. Would it interest anyone to see all the healer specs with spell stats? I recorded a game on MW as well. Let me know if you want to see the spell breakdown on that.
SB Disc.png
Disc Flash Heal.png

P.S. gg horde :D
For the sake of class variety, here is a somewhat quiet EoTS on an f2p MW with some running between towers, and not a ton of responsibility since we were usually running around in healer partners. May not be representative, but it's close. I did ss all the spells (except Chi, because I was just messing around with it) so you could see the full healing breakdown.

SB MW.png
Enveloping Mist.png
Renewing Mist.png
Soothing Mist.png

P.S. gg Horde :D
Thank you everyone for your helpfulness and detail! I am very open to suggestions about how to best do this process, I was basically going to make an excel spreadsheet with 40-50(+/-?) players highest and lowest healing and make an interactive graph where you can click on the points and see the players descriptions of why their healing was that low or high etc. and hope it gave me some insight into the healing in the bracket. I really like the idea of breaking it down by recount data, but I don't think I'm personally capable of assembling all of that into a cohesive model without some help. Let me know what y'all think! I would also like to ask that the data be from legion and not alterac valley, because it kinda skews the data since AV pops so infrequently now.
Ok so since no one else on this earth plays rdruid I'll post the numbers lol


It's so much fun, wish it was more viable. 82,234 here. I can't pump out much else, that's watching HoT timers and refreshing Lifebloom right before it falls off to get the heal early. There was a disc in the game though, taking a ton of healing away while I'm waiting for things to tick.
I'm not great on my Hpal. I'm definitely a panic-pusher and don't know optimal rotations. Not even sure I've got the right talent. So maybe factor that in with these numbers. This was an AB wherein we were reasonably outmatched and lost by a decent amount.

SB Hpal.png
Resto druid is garbage sadly. Maybe good as an assistant backup healer.

I haven't played dpriest, but I found holy paladin to have strong heals
Yeah, rdruid is definitely a secondary healer at the moment. Same with MW. Currently the ranking purely on healing power seems to be:

Tier 1: Either priest spec
Tier 2: Hpal & rsham (hough if you maximize their utility I'd say its overall value can be tier 1)
Tier 3: Mistweaver (though it has slightly better heals, similar to rdruid it's better as a secondary healer)
Tier 4: rdruid (though if doubling as backup FC, its overall value goes up)

Note: we've only shown real data for disc, hpal, rdruid in this thread. The above list is based partially on that data and partially on anecdotal experience. May add the other specs here later if we get time to play a few more representative games on each.

Note 2: this is for f2p, the ranking could change at 29 with the addition of new spells.

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