[Guide] So....You want to be a lvl 19 twink?


Dare to be Optimistic

So you want to make a level 19 Twink

First off, welcome to the bracket. Level 19 twinking has grown over the years from being a very active premading bracket to a bracket thought to have died, recently we have found a group of twinks encouraging activity to start queuing again.

While I personally welcome all to queue (the only way you will learn is through experience), I warn anyone who comes into the XP off bracket that if you do not have exceptional gear and enchants you will receive a lot of negative whispers and there is a chance of being vote kicked from the BG, with the implementation of Cross-Realm BoAs it makes it all the easier to make sure you have those enchants and gear. The best way to avoid this is to do some work on your character. Ask for help here on the forums or add some twinks on Battletag, check out this battletag thread http://www.twinkinfo.com/forums/f12/your-battletag-here-queue-53080/ and most if not all will be happy to guide you on your way to getting geared and ready for BGs. Since you are reading this guide, take a look at the guides and armories referenced before going into a BG.

With cross realm BoAs it is now easier than ever to make a new twink on another server if your willing to put in the work and you have funding and for people that is just starting out I am going to greatly recommend you check out some other threads before you decide to turn off your xp and queue up. Updated 19 Armory List, 19 Guild Directory and 19 Enchants Shortcut those 3 links will allow you to take a look at the kind of twinks that are actually geared and playing along with a list of enchants for each slot and how they scale for our bracket.

As you read guides you may want some guidance to help you decide what class, spec, professions or race to chose, and this is what this guide is meant to go into. I will be giving information on what kind of role each class and spec contribute to the bracket along with armories and respective guides into that class/spec to reference.

All opinions and judgments of the bracket and class/spec descriptions are based solely on playing on the US. As [MENTION=3652]Nicozy[/MENTION] stated "a lot of it stays true for EU side as well, but some things might be different. "


Information Listed Below is for Patch 5.4
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Re: So....You want to be a lvl 19 twink?


While you read this you may wonder what is the point of rolling a 19? This section is going to be negative in parts and will make you question rolling into a bracket with such problems. But believe me when I say it, the 19 bracket needs good quality players who have morals and want to have fun. If I can point those kinds of people in the right direction, then I believe I have done what this guide is meant to do.

As of right now the 19 bracket is active with nightly games popping around 8pm eastern time. The games go from very even matches that can be alot of fun that come down to the last minutes of the game, to the extent of one side or the other "containing" and winning the game quickly when this happens generally games do not pop for a bit and if it is later the games will stop popping all together.

What I am getting at is there is potential for great games in a bracket full of great people, ya at some points you want to hang up your Lucky Fishing Hat and call it quits but this bracket has alot of history and alot of great members that will make you feel like you are a part of something.

Its often said that Blizzard made me quit 19s.....the community made me come back, this means that the great thing about low level twinking is the friendships that happen. Unlike the social aspect of a guild. the 19 bracket is a community large enough for you to feel apart of something big and small enough that every player can be noticed and known in some way or the other.


From a recent start of new threads to a old problem this bracket has always faced I felt a need to include a New section explaining the current Strategies & Tactics alot of games consist of.

Most of the time when you find yourself in warsong you will be in Mid and you will be expected to assist in controlling Mid, this is why playing a Ranged DPS or healer is essential for the health of the bracket.

Alot of guilds will use the Strategy of "Containment" to make their games go smoother resulting in winning in the most dominating manner possible. Alot of people have found this harsh and it is more commonly called GY farming. What "Containment" does is pushes the opposing team to their GY, making a bottle neck where your opponents no longer have anywhere else to run and can be focus fired the second they res from the designated spawn area.

The list of Pros I am giving is from a logical point of view and that is how best you can justify the concept/strategy​

  • The most effective strategy in capture the flag type games, You can find this strategy being used in multiple other games that have respawn and designated respawn points.
  • Using this strategy you force team the other to do the same or their team will be at a major disadvantage.The reason for this is when one team goes at a group with a full 10 it will always be unlikely that anything less than another full 10 will be able stand toe to toe.
  • This strategy compliments teamwork more than skill, A strong team that communicates and coordinates will defeat a team of all stars that lack such. By me saying this does not mean that the teams who are doing this does not have skilled players I was just explaining that Team Work > Individual Skill
  • Compliments Ranged DPS- Range DPS are the kings of Battleground pvp, in such a open playing field a ranged dps thrives more so than a Melee as they can actually survive longer. Being able to do damage from far away and more so allowing their healers to be even further from the danger zone.

