Haters Gonna Hate

Anyone who actually thinks that Pizza would use the return bot for his 19 is delusional. Anyone who had Pizza on real-id would obviously know that he botted BGs on his 100, and attaching plugins to the bot is common practice to improve its quality.

Pizza has put so much effort into promoting the twink cup, along with helping create a thriving 19 bracket, and it is a shame that people would really think this low of him.
Anyone who actually thinks that Pizza would use the return bot for his 19 is delusional. Anyone who had Pizza on real-id would obviously know that he botted BGs on his 100, and attaching plugins to the bot is common practice to improve its quality.

Pizza has put so much effort into promoting the twink cup, along with helping create a thriving 19 bracket, and it is a shame that people would really think this low of him.

This 10/10
Yes, the bot still seemed to be failing on getting flag returns when I was watching it. I wanted to see if turning up the TPS would make it return the flags more consistently. I wanted to know before I refunded the purchase since it wasn't working well with my BG bot.

Now you are changing your story. If this was the case, you would have asked how to change the settings for the bot so that it would return flags more consistently. Having your bot return flags as fast as possible would just draw more attention to your character. Did you really think people would buy this excuse?

Have a lovely evening!

You admit to botting, but still want everyone to believe and respect you at 19. You want us to believe you have never botted at 19 but you admit to doing it at 100. You PURCHASED a bot to return flag, which you say didn't work and got refunded. I'm asking this, how can people take you serious if you've botted in the past and been suspended for this? I know a bunch of people that have been suspended and lost my respect and I would have to put you in the same boat. I know there are like 5 very vocal people defending you but there are even more that no longer have respect. Yes you have done lots to try to help 19s, mostly with money to the TC, and in that regards I /salute you. But with the TC, I think anybody that was caught with the bot by Blizzard shouldn't be allowed to enter into the cup.

EDIT: And the fact that you had to make this post just proves that most of the people that have posted on TI have been against you.

Listen, I think Mocha and Superstylin both have a better grasp of the personalities in the 19s than I do, and the personality of the community as a whole, so in moderation decisions I'm going to defer to their greater familiarity and experience.

However I still want to say, contrary to what they said, that I think this whole thread is an improper use of Twink Info as a communication channel. Now I understand Pizza's desire to defend himself, since he and his people have been under a lot of attack recently. The question of whether those accusations are justified isn't even a factor to me. The question of whether this personal stuff is appropriate for public view on our forums is the only thing that matters to me.

Many of you have to realize, the Twink Cup and Conq's GG Nineteens movement are attracting new people to play in 19s, and attracting them to join our forum. I know this for a fact because we have information on new registrations and people's requests to fix problems in posting as new registrants. Personal posts like this one and the previous one I closed are going to leave these new players with an opinion of the 19s, and an opinion of this forum, that none of us want.

I strive to make this forum an open and welcoming source of information for all twinks, including (and perhaps especially) new ones. If I were a new twinker coming to these forums, reading posts such as this would at best make me think that this bracket was filled with drama, and at worst make me think that the bracket was hostile and unwelcoming and full of ego. That's not how you build communities, either in game or on a forum. I've been widely known as "the community builder" for years now, so please take my word for it: this internal squabble is not doing your community any favors.

I would ask that you all consider whether this argument is worth potentially risking the health of your community, as it stands on the verge of having some serious growth. The way you present yourselves right now is the way new players will learn to behave themselves, so you have the power right now to make the future of 19s a place of hostility and suspicion and ego, or a place of acceptance and openness and responsibility towards the future health of your own bracket.

Can you put aside your egos and your differences for the sake of your community, or are you going to let it poison and influence not only the present, but the future generations of 19 twinks as well? Just think about it.
i do not like pizza or his guild bout i HIGHLY doubt that he used a return bot in 19s when u can scroll click flags easy enough

plus when did it become our place to tell him what he can and cant do people bot u can tell them to stop but most likely they will do what they want
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i do not like pizza or his guild bout i HIGHLY doubt that he used a return bot in 19s when u can scroll click flags easy enough

And when everyone can scroll click flags easily, using a bot to "return flags as fast as possible" provides an advantage.

plus when did it become our place to tell him what he can and cant do people bot u can tell them to stop but most likely they will do what they want

In a tournament there should be rules in place to prevent people from cheating and gaining a competitive advantage.

I BG botted honor and conquest points to gear out my 100s. I wanted my bot to look more like a normal player by also returning flags. It's that simple.

