GY Camping

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well it looks like there are a couple others who share my opinions. u definitely play your druid more than ur hunter. guarantee u factioned ur hunter to horde because horde wins more often and becuz all ur good at is gy farming and winlogging.

You say u only have your druid as ally, well then who is this?
Agønist @ Bleeding Hollow - Community - World of Warcraft

looks like u have a druid and hunter on ally and hunter on horde.. caught in a lie

at least u apologized for failing to be funny all the time and helping horde win when you play ally

and a screenshot of when you afk a decent game? u really expect ppl to take ss of when you afk? stop acting like ppl care about u ur just another body that will afk when the going gets tough

I've played my druid this week more because I've wanted competitive games. Should I go play my hunter an make more of an imbalance? I factioned my hunter so I could have one on each faction, are you that fucking stupid?(I also factioned before WT even started playing again, so you have no case) Yes I have an ally hunter but it gets error 132 all the time. People know i've had problems with it on my main, so im not lying. I always stay committed to my hunter, I've always played him in MoP even when there were 1000 holy shocks(Early MoP) and I was hitting 17dmg. I will say this again for like the 5th fucking time, I only made my druid to gain a premade slot. If I had a premade slot for hunter I would have never made my druid. I couldn't give a shit if its OP or not, I enjoy playing premades, if it requires me to make the most OP class in order to gain that spot, i'll do it. When do I act like people care about me? I hate more than 80% of this bracket, I couldn't give a rats ass what people think.

Thank you.
When will u realize u arent funny and that no one in the bracket respects u ur just a sub par player who goes from cata hunter to mop druid and afks whenever the other team is somewhat decent

not to mention u winlog cause u arent good enuf to help ur team win when the odds are against u

This goes for half the players in this bracket lol.
I've played my druid this week more because I've wanted competitive games. Should I go play my hunter an make more of an imbalance? I factioned my hunter so I could have one on each faction, are you that fucking stupid?(I also factioned before WT even started playing again, so you have no case) Yes I have an ally hunter but it gets error 132 all the time. People know i've had problems with it on my main, so im not lying. I always stay committed to my hunter, I've always played him in MoP even when there were 1000 holy shocks(Early MoP) and I was hitting 17dmg. I will say this again for like the 5th fucking time, I only made my druid to gain a premade slot. If I had a premade slot for hunter I would have never made my druid. I couldn't give a shit if its OP or not, I enjoy playing premades, if it requires me to make the most OP class in order to gain that spot, i'll do it. When do I act like people care about me? I hate more than 80% of this bracket, I couldn't give a rats ass what people think.

Thank you.

you afk out of competitive games, so obviously thats not the reason why you're playing druid. Horde was stronger befor wt started playing again and its kinda always bene that way u just needde gy to farm and couldn't stand undergeard ally pugs having to carry you.

idk how many times ppl have seen you getting farmed on one faction, see you afk that game, then winlog, que and get into the same game that u were just in and farm the opposing faction who u were just on a team with. Winlog much?

If you had an ally hunter but get error 132 all the time, why would u lie abbout it in the first place by actin like it doesn even exist?

"for like the 5th fucking time, I only made my druid to gain a premade slot." please please show me 4 other times where you said this. way to cheat in the WT premade btw, ur lucky wt didnt call u out for it right there leading to ur guild being disqualifid

pretty sure everyone can agree that u play druid way way more than hunter

dont worry about whethr ppl care about u or not. i can tell you far mor than 80% of the bracket hates u

stay small. stay in discovers shadow.
idk how many times ppl have seen you getting farmed on one faction, see you afk that game, then winlog, que and get into the same game that u were just in and farm the opposing faction who u were just on a team with. Winlog much?

ill admit i hav seen this quite a few times lol, people really need to lose log not win log...
you afk out of competitive games, so obviously thats not the reason why you're playing druid. Horde was stronger befor wt started playing again and its kinda always bene that way u just needde gy to farm and couldn't stand undergeard ally pugs having to carry you.

idk how many times ppl have seen you getting farmed on one faction, see you afk that game, then winlog, que and get into the same game that u were just in and farm the opposing faction who u were just on a team with. Winlog much?

If you had an ally hunter but get error 132 all the time, why would u lie abbout it in the first place by actin like it doesn even exist?

"for like the 5th fucking time, I only made my druid to gain a premade slot." please please show me 4 other times where you said this. way to cheat in the WT premade btw, ur lucky wt didnt call u out for it right there leading to ur guild being disqualifid

pretty sure everyone can agree that u play druid way way more than hunter

dont worry about whethr ppl care about u or not. i can tell you far mor than 80% of the bracket hates u

stay small. stay in discovers shadow.