The list of Cons is on the opposite end of the spectrum as Pros, this is looking at it on how to have the most fun for all. Comes down to everyone being happy.​

  • The biggest part that I disapprove of with this Strategy is the fact that it keeps new players from growing into better players. For both sides of the spectrum. The Containing team once you have established dominance it quickly becomes shooting fish in a barrel and thus keeping the players who are partaking from growing individual skill and lacking the knowledge of what to do in many other situations. Also on the other side it keeps those who get contained from growing as a player as there is not possible way a player can compete versus a full team. Hence why when core groups that are experienced and know more than just the strategy are not queuing the games tend to be alot more balanced and fun for all.
  • Morale does suffer to the losing team, which in turn makes queue times longer and kills activity as a whole.
  • Growth as a community, Twinks are a dying breed. You compare pure numbers of twinks to numbers in wrath (3-4 games going at once) to today, it is just sad. It is very hard for a new twink to become a part of the community when they spend their whole time in the GY, giving the picture that this bracket is cutthroat and anti social (which really isnt the case).

Those are my pros and cons of GY Containment/Farming. This has caused alot of issues in the community making it more of a competitive environment. It has resulted in alot of drama for the bracket but it will not kill the bracket at the same time. Thus it will not stop being used any time soon.

Do I condone containment, No I do not, but I am not telling people not to do it. To tell people to not use the most effective strategy in the game is idiotic and your asking to be trolled. People like to win, especially people who have been playing this bracket and have built their teams around such a strategy.

How to Fight the Current Strategy

To be able to stand up and fight in this bracket anymore you must know people, you must be willing to group queue with those people and be willing to play the class role needed to win. Melee is at a huge disadvantage against the Mid Strat that it just hurts your team to play those classes. Unless you can utilize its utility to its maximum (Rogues coordinating Ambush to turn the tide for their favor for example)

If you want to complain about the bracket then do so, but do not just stand their and point the finger, do what you can to fix it. Do you solo queue often? Start looking for people to queue with, a Guild is the best place to do this but Battletag works aswell. Start with healers, get yourself a solid healing core and if you cannot find one build one, take your dps class and bench it and play a healer, learn their role and encourage others to do the same, once that is established compliment your healers with Range DPS. If you want to run a Melee class, Make it your FC, they can still be useful in utility and play a huge role in a Capture the Flag game, They can actually take the damage with the right healers.

Try to have fun, even in the worse situations make it somehow worthwhile. Set goals, my personal goal is always to try and get away from the GY once containment happens. If I get to the middle I feel like I have accomplished something weakening their containment slightly from the one/two dps they send after me.
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Re: So....You want to be a lvl 19 twink?

Class Overview

Before you chose your class/spec you should be made aware that at this point and time the current environment of the battleground is very competitive, Before rolling a class that is not as powerful & effective as some you may want to consider rolling a class/role that can actually help the bracket thrive first.

Things to remember when picking your class and specs is that everything can be viable if played right. Some specs and options are clearly better than another but play what you want and try to have fun. Alot of people's opinions is having fun is winning. With all that said a general thing needed in 19 twinks are Healers and Ranged dps. The bracket has a abundance of melee classes when Ranged would be alot more useful. Please take this into consideration when picking your Class/Spec.

Bloodthirsty Warriors are a force to be reckon with great damage and defense. Where warriors are very strong when they have time on target and when they take damage they lack in mobility only have charge for movement the class as a whole is easily cc'd and kited with more mobile classes.

