GY Camping

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In principle, and here's why:

Hitler believed that the strong had the right to kill the weak.
Hitler used his blitzkrieg warfare in order to eliminate resistance for a "greater good".
Hitler had support.

GY farmers believe that the "skilled" have a right to destroy the "unskilled".
GY farmers use their "skill" to completely dominate games, making it literally impossible to counter a well-planned GY farming.
There are entire guilds made for GY farming, and few to none who oppose it.

So yes, Dory, I'm comparing GY farmers to Hitler. IRL, you guys could be great people for all I know. But as far as in-game conduct goes, you guys need some work (you guys = GY farmers in general).

Edit: completely coincidental that I chose green yellow and red O.O
So because things are wrong in the real world that means that they are wrong in the game aswell? You better stop killing people in the gulch then.
ill reiterate what iv said in previous threads - if u "contain" at gy but dilly dally ur way to cap/ pickin up flag its farmin, if theres a constant flow of picks to cap then its containing and wouldnt matter as ur team would get romped in mid regardless if they were let out past the rest hut.

infact id say your team has THE BEST chance when fighting at gy because you can use the hut for LoS but in mid everyone is a sitting duck
Reading 19's threads make me feel like the f2p bracket is a nice place.

Until you realize bads will be bads, you won't be at peace. If games are always so lopsided, I can't imagine why you would pay $15 a month to subject yourself to being slaughtered. Stop complaining about something you can change.
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Sigh... nvm, arguing against this is useless, people don't seem to understand the concept of morality.
It shouldn't matter what is logically the most efficient way to win a game, you should just know from a sense of empathy (something apparently very rare) that GY camping is annoying and ruins any point in even queuing.
the horde and alliance are at WAR and you expect empathy for one another? youve missed the point of warcraft

think of the dwarves who have slain the mothers of orcs, or the taurens who feasted on the sons of the night elves
I love how I am the only one posting from my the anti-GY farming perspective. It's not a huge deal, I'll admit - there are other aspects of WoW than the 19s bracket that are much more fun and that people could easily move on to - but it takes an incredibly selfish person to destroy another group's enjoyment for their own statistical gain. And then not acknowledge it.
Sigh... nvm, arguing against this is useless, people don't seem to understand the concept of morality.
It shouldn't matter what is logically the most efficient way to win a game, you should just know from a sense of empathy (something apparently very rare) that GY camping is annoying and ruins any point in even queuing.
World of Warcraft is the wrong game for you.
An imbalanced game without gy containment is still a boring, imbalanced game. Why prolong the boredom by repeatedly letting clueless people on the other team pick up the flag?
its 100% ur fault if ur being farmed try not to sux so much
I think they Pay their months sub just like everybody here if they enjoy farm anybody we can't stop us... Just do something to be better or get a life in despite of caring about internet stuffs... You should go with your friends out. For my part when i get farmed i just escape the gy containement and slack somewhere in the WSG cuz when it´s 11:00 pm in US it's 08:00 am in my country so i can stop fake all my teachers and really start work at school.
honestly people who give up when gettin farmed and let there spirit be killed is just doin exactly what Raw Talent ( Though not exclusively) wants you to do and u should all feel Fukin stupid

Edit: U never know who will p ug in once the garbage palyers afk out, thats wat i think atlest and im right most of the time i twink
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Hm... I was thinking about making a level 19 warlock twink but I guess otherwise! I wouldn't join this bracket on either side (I don't like being farmed and I don't like playing with assholes). Thanks for the useful information, I almost wasted 5K gold for poorsported garbage.
Have fun beating on f2p's, big guy.

:p At least there's not as much farming. It's pretty competitive as long as you're playing with the good F2Ps and good 24s (-Cough- I purposely kill GY farmers on my rogue. -Cough-)

Also, a lot of the F2Ps are topnotch players who outskill most 19s (Back when I played 19 on and off in Cata). Remember fighting a 20 feral on my 19 ret. 20 minute fight so we called it a tie since we were both like, under 10 HP when the duel was over.

I've had more exciting games in 20-24 alone because F2Ps (Excluding the Brazilian ones), are generally good players unless they're true trials who are trying out the game. Most 24s are garbage though, hence why 24s get such a bad rep (GY farming "F2P sux" idiots, they are).

The F2Ps on Moon Guard are pretty much the 24 Moon Guardian's best friends anyways. We do group BGs and randoms together, we just respect the bracket and stuff. 24s kill only 24s unless we need to kill F2Ps to win, and F2Ps go after everybody else.
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if its alliance IT should be camped.Period.Notice the emphasis on it. Every game until alliance realizes and gets used to seeing a bunch of red bars at their GY.
This is coming from an Ex-alliance player who has over 70k hks playing that pathetic faction.I see nothing wrong with horde camping alliance graveyards until WSG time expires. Anyone on horde should practice their spells/etc in alliance graves and be allowed to farm hks.Thats how the game is meant to be played.

Let's assume for a moment every horde player feels the same way, and puts it into practice. How long before games stop happening?

Do you think for a second that maybe there's a point where getting games to pop is more important than your petty view on what playing WSG means?
Let's assume for a moment every horde player feels the same way, and puts it into practice. How long before games stop happening?

Do you think for a second that maybe there's a point where getting games to pop is more important than your petty view on what playing WSG means?
You don't even have a 19 twink. Do you post on this forum only to troll?
You don't even have a 19 twink. Do you post on this forum only to troll?

Either I had one, and don't anymore; or I don't have one now, but I might like one.

Regardless, the point stands: At some point you, me, that guy saying alliance are farming fodder, the guy next to him, anyone who played 19s once upon a time, plays 19s now, or wants to play 19s in the future, HAS to decide that it's more important to get game pops than to hold onto some petty opinion on the purpose of WSG.

Dems da fax.
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