What about resists? Did blizz realise that hiding the stat to the players doesnt make it disapear from the game?
Back to having scatter and conc getting dodged by non-rogues yay -_-
ya but its still horrible i remember having crucial scatters dodged because of tht 0.05% DXForemans gloves best0,05% from expertisecap vs non-agi classes right (oh and ppl that don't stack dodge rating)? As hunter, that is. Also glad that pwc didn't get patched, still no effort needed in hitcapping my frostmage
it's not THAT unfair for dual wielders anyways, imo.
ya but its still horrible i remember having crucial scatters dodged because of tht 0.05% DX
Yeah I agree it's kinda lame that there's still that 0,05% left but if you're very concerned about 1/2000 chance of getting dodged, you can always get the 3-part set bonus of fang armorAnd rogues still have no sprint / ShS whereas you have disengage(+sprint/web), hunters mark, concshot which should make it pretty easy for you to not get shat on by a rogue.
BTW since we're talking about hunter now anyways, has anyone tried MM in 5.1? I heard before the patch that all MM hunters would get the ability to cast aimed shot while moving and steady shot too, Is that working for 19?
BTW since we're talking about hunter now anyways, has anyone tried MM in 5.1? I heard before the patch that all MM hunters would get the ability to cast aimed shot while moving and steady shot too, Is that working for 19?
R.I.P comboshit and nick![]()
eh really? unless the rogue speed pots they still seem pretty easy, provided ur disengage net specced u can get some ground and even if they trinket uve still got a good gap to kiterogues can pwn hunters all u need 2 do is ambush->evasion->evisc and hope u hit al of them before ur hit once, if u do u can just run at the hunter and deadly poison will prob kill him while he tries kite u
Rip Comboshit, no more exploiting with tornado trink =(
tell me when you saw me using it...R.I.P comboshit and nick![]()
tell me when you saw me using it...
GG for lvl 22 btw junoob
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