Protection- A strong FC choice as their defensive capabilities really shine when you have a team to support them. Often out-shined by BMs and Druids as FCs this class is a solid choice for anyone looking to make a pure Tank. Where the other classes focus more on mobility this spec is designed to take the damage and keep going. The key spell specific to this Spec is Shield Slam & Shield Block

Arms- Not seen very often as the Mid Strat has almost killed off any melee class but when a Warrior is in the game others need to be cautious to their burst. If a warrior is able to keep time on target with I would state that these are one of the hardest hitting classes right now. The key spell specific to this Spec is Mortal Strike & Slam If you feel that this spec would be for you there is a more in depth guide available.
Guide From Nollix/Shufflerush

Fury- Ever since MOP Fury as been Warrior's Red Headed Bastard child. The once great spec that had self heals and great burst now hits less than a wet noodle and really is embarrassing. I would not suggest anyone to try this spec. The key spell specific to this Spec is Bloodthirst & Wild Strike

Warbringer:- The Talent of choice for warriors, as of 5.2 the daze after the stun makes for more time on target which means more rage/damage able to be done. This Talent Choice has become the only choice the few Warriors that Que use.
Double-Time:-Probably the best choice if you feel you need more mobility. In my opinion this option would be nice to use if your running multiple paladins as (HoJ) and Warbringer Diminishing returns Stack.
Juggernaut:- The Talent out of the Three I really would not suggest using. It is a nice option if you find yourself charging every time its off cooldown but it seems Double time tends to offer more.​

The Gallant Paladin at 19 is probably one of the best classes to play if you are a lone wolf. The class in general has great survival aspects and generally can be game changers when the class is played right.

Protection- Prot Paladins have recently been shining for their dps aspects over FC capabilities, With their Avenger shield able to put out alot of damage and silence key classes, They are effective for their spread damage and off heals. The key spell specific to this Spec is Avenger's Shield. There is no guide out there for this spec but I'm sure if you contact one of the Armories Listed they would be happy to work with you.

Holy- Considered to be the strongest spec of paladins This class is seen often in the gulch. Out of all healers Paladins are the ones that can take the most damage. High armor, Divine Shield, and Instant Cast heals make this spec is a great alternative to FC with. Overall I would like to say that there is a lot of Holy paladins out there and out of all the specs I would say that Hpally would be the most ideal for beginners. Holy Paladins can be good anywhere they feel they need to be if you play well and stick to goal. The key spell specific to this Spec is Holy Shock. If you believe you would be interested in this there is a very indepth guide.
Guide from Dartofblue

Retribution- This spec is non-exsistant at this point and time in the 19 bracket, with the focus on mid this class's lack of mobility and need for time of target does not make this a viable choice. The key spell specific to
this Spec is Templar's Verdict

Pursuit of Justice- The choice of most Paladins. The overall speed increase from this talent choice makes Paladins one of the most overall mobile classes. Paladins Prefer this over Speed of Light as this speed could not be dispelled and is a constant increased speed over time.
Long Arm of the Law- A talent that not many Paladins would ever suggest as the other two options offer alot more mobility when you need it and doesn't require you to be able to do a offensive spell.
Speed of Light- This talent is probably the most debatable choice. A Lot of Paladins prefer this sprint over the Pursuit of Justice as they feel that this castable sprint is more useful to get out of hairy situations. This castable spell can be dispelled.

The hunter class being a dominant force in cata became much more skill capped when MoP came out. The class doing a lot less damage but the utility of the class really shines in the right hands. As of the last couple of patches Hunters have been seeing an increase to damage, include that with the ability to be one of the most effective range slowing classes, Hunters once again becoming a dominating force once again.

Survival- The spec of choice for hunters the ability to do a lot of damage in a short time and consistent overall damage making Survival is the Spec of choice for most hunters. The key thing for Survival Damage is the fact that all of your damage can be done on the move, making it a lot more effective for pursuing your target. The key spell specific to this Spec is Explosive Shot. If you feel this is something you would be interested in there is an in-depth guide available. Guide from Erotk

Beastmaster- Not as seen as Survival but a Beast Master Hunter has the ability to put out great damage also. This spec requires a lot more Pet control for the main Burst Spell Kill Command your pet actually has to be on your target. Most hunters do not go with this spec due to the fact that a lot of its better spells are not available till a higher level. The key spell specific to this Spec is Kill Command. There is no guides for this spec but I'm sure if you contact one of the armories listed someone would be willing to help guide you with your twink.

