SV huntard
All the best,
mildly irritated Yde
I didn't know that person existed :O
All the best,
mildly irritated Yde
Let's see how that looks with a quote box background color:
Anyways, if you alienate your healers or use tactics they find shallow and unrewarding, and they refuse to heal you for it, good for them. I applaud Elffy for that.
Oh nos, you gots me.Let's see how that looks with a quote box background color:
^ThisPeople lose games every day by unnecessarily trying to cross mid in that situation. Holding it on top of the enemy tunnel instead of getting picked off in mid shouldn't be shallow and unrewarding.
Biggest issue I see is holy paladins spamming denounce while their teammates fall around them.
That and most shadow priests won't throw out a bubble.
Thats fine, but you have to realize when you make that choice in a pug you're alienating your own team just as much as you're alienating your opponents. If you expect healers to follow you and support you when you exploit, queue with healers that will do that. Don't expect pugs to even be able to follow you there, don't expect them to agree with the slightest exploit, and don't expect them to be willing to be sitting ducks on the ground for you. Especially if you're going to call them a fucking. If you need heals work with your healers. If you don't need heals do whatever you want, but don't insult your healers for it.
Thats fine, but you have to realize when you make that choice in a pug you're alienating your own team just as much as you're alienating your opponents. If you expect healers to follow you and support you when you exploit, queue with healers that will do that. Don't expect pugs to even be able to follow you there, don't expect them to agree with the slightest exploit, and don't expect them to be willing to be sitting ducks on the ground for you. Especially if you're going to call them a fucking. If you need heals work with your healers. If you don't need heals do whatever you want, but don't insult your healers for it.
lolThats fine, but you have to realize when you make that choice in a pug you're alienating your own team just as much as you're alienating your opponents. If you expect healers to follow you and support you when you exploit, queue with healers that will do that. Don't expect pugs to even be able to follow you there, don't expect them to agree with the slightest exploit, and don't expect them to be willing to be sitting ducks on the ground for you. Especially if you're going to call them a fucking. If you need heals work with your healers. If you don't need heals do whatever you want, but don't insult your healers for it.
I didn't get the impression that he was exploiting or going anywhere questionable in this situation. It sounds like he was on top of the tunnel, which you can get to by just walking out there.
You sure throw around the term 'exploit' quite loosely.
I also wasn't "alienating" myself or my healers. Elffy was up top with me as well, just keeping her distance on the dirt mounds by the fence. She probably didn't know how to get over the first ledge, and that's fine, but I made sure I was still in LoS with her. She merely just refused to heal and proceeded to denounce instead. Then bitched at me when I called her out for losing the game for us.
Anybody who used to play 19s would know this is one of a Horde FC's main strategies.
Honestly by now, if you don't know how to jump the first ledge on Horde tun roof, or drop to the second level on Alli tun roof. Then please uninstall WoW.
Quotes auto-change the background colorYou came @ me first with your little, clever background color switch.
Oh, oh. I know... That's what makes it even mooore clever.Quotes auto-change the background color![]()