And there you all have the explanation you asked for. Now you all can get off of his back. Jeez...

The 19 bracket has always been privy for trolling and egos since vanilla day 1... It's what makes it so appealing.
How is there so much drama in this bracket still? I thought 19s were relatively dead; from what I've seen Myrm is just life support.
No one is cheating in the 19 bracket

Hahahahaha. I aint pointing fingers. But this statement is beyond stupid and there is clearly people that do cheat in this bracket
Listen, I think Mocha and Superstylin both have a better grasp of the personalities in the 19s than I do, and the personality of the community as a whole, so in moderation decisions I'm going to defer to their greater familiarity and experience.

However I still want to say, contrary to what they said, that I think this whole thread is an improper use of Twink Info as a communication channel. Now I understand Pizza's desire to defend himself, since he and his people have been under a lot of attack recently. The question of whether those accusations are justified isn't even a factor to me. The question of whether this personal stuff is appropriate for public view on our forums is the only thing that matters to me.

Many of you have to realize, the Twink Cup and Conq's GG Nineteens movement are attracting new people to play in 19s, and attracting them to join our forum. I know this for a fact because we have information on new registrations and people's requests to fix problems in posting as new registrants. Personal posts like this one and the previous one I closed are going to leave these new players with an opinion of the 19s, and an opinion of this forum, that none of us want.

I strive to make this forum an open and welcoming source of information for all twinks, including (and perhaps especially) new ones. If I were a new twinker coming to these forums, reading posts such as this would at best make me think that this bracket was filled with drama, and at worst make me think that the bracket was hostile and unwelcoming and full of ego. That's not how you build communities, either in game or on a forum. I've been widely known as "the community builder" for years now, so please take my word for it: this internal squabble is not doing your community any favors.

I would ask that you all consider whether this argument is worth potentially risking the health of your community, as it stands on the verge of having some serious growth. The way you present yourselves right now is the way new players will learn to behave themselves, so you have the power right now to make the future of 19s a place of hostility and suspicion and ego, or a place of acceptance and openness and responsibility towards the future health of your own bracket.

Can you put aside your egos and your differences for the sake of your community, or are you going to let it poison and influence not only the present, but the future generations of 19 twinks as well? Just think about it.

The problem is that many of the people posting these threads (or posting in them) no longer play WoW and/or have no vested interest in seeing the 19s community continue to thrive. Their desire to bring others down outweighs anything else.
@threads aren't allowed right? Mod should close post right? Na mods will continue to be biased. Pizza, Painaid tink isn't gonna play and no one will recruit someone who is lost at ramp since the GUP premade.

I just hope you'll be around with the same god complex you have after the TC15, times will be very interesting.
It's not an at thread, in that it's not directed at any specific person, or group. Calling for mods intervention for something such as this, is tantamount to tattle-taling. If you don't like what a player does in-game, fine, but there's no reason to nit-pick over forums rules just because you don't like someone.
It's not an at thread, in that it's not directed at any specific person, or group. Calling for mods intervention for something such as this, is tantamount to tattle-taling. If you don't like what a player does in-game, fine, but there's no reason to nit-pick over forums rules just because you don't like someone.

Dude it's just a troll, calm down!
The problem is that many of the people posting these threads (or posting in them) no longer play WoW and/or have no vested interest in seeing the 19s community continue to thrive. Their desire to bring others down outweighs anything else.

That's one area where admittedly I'm lacking, as I don't play 19s so I don't know who is active in the games, only who is active on the forums. If there is anyone who is trying to unduly influence the bracket while not participating in it, then we should be looking more closely at those people's posts. But I would have to defer to [MENTION=6446]Mocha[/MENTION] and [MENTION=21759]Superstylin[/MENTION] on that since they play 19s.
I hate the fact people make judgements about people and they don't even really know them.

For example Pizza blatantly came out and said he used bots for 100 and clicking flags to make it seems more real. People still don’t believe him. But if you guys KNEW the people you talk shit about all the time, you begins to realised that what they are saying is true.

What i see is “The ally fuckers” ignorantly coming in and twisting every justification a twink tries to say, against them self’s. They give no benefit of the doubt. And it sickens me how they keep coming in 19 chats over and over and just saying shit that they think their right in. And clearly have NO IDEA what is true or what is false.

That last statement i said applies to everyone that falls under the same category. Pvv we.

P.S: Regardless people have done botting or ddoss'ing at high end are still allowed to compete in Blizzard competitions.
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