Marksman- The spec that is not seen much in the lvl 19 bracket as the main spell is a long cast that requires you to stop moving, the thing about long casted damage dealing spells are easy to LOS/Outrun and in pvp is mobility is king. Now I am not able to find many twinks with this spec but maybe you're a pioneer and wanna try something not seen. Give it a try and let us know how it goes. The key spell specific to this Spec is Aimed Shot.


Posthaste-Considered bye most the best talent of choice for the Offensive hunter. This ability removes slowing effects and increases speed by 60% making kiting and staying on target all easier.
Narrow Escape-A strong choice if you feel your play style is more on the defensive side of things. This talent places a web on targets around you within 10 yards rooting them in place (One of the only roots not able to be dispelled)
Crouching Tiger Hidden Chimera-The talent that not many people use as it only shortens disengage time and with the lack of other utility spells the other options tends to be the better choice.​

The Elusive Rogue is probably the most popular "starter" twink. Something about the mentality of being able to sneak around where people can't see you seems really appealing to new twinks. Playing a rogue effectively takes a lot of coordination and patience. A great rogue will make a offense being able to Sap Kick and a lot of Burst. Much like other melee classes they are easily kited and cc'd when they are out of stealth. The key spell for all Rogues is there opening Ambush. There is quite a indepth guide that covers multiple specs if you would like to read it Guide from Mocha

Assassination- The most popular of rogue specs at the moment, this spec is found to have alot of burst and can often kill players quickly, the key spell to this spec is Mutilate. If this is something you would be interested in playing check out a few armories.

Subtlety- A strong second for their burst and dots, Key spell specific to Subtlety is Hemorrhage. If you feel this spec would be something that would interest you there is a more In-Depth Guide. Guide from Curley

Combat- A spec not seen very often in the 19 bracket. When you do see this spec often its people trying it out for fun. I like to say that Combat rogues play best out of Stealth. (Not saying you should be out of stealth when playing this spec) Most of there burst comes from their auto attacks and aoe damage. The key spell specific to combat is Blade Flurry.

Nightstalker-The talent of most twink rogues, this offers the ability to be alittle more mobile for most rogues they feel that alittle bit more movement speed makes a huge difference. My opinion this is a strong choice but one of the other two choices tends to be liked more for twinks.
Subterfuge- My opinion probably the best choice for rogues offering the ability to Ambush twice offering the most Burst possible. A Lot of twink rogues use this and try getting a double ambush/evis to do the most possible damage in the shortest amount of time. Recently a lot of rogues have been using this ability to do a quick Ambush on their target and getting away to restealth for another opener. Making it a prime choice for dueling Rogue.
Shadow Focus-So useful for rogues as Ambush uses a fair amount of energy and the ability to do so at a reduced costs in the end would allow you to do more attacks in a short time. Some feel this is better than Subterfuge for burst but others disagree. It comes down to play style and spec.​

The Divine Priests of the 19 bracket are considered one of the strongest classes in general, Particularly the Spec of Disc. A priest in the hands of a skilled player can easily help a team to victory through Absorbs, Heals, CC, and some burst capabilities. There is a guide out there for priests but It is not up to date but still the information contained in it, in my opinion, is still great information. Out of Date guide from Maelstwom

Discipline- As said above this spec is Priest's fotm being a whole package. Amazing Damage, Great Heals, Amazing Absorbs, and Great CC. But just because it has all that doesn't mean just anyone can do well as a Disc Priest. Disc I like to say takes alot of Patience and Awareness. You have to be able to control your actions so you don't get yourself into too much trouble and in over your head. I would say Disc Priest would be more for the seasoned Healers who know how to survive. If you can keep yourself alive most likely you will do well as a Disc. The key spell specific to this Spec is Penance & Holy Fire.There is no guide regarding this spec particular but there is alot of Disc Priests out there. And I'm sure a few of them would help you.

Holy- Overshadowed bye Disc Holy Priests have great heals and from what I have read/tried personally a little more ability to survive than a disc with Strong Heals and additional CC. There isn't many Holy Priests out there considering how strong Disc is I would say play Holy if you want to try out a different play style. The key spell specific to this Spec is Holy Word: Chastise & Holy Fire.