''idk how many times ppl have seen you getting farmed on one faction, see you afk that game, then winlog, que and get into the same game that u were just in and farm the opposing faction who u were just on a team with. Winlog much?''

Only like once, ss or it didn't happen.

''If you had an ally hunter but get error 132 all the time, why would u lie abbout it in the first place by actin like it doesn even exist?''

Why would I admit to something I can't play.

''pretty sure everyone can agree that u play druid way way more than hunter''

You must be new here, because I've played my hunter nearly double then what i've played my druid in MoP

''i can tell you far mor than 80% of the bracket hates u''

No. I can think of around 11 people.

''stay small. stay in discovers shadow.''

What shadow?



''idk how many times ppl have seen you getting farmed on one faction, see you afk that game, then winlog, que and get into the same game that u were just in and farm the opposing faction who u were just on a team with. Winlog much?''

Only like once, ss or it didn't happen.

''If you had an ally hunter but get error 132 all the time, why would u lie abbout it in the first place by actin like it doesn even exist?''

Why would I admit to something I can't play.

''pretty sure everyone can agree that u play druid way way more than hunter''

You must be new here, because I've played my hunter nearly double then what i've played my druid in MoP

''i can tell you far mor than 80% of the bracket hates u''

No. I can think of around 11 people.

''stay small. stay in discovers shadow.''

What shadow?

first thing i notcied was u were playin lol OP druid. Next thing i noticd was u lost both games, looks like u were too heavy for ally pugs to carry.

As for "only winnlogging once"
ill admit i hav seen this quite a few times lol, people really need to lose log not win log...

Saxxon is a very respectble tink. U arent gonna say hes lyin are ya?

keep gettin caught in ur lies, Drugs meme that he posted kinda sums up my thouughts.

I can thnk of way more than 11 ppl btw
first thing i notcied was u were playin lol OP druid. Next thing i noticd was u lost both games, looks like u were too heavy for ally pugs to carry.

As for "only winnlogging once"

Saxxon is a very respectble tink. U arent gonna say hes lyin are ya?

keep gettin caught in ur lies, Drugs meme that he posted kinda sums up my thouughts.

I can thnk of way more than 11 ppl btw

Right I was carried by the teams, the stats clearly reflect that. You were referring to my druid afk'ing??????? so I gave ss's of my druid not afk'ing in competetive games. God you are lost.
Yes Saxxon is lying. Please name the people that hate me then, lets see if it's 80%.
tbh, 11 people actually liking you is far more accurate
Ty drugs, I was never once a dick to you but thanks for the insults.

guilty by association my friend... as you know im immensely opposed to gy farming... and waw tawent...

and frankly you're posts on TI for the most part are far from friendly
Agonist has only been nothing but friendly and helpful towards me. He does not know who my old twinks are nor cares, just provides helpful suggestions for what I should do when i log my resto d..for that I am thankful and appreciate what tips he provides..
Agonist has only been nothing but friendly and helpful towards me. He does not know who my old twinks are nor cares, just provides helpful suggestions for what I should do when i log my resto d..for that I am thankful and appreciate what tips he provides..
I know who your old tinks are, friend. I've just been waiting for the day when you ask me ''do you know who I am?''. You are the reason i'm still here playing today and I thank you for that :). You will always be my favorite WoW player, and have been nothing but considerate and pleasant towards me. Cheers to you mate.

to say he afks out of games is quite arbitrary..lets look at each other before we cast judgement upon others..we're all guilty of such actions one time or another..

altho i find the meme to be funny, i find it more flattering that one individual would take the time upon him/her self to make such picture..
to say he afks out of games is quite arbitrary..lets look at each other before we cast judgement upon others..we're all guilty of such actions one time or another..

altho i find the meme to be funny, i find it more flattering that one individual would take the time upon him/her self to make such picture..

hahahaha i feel you man. i have no personal vendetta against agonist, I am just firmly against anyone who believes in gy farming is radically as he does. doesnt have anything to do with him as a person. and yea, I've been having a lot of fun with these memes lmao... but seriously i have 2 exams to study for so fuck me right

so with that, my final meme and post of the night
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  • exams.jpg
    168.3 KB · Views: 266
hahahaha i feel you man. i have no personal vendetta against agonist, I am just firmly against anyone who believes in gy farming is radically as he does. doesnt have anything to do with him as a person. and yea, I've been having a lot of fun with these memes lmao... but seriously i have 2 exams to study for so fuck me right

so with that, my final meme and post of the night
View attachment 1448

i feel ya lol..made me giggle when i enlarged that last meme..text is difficult to grasp the tone of the points being expressed..i like the alliance push as of late and implore such efforts. we all want ques, with each afk is a potential to make a difference <3
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