GY Farming.

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Obviously I would not be benefiting from shooting people with AK's, and of course I wouldn't. So this analogy is irravelent too what I'm trying to say.

And I actually need quite amount of honor, since I transferred several twinks to different servers, and stupidly didn't bring most of them with me.. I'd understand if you honor capped, and If I was on my old server.

So in short, what you're saying is that you will only engage in shady behavior if it benefits you? Did you cheat your way through high school and/or college too?
I used to not support GY farming. However, as time went on, I'd be killed over and over while trying to cap flags to end the farms. Makes me think, do they really want it to end? Why should I bother to end it if the victims are intentionally prolonging the camp?

It's kind of like how Furi and Chickk were exploiting the flag the other day while we farmed their team. I don't know what was going through their heads - they were just putting their team through more misery.
I used to not support GY farming. However, as time went on, I'd be killed over and over while trying to cap flags to end the farms. Makes me think, do they really want it to end? Why should I bother to end it if the victims are intentionally prolonging the camp?

It's kind of like how Furi and Chickk were exploiting the flag the other day while we farmed their team. I don't know what was going through their heads - they were just putting their team through more misery.
So because 2 people are exploiting that justifies farming?
So in short, what you're saying is that you will only engage in shady behavior if it benefits you? Did you cheat your way through high school and/or college too?
Not necessarily. If everyone else is doing it, yeah. You can't really point out for someone doing it, if 90% of the bracket partakes in it when it happens. Basically all I'm saying is, it's wrong, but you basically can't stop it, so I'd rather benefit from it, then sit afk in midd, and do nothing.
Not necessarily. If everyone else is doing it, yeah. You can't really point out for someone doing it, if 90% of the bracket partakes in it when it happens. Basically all I'm saying is, it's wrong, but you basically can't stop it, so I'd rather benefit from it, then sit afk in midd, and do nothing.

Why would you sit AFK? Go in and grab the team's flag and run it across and end it. I do it all the time when Horde decides they want to set up shop in the Alliance graveyard. You're trying to justify your actions but you're failing miserably. You're obviously not against it as you claim to be.

Oh and I'm still in high school, and I got to admit I do cheat.

You might want to find some different people from which to copy for tests and such, your current lot appears to be failing you. Maybe Dory can help you out with some of the stuff you're missing from your high school education, I think he teaches the same things to elementary-schoolers.
No, I'd farm either way, but by being in an almost unreachable place they implicitly supported the prolonging of said agriculture.
That is some pretty pathetic attempt at logic, you would do it either way, they know this, what do they do? screw with you.
Why would you sit AFK? Go in and grab the team's flag and run it across and end it. I do it all the time when Horde decides they want to set up shop in the Alliance graveyard. You're trying to justify your actions but you're failing miserably. You're obviously not against it as you claim to be.

You might want to find some different people from which to copy for tests and such, your current lot appears to be failing you. Maybe Dory can help you out with some of the stuff you're missing from your high school education, I think he teaches the same things to elementary-schoolers.

Like dory said, so I can get ganked by rogues or whoever does escape the farm fest, and die? They don't want it to end I'm guessing.

Obviously not missing much, considering my grades are good.
That is some pretty pathetic attempt at logic, you would do it either way, they know this, what do they do? screw with you.

Screw with me? Lol, it had no effect on my standing under the alliance graveyard. Need to think these things through, guy.
Screw with me? Lol, it had no effect on my standing under the alliance graveyard. Need to think these things through, guy.
"You" being the horde team in general not just you specifically. Its more of a moral victory lashing out at the people farming their team.
"You" being the horde team in general not just you specifically. Its more of a moral victory lashing out at the people farming their team.

Perhaps it amounted to a moral victory, but it prolonged the suffering of their teammates, including their poor guildmate Laurasia.

My high principles would prevent my doing that.
Perhaps it amounted to a moral victory, but it prolonged the suffering of their teammates, including their poor guildmate Laurasia.

My high principles would prevent my doing that.
That is because you wouldn't be in the game at that point, What relevance does that even have to the issue of gy farming though.
That is because you wouldn't be in the game at that point, What relevance does that even have to the issue of gy farming though.

What it comes down to is alliance supports my gy farming by killing me while I carry flags and exploiting the horde flag in unreachable places. These instances only prove to strengthen my agricultural resolve.
Perhaps it amounted to a moral victory, but it prolonged the suffering of their teammates, including their poor guildmate Laurasia.

My high principles would prevent my doing that.

Actually, I found it amusing that they found something interesting to do while we were getting farmed. If only I could have gotten across the field to go see them... :(

Dory, be a nice tink and end the gy farming. <3 <3 <3
Dory you used to be such a respectable tinke from what I remember of you in 39s. What happened?
What it comes down to is alliance supports my gy farming by killing me while I carry flags and exploiting the horde flag in unreachable places. These instances only prove to strengthen my agricultural resolve.
You trying to turn this discussion into some sort of joke does nothing to support your claims.
Dory you used to be such a respectable tinke from what I remember of you in 39s. What happened?

I am still the same guy. Like I said, I used to be against gy farming, but trying to end farm games just got me killed repeatedly. I now happily stand under the graveyard while others do the dirty work.

And Laur, no, tho I may not dot you next time ;p
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