Shadow- Shadow Priest doesn't live up to the greatness it has in the Mid Brackets (29, 39, 49). The damage is okay at best and compared to Disc its next to nothing. I would say if you want to play Shadow I would do so just for fun when you have established yourself into disc. The key spell specific to this Spec is Mind Flay

Dominate Mind- A nifty spell that allows you to take control of an opponents character controlling movement. A Lot of fun if you find yourself in a group of people who can watch your back as it is cancelled when you are hit and often can cause you to loose the upper hand against DPS.
Psyfiend- A favorite among most disc priests a Psyfiend can break pressure on yourself and your team as It fears any character that gets close to it focusing on People that are attacking the Priest that summoned it.
Void Tendrils- A not so often seen spec but when it is seen it tends to be a game breaker allowing you to root DPS off of you and your team allowing for pressure freedom from melee. A Lot of the more Known Priests flip from this and Psyfiend depending on what comp they're facing and or what kind of team they are running with.

The Spiritual Shaman is among one of the higher skill capped classes at 19. Anyone can play shaman and do well at it. But for those who learn its play style and play it well they outshine most and become the greats in the bracket. The class as a whole has great abilities that are unique as in no other class is able to do what a Shaman Can. The only class with a spammable Offensive Dispel (purge) and the ability to Interrupt Casting (windsheer) shaman can be a great utility as any spec. If you feel the class would be a good fit for you there is an in depth guide that covers all the specs. Guide from Eliot

Restoration- As of MoP Resto became The most popular of specs for shamans until recently and rightfully so as the Resto Shaman has large heals that increase the players Health. Resto Shamans have the only Defensive Dispel (spell) in the game at this level making them a strong choice as a healer on Offense (to Dispel CC) or Defense (dispel all magic effects off of your FC Fellow healer, or even yourself). Include that with Riptide and Ghostwolf I like to think a Resto Shaman is the most flexible utility/healer in the bracket. The key spell specific to this Spec is Riptide & Purify Spirit. If you feel this would be something your interested in check out a few armories.

Elemental- As of 5.3 Elemental Shamans became a lot more popular as the class it self allows you to move while casting lightning bolt. Making Elemental become a lot stronger as the class is very mobile much like the hunter but with the ability to heal, purge, and blanket silence a healer with Wind Sheer. In my opinion this spec plays a lot like Resto but you lose the ability to dispel your fellow teammates for a AoE Punt (Thunderstorm) making the class a useful tool for both offense (knocking healers/cc away from the FC) or Defense (knocking DPS away from your healers/FC) The key spell specific to this Spec is Thunderstorm. If you feel you would be interested in this spec check out a few armories.

Enhancement- According to the patch Notes 5.3 the Enchancement Shaman did get a increase to damage, but still gets outshined by the other specs of shaman much like the ret paladin. What it does have is the base line ability to cc/dispel this spec would be something you would build a set around only after you built yourself a Resto/Ele set and should only be played for fun. The key spell specific to this Spec is Lava Lash.

Stone Bulwark- The talent of choice for most shamans. This Totem puts a shield around you to absorb damage and continues to put a shield for smaller amounts of damage over a period of time. The totem can be killed but is often ignored allowing you to take less damage.
Nature's Blessing- A buff to your health when you are reduced below 20% health This buff seems rather small and can only happen once in 30 seconds. Considered a good choice for Shamans that want to FC.
Astral Shift- This spell is a buff that reduces damage taken for 8 seconds. Its considered not a good choice compared to the other two options and you really don't see many shamans using this talent.​

The enchanting Mages in my opinion are the true "glass cannons" of the bracket. The class can do tons of damage and CC but the second they have people on them they tend to drop very fast and hard. The class has great cc to counter it but relies greatly on their team to be able to play at there best.

