GY Farming.

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i give up, ever since i came to blackout gy farming has been a taboo and kickable from every guild i've been in.
if this is peoples attitude towards it now, then it's just one more way cata has fucked up 19s.

all the threads on these forums about farming or stacking x/y class is bollocks, if this is your tactic delete your toons and roll hunter and pallys, after all if you're out to spawn camp those are your go to classes.

remember though, next time you're being camped by hunters and pallys this is the new "legit" way to twink, so dont afk dont cry in /bg and dont make a thread here about it.

WELCOME TO THE 19S BRACKET SPONSORED BY- WT&ARKANT- for full details phone someone who gives a fuck.
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Someone needs to define win logging to me
It's when you log to a twink on the opposite faction after you've lost a wsg on the other. IE: Lose a match on alliance, log to horde to win a game.

On topic, GY farming is a lame strategy even if used to keep the team away from your FC. Why? Because it makes pops long as shit, sometimes even stops the ques from popping. It isn't even fun for either team, so why do it?
props to you for being the only WT that solo queues...
Just Curley? You must be new here.

Also, some members of WT standalone aren't particularly efficient unless they have a leader. Note the ones that habitually AFK. I'd say the same about some of the folks in LS and UPTR/LSFTW -- some of them don't seem to have the backbone to solo queue these days.
Everyone needs to take a step back and get their panties out of a bunch...

This happens at and within every bracket; all across the world; EU, US, China or what ever the fuck other WoW communities there are. The only reason WT is getting so much attention because of the following. They are one of the oldest alive 19 twink guilds, sure they changed their name from Pizza Hut from way back when; and the standards have changed. But really; it has everywhere. Second; Yes, technically it is and is not farming the graveyard. It is because; the horde (in this case) are not letting the alliance even have a chance. Even though; the horde are 3 capping, it is still TECHNICALLY graveyard farming. You can deny it all you want; hug that god damn restro hut and claim that its not graveyard farming. That there is a chance for the opposing faction to organize and stand a chance against the attacking faction. Third; as I stated before; its fame and popularity. I'm sure Pizza and WT really have no intentions of causing this much QQ, problems and discord on the forums and within the community. However; their tactic is clearly legitimate and as I have stated before... Used at EVERY LEVEL, within EVERY BRACKET, within THIS GAME. What the fuck ever happened to standards; rules and fair play? Oh wait; they all went out the freaking window.

Call me ol' fashion, but I honestly prefer when all the battlegroups weren't merged, and I am starting to wish I never stumbled upon this wonderful community. It takes one bad person or group of people to ruin the entire game for everyone else. Apparently; a lot of people think that WT is ruining the 19 bracket and even in an extreme case, controling TwinkInfo itself.

inb4 lolwallofdoom or any stupid shit like that.
Basically: 19 community is seemingly smaller than ever. GY farming discourages people from playing, as well as premades who roll pugs.

is my pointe
Do you have a char in MP? I'm trying to bring it back lol. Plaque, Requilm, and a few other guys still log on. I think I'm the most active right now. Azgalor is empty.

Not Meat Puppet though; I just know your guild form the old WW community... iirc Azgalor is within the group.
The only reason WT is getting so much attention because of the following.

You missed the point that the guild(gyfarm)- leader is the community leader of this bracket. Thats why i think some EU ppl care, cause its just rediculous. Nobody needs your blabla about other brackets or legite strategies. The community leader should take care of the bracket and should try to make 19s a better place to be and not the opposite. All he/they do is making ppl leave the bracket. GG Community-Leader.
And now stop to be a little fanboy and get your things straight....
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