Guilds capable of fielding a premade team

Ok lets be friends :3
Look, we understand what you want. I don't know why you are being such a jerk about it. Why on earth would people want to play when you say things like ''Not that anyone could beat my team or anything but you know its good hope!''. I'll be frank here, I doubt many people would want to go on a private server for this regardless of been given BiS twinks. I myself would rather premade on live or this ''mongo fest'' as you call it. Personally having both played low lvl twinking with live and molten I can say that patch 5.3 on live was alot more balanced than 3.3.5. Currently the only problem which has imbalanced it at the moment is the high amount of battle fatigue and the introduction of better chants. Decrease those and we have a good balance.

I will report this to the private server section, good luck anyway.

I'm confused; what happened to rager Agonist? >.< Did you guys actually decide just playing was better than doing the forum drama thing, or did I miss something? Not that I'm complaining, it's refreshing, even if it takes some getting used to.

To be honest, I think what we're stumbling into here is a weird case of good cop/bad cop. Bigboydot's trying to drum up more competition by doing the old tried-and-true method of being egotistical and daring anyone to beat him. Normally, I'd argue with him that trolling isn't necessary for competition, and that it might even be counterproductive, but you guys seem to have beaten me to the punch, lol.

Anyway, I suspect you're comparing 3.3.5 to 5.3 for 19s, in which case, conclude whatever you want. I watched a lot of MoP 39 pvp, and talked to a lot of players who have come from retail. The overall consensus is that on retail, 39s is of course better than the lower brackets, just not as active, but that 3.3.5 is definitely better than retail when it comes to overall balance. No class has any kind of balance-breaking advantage over the others, and every single class is viable, many of them with multiple specs being fine too. Add to that the lack of that battle fatigue crap, and easier gearing than on retail, and you have something that people are willing to move to a private server for.
Sure, it's a bid more on the bursty side but really it's just a faster style of gameplay compared to 3.3.5 so it's really comes down to personal preference and not being concerned with the concept of ''balance''.

Actually, I think you made the case better than I could right there. Anyone looking for some high level competition on even footing, feel free to PM Bigboydots or myself. Be aware that while he's simply advertising for competition, our primary goal is building the 39 community long term. I've been at this since September, so we're not gonna disappear in a month.

If you're interested in just casual fun bgs, I'm sure the f2p bracket is just fine. If you want a change of scenery or pace, however, please be aware that Molten-WoW is also f2p, all the way up to 80, and that it's one of the few stable and reliable private servers that has 1k+ players on every one of it's realms every hour of every day.
Glad you gave up the horrid trolling. You're okay in my book, Agonist.
I am referring to 39s also. This was in 5.3 which was around a year ago I think, when Battle fatigue was like 30 or so percent and there was alot less chants. 39s a few months ago were horribly imbalanced I will say myself. But back in 5.3 they were fun and balanced when I was playing my mage.

Oh, so you agree with blizzard then that Prots should be the #1 DPS in any BG. That's very...interesting...and enlightening.

Could you post a link to a 39 you had played in wrath? I'm sorry for doubting you, but based on what you have said so far re: balance, I simply cannot believe that you could be talking from personal experience.
How do you CC/peel, after you've been one-shotted, literally, by charge+shield slam? Shield slam was doing such crazy damage, I was literally pinballing around one-shotting people as prot, it was stupid. The thing is, Blizzard STILL has not balanced prot to an appropriate damage output level for a protection class, and how many patches has there been since 5.2? Both prot warrs and prot pallys negate any semblance of 'balance', any time that a Protection spec is a viable option for DPS output, there is something drastically fucked with regards to 'balance'.
Fast-reaction gameplay still is relevant with lower dps:health pool ratios, it just takes more fast-reactions in sequence to down someone, and has more effect in taking 'luck' out of the equation. There simply is zero balance (or skill) in 100% to 0% in a few seconds. Higher and faster burst simply makes it easier for sub-par players to get lucky kills.
I support this idea but is not related in anyway to 20-24 bracket. good idea to inform the most active bracket in wow. Bracket maybe trash and imbalanced but we active as F%*k.

Anyone playing this bracket doesn't play for competitive play or balance. If they are, they must be ______ . You can fill in the blank.
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I support this idea but is not related in anyway to 20-24 bracket.

Private Servers good idea to inform the most active bracket in wow. Bracket maybe trash and imbalanced but we active as F%*k.

Anyone playing this bracket doesn't play for competitive play or balance. If they are, they must be ______ . You can fill in the blank.

It is related in that 24s has the sheer numbers to make it a target market for enterprises such as this.

Even if only 5% of the players want any balance thats still more than are active than other brackets.
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Well, taking prot wars out of the equation, wouldn't you say it takes more skill for say a healer to predict a large amount of damage, then just being able to cast flash heal with no real struggle of damage. For example I find it much more challenging especially as a priest to predict(bubble) when a hunter uses explosive shot(mark will show) then just spamming dispel on 3.3.5 which is all I seem to be doing. I agree it doesn't take alot of skill to just play a hunter and burst a target down to 20%, but I feel it takes alot more skill to try to counter that burst with a fast reaction.

If I mess up on my priest, I get my heals interrupted, or I get bursted by 3-4 players at once, or I get chain CCed. Those are the 3 things i'm having to anticipate. Predicting when damage will land is fine and all, but there are plenty of other things that could take more skill. It also makes things more challenging for the dps. They have to CC AND dps, and maybe even chain CC, while also avoiding the enemy dps CCs preventing them. If I just sat around dispel spamming, I'd be pretty sub-optimal. The trick is deciding when you can dispel and when you need to spam heals and bring someone back from the brink, and when you CAN spam heals without getting counterspelled, kicked, pummeled, spelllocked, or windsheared.

Oh, and then there's mana management, which I hear is essentially a non-issue nowadays in MoP? =P
So all I am getting out of this is that you have an issue with 3.3.5 because your play style was sub par. Thats honestly the only thing I get out of the stuff you post Agonist.
The brass tacks is, people on live are attracted to the much simpler game play and fast-paced tempo. It's going to be a challenge to persuade them to make the rewind back to 3.3.5. Hopefully, some of them will be a little more open-minded than others.
20-24 bracket is active as hell. But were kinda of Aszh*l£z here. I mean for godsakes we play a bracket were 90%+ are at a disadvantage lol
The brass tacks is, people on live are attracted to the much simpler game play and fast-paced tempo. It's going to be a challenge to persuade them to make the rewind back to 3.3.5. Hopefully, some of them will be a little more open-minded than others.

It's still kinda weird to me. If you want quick and simpler gameplay, why not just play LoL?
20-24 bracket is active as hell. But were kinda of Aszh*l£z here. I mean for godsakes we play a bracket were 90%+ are at a disadvantage lol

Well, I played before xp-off/xp-on bgs were instituted, and tbh 20-24 doesn't sound much worse than how 70-80% of twinks were back then too. We still build competitive and fun communities in spite of that at 39 at least.
Not sure what is with the hesitation. You get to play on a stable server, in a balanced bracket, against quality players in a hyper competitive environment. All I hear is win.
I guess we like wiping our azz with 15 bucks. It's only 3 lap dances during 5 dollar night. But it's okay were paying for their college education.

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