Arcane- This spec is the most popular among the mage. The spec does a lot of damage over a period of time and in the Range DPS has the highest Burst Capabilities. Their main damage takes place after building up Stacks of Arcane Charge. A Lot with taking advantage of the Shatter Passive which increases your crit chance on Chilled Players. This spec takes a lot of awareness and trust in your team. The key spell specific to this Spec is Arcane Blast & Arcane Barrage. If you think you would be interested Guide from Uraflamer

Frost-Frost Mages in my opinion is a unrepresented star. The spec has tons of cc abilities that get outshined bye BM monks slows. The frost mages I have seen playing normally are very hard to kill and really are pains. Most mages choose the route of dealing more damage but I would highly suggest anyone who wants to be thorns in people's sides to try this spec. The key spell specific to this Spec is Frost Bolt & Water Elemental

Fire-Fire Mages in the world of pvp really don't shine till later on. Most mages find that you're spending too much time standing still to be able to do anything and find themselves running Arcane for more mobility. I would suggest only running Fire if you feel like trying something really different and don't care about getting the stats. The key spell specific to this Spec is Pyroblast & Fireball.

Presence of Mind- A strong choice for talents but very often not used as most mages that play in the 19 bracket lean towards the other two options.
Blazing Speed- The go to talent of choice for mages this offers for the most mobility and allows you to escape very hairy situations in a fraction of a second. Couple this with blink and you can get across a lot of space in a short time being useful for both offensive (chasing down a target) and defensive (getting out of a bad situation)
Icey Flows- A 2nd choice that alot of twinks lean towards the ability to cast while running allows most Arcane Mages to do more damage while surviving and/or staying on target allowing them to be able to burst alot sooner.​

Warlock-This class as a whole is a great choice for any seasoned twink. The class requires a lot of awareness and ability to survive. Being a cloth wearing class they are very squishy and requires a lot of use of CC to survive. This class do a lot of steady over time on a lot of targets or a lot of burst to one target. If played right this class can easily go from being a dominating force on offense to a Fear bot/Support on Defense. Very flexible if know what you are doing. If this is something you would feel would interest you there is a in-depth Guide from Dorigon

Destruction-This spec would be the most popular in the 19 bracket right now. With their strong burst, cc, and slows. This spec is up there as one of the most effective classes to fight in Mid with along with probably one of the best classes for an offensive force being able to easily keep classes CC'd and Slowed while at the same time putting a lot of pressure with burst/consistent damage. The key spells specific to this Spec is Conflagrate, Incinerate & Immolate

Demonology- Demonology is a spec a lot consider more beneficial to play defensive. Having more mobility than Destruction but losing on on some of the burst this spec In my opinion would probably be better for the Twinks that need more mobility to survive. With Metamorphosis allowing for more movement with Demonic Leap. This spec would be a lot of fun to play with the sacrifice of burst so you are more likely to stay alive. The key spell specific to this Spec is Metamorphosis & Hand of Gul'dan.

Affliction- Affliction is barely ever seen in bgs nowadays, this once dominant spec went from being able to put out the most damage in a bg to being overshadowed by the fact that Dots really no longer "pressure" healers. With the over powered healers in the bracket Burst is key. I would only suggest using this spec if you're running with a core group of strong burst classes. And even then you would mainly be a fear bot and you can do that as a Destruction/Demonology Warlock. The key spell specific to this Spec is Unstable Affliction.

Harvest Life- A impressive choice for locks this allows for great healing to yourself while keeping everyone in range in combat (stealthies in particular). Most warlocks I see running this talent are group queuing allowing them to do the most possible damage.
Soul Leech- Probably the least popular of talents I wouldn't suggest using this and would direct you towards one of the other two choices.
Dark Regeneration- This Talent tends to be the talent of choice for solo queing Locks. I am not sure which is better between this and harvest life but I would lean toward using this talent if you find yourself solo queuing and in a lot of 1v1 situations. Being able to move while this works would be the key part of this allowing you to play more defensively.​

With the implementation of MOP the Monk class has taken to the Battlefield in a storm. A unlikely spec becoming an almost must have and the other specs showing they are a force to be reckon with. I would suggest this Class to any player as this class has very unique play styles. Going from being the dominate slowing force to being probably the most mobile melee class on the battlefield. To an almost completely ignored healer that really needs attention.

