well it looks like there are a couple others who share my opinions. u definitely play your druid more than ur hunter. guarantee u factioned ur hunter to horde because horde wins more often and becuz all ur good at is gy farming and winlogging.
You say u only have your druid as ally, well then who is this?
Agønist @ Bleeding Hollow - Community - World of Warcraft
looks like u have a druid and hunter on ally and hunter on horde.. caught in a lie
at least u apologized for failing to be funny all the time and helping horde win when you play ally
and a screenshot of when you afk a decent game? u really expect ppl to take ss of when you afk? stop acting like ppl care about u ur just another body that will afk when the going gets tough
I've played my druid this week more because I've wanted competitive games. Should I go play my hunter an make more of an imbalance? I factioned my hunter so I could have one on each faction, are you that fucking stupid?(I also factioned before WT even started playing again, so you have no case) Yes I have an ally hunter but it gets error 132 all the time. People know i've had problems with it on my main, so im not lying. I always stay committed to my hunter, I've always played him in MoP even when there were 1000 holy shocks(Early MoP) and I was hitting 17dmg. I will say this again for like the 5th fucking time, I only made my druid to gain a premade slot. If I had a premade slot for hunter I would have never made my druid. I couldn't give a shit if its OP or not, I enjoy playing premades, if it requires me to make the most OP class in order to gain that spot, i'll do it. When do I act like people care about me? I hate more than 80% of this bracket, I couldn't give a rats ass what people think.
Thank you.