Brewmaster- The King of slows a Brewmaster Monk is by far the spec of choice for most 19 monks as it has so many capabilities to keep all around him completely slowed. A well played BM Monk can keep any class locked down so Melee can destroy and get plenty of Time on Target at the same time acting as a tank. Couple that with a unique ability Clash, This is a mixture of Charge and Death Grip. In the end of it all a BM monk can put out decent damage but the main thing about this spec is its ability to lock down its target and keep others around Slowed for easy switches making a Team as a whole so much more effective. The key spells specific to this Spec is Stance of the Sturdy Ox, Dizzying Haze, Keg Smash, Breath of Fire & Clash.

Windwalker- Windwalker monks recently went from almost non-existent to a force that you have to drop. This class has amazing mobility, great time on target and the ability to AoE stun anything in-front of them with Fist of Fury. A well played Windwalker can and will take advantage of positioning errors to help drop the desired target. The damage from a Windwalker Monk isn't as amazing as other Melee but where they lack in burst/damage Windwalkers gain in actually being able to stay on target. The key spell specific to this Spec is Fists of Fury, Flying Serpent Kick & its not really a spell but key to there damage Tiger Strikes

Mistweaver- A mistweaver monk went from being a joke class that not many people would play to a very strong choice as their heals generally can out heal burst damage if they are able to use their channeled heal correctly. Now I'm not saying this spec is the best healer, this healer seems to shine best when there are other healers to divert attention. And out of all healers this spec is probably the most unique to play with so much mobility yet there strong heal requires you to stay still. Requiring a completely different kind of playstyle than a lot of healers. The key spell specific to this Spec is Stance of the Wise Serpent, Soothing Mist & Enveloping Mist. There is a nice Guide from Neap/Laurenti I would suggest anyone interested in trying the spec out to read it.

Celerity- This talent really isnt a viable option at this lvl. As there isn't as many options for mobility the other two options just out shine this one. This option would be more for later levels.
Tiger's Lust- The popular choice among monks as this offers the most utility in a single spell being able to target yourself or others allowing you to assit your FC or a Healer trying to get away from troublesome dps.
Momentum- A viable choice in my opinion for Windwalkers as it offers the most mobility.​

The Last Class on the list, and honestly they say save the best for last, this fits the situation very well as the Druid Class is probably one of the only Classes that all of its Specs can be very effective. Not only that the Druid class as a whole is considered to be overpowered. You take their mobility, heals, and straight out damage and you have a class that is going to be the flavor of the month. If this is something that you think you would be interested in Check out Shift's Druid Guide

Balance- Just as it is named, this is by far the Balanced spec of druids, it is the whole package, mobility, damage, heals. The one time fotm class is slowly becoming a not so often seen class. I would recommend anyone who wants to play Druid as a dps aspect to spec Balance. The key spells for this spec specifically are Moonkin Form, Starfire, Starsurge & Sunfire

Feral- This spec is probably more bursty than boomkin if they can actually have plenty of time on target. A Feral druid really shines defending the flag from the EFC and moments when they can take advantage of a class where they can get a lot of time on their target (strongest against other melee/healers) I would suggest this spec to anyone who loves big crits, and enjoys the aspect of melee game play. The key spells for this spec Tiger's Fury, Shred, & Savage Roar

Feral- Guardian in aspect is a version of Feral. A Guardian Druid geared correctly can have just as much if not more Armor than a Prot Warrior and more people are leaning towards Guardian druids as flag carriers, This is a great choice for Flag carrying as a Guardian Druid can be a bit more mobile than a Warrior allowing for more effective kiting with the right healers. Its considered better to FC as restro as you tend to heal yourself alot better but this spec can be just as effective with capable Healers. The key spells specific to this spec is Savage Defense, Thick Hide & Bear Hug

Restoration- This spec probably can put up the most numbers when it comes to overall healing. There healing is very strong over time and is most effective healing in mid with another healer than can heal threw the more bursty moments. But where Resto Druids tend to shine most is when they decide they want to carry the flag. I would only suggest a flag carrier Resto Druid that knows how to kite well and is able to hold composure under pressure. Most Resto druids find themselves inches from life just to barely get away and heal themselves back up. I would suggest this spec to any healer that feels gimped in the movement aspect. The key spells specific to this spec is Swiftmend, Nourish & Regrowth

Feline Swiftness- Often not seen as much as the other talents but still very effective in the right hands of a druid who knows how to kite. Also very viable for feral spec allowing for even more time on target/chasing down their prey.
Displacer Beast- Found to be the most used talent of Boomkins this talent is designed to be used when the druid finds themselves in over there head. Much like the mages blink this allows for a quick getaway and or so they could stay on target longer.
Wild Charge-The go to choice talent for alot of druids this talent offers the most mobility. In the hands of a well played druid this talent will allow you to do things that will frustrate other players. Some examples of strong uses, A fc just about to get away from you but you shift to bear and charge them rooting them in place for 4 seconds making them a sitting duck. Need to get across mid the fastest in travel form is a leap 20 yards making you travel all the faster. And finally last but not least, This talent allows you to fly to a friendly target, a lot of FC that have support and or a friendly item (cleansing totem/battle standard) dropping off room having dps that are pressuring you to follow you just to charge back up to the roof. Allowing easily for another 20 seconds easy to top yourself off and continue with kiting.​

In Conclusion
At level 19 Every Class has viable specs and can be game changers if you play your class well. Every class has its strengths and weaknesses and requires its own play style. I hope my explanations of the state of the Classes in 5.2 will help you decide what class you might want to try and even what spec.

If you feel I was not accurate on anything listed above I urge you to message me or leave a comment in the thread, As I am not an expert in every class especially right now that I am just getting back to Twinking in 5.4, I doubt I am completely accurate but I feel I did give a decent Idea of what each class/spec is capable of.

You can Always check the Armory Thread linked that is sticked on the 19 forum also If you feel you would like to be listed as a Armory Please link me your armory :)
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Re: So....You want to be a lvl 19 twink?


In Twinking not having Professions will keep a good twink from becoming great. Using the right Profession can give you that extra boost to get the desired goal.

For the Gathering Professions Below, Often believed to be the only choices when it comes to twinking as they actually give you beneficial buffs/stats that make your twink all the better. But with great power take a pain in the ass grind to get to 225 (which you do want to cap as the stat differential between the ranks are rather large)


Having this profession at 225 Gives you Toughness Rank 3. Classes that would find the most benefit from this would be of course Flag Carriers and/or Healers. Raising this profession to 225 is rather easy as long as you have a high lvl miner and or a lot of gold to purchase the required Ores to do so. The only gathering profession that you can level threw crafting only.


Having this profession at 225 Gives you a castable buff Lifeblood Rank 4. Classes that would find the most benefit from this would be DPS (increase on burst damage), Healers (faster heals when the damage is increased), and FCs (the instant heal can be life saving and the increased haste can help dps down oncoming Damage Dealers). Raising this profession to 225 is probably the most tedious and time consuming as you actually have to go around and herb the required Herbs to gain skill lvls. This Profession is also considered a must have for almost every twink as the Castable Buff can be game breaking any many different situations.


Having this profession at 225 gives you Master of Anatomy. Classes that would find the most benefit from this would be DPS (increase with burst damage), Healers (increase chance to burst heal). Raising this profession to 225 is not so horrible to lvl as long as you have a high lvl to kill a lot of mobs the process moves quickly.

The Crafting Professions below tend to Not get used often as they get out-shined from the Gathering Professions. But depending on your play style you may enjoy the consumables available from the three professions below


Probably the only Crafting Profession most would ever suggest, as long as you use items such as Big Bronze Bombs & Discombobulator Ray which can and will make or break situations in the gulch turning things to your favor. Alliance getting extra benefit from this as Gnomes are able to have Instant Bombs Portable Bronze Mortar.


The main use of this Profession is for Mixology which allows you to have increased benefit from Elixirs. Such as Elixir of Lesser Agility with the buff gives you 13 agility instead.


The only use of leveling this profession is to craft alot of Heavy Stone Statues, I would not suggest staying in Jewelcrafting after you have a good amount of them. And I only suggest doing this if you have the gold and feel like playing around with something unique. You do not need to have JC to use that item.

The Secondary Professions below I would like to state would be no reason why not to get all of them and level them as they do give some perks and items that other twinks may not be able to obtain if they didn't take the time to work on it.

First Aid

A must have for any twink. Maxing this profession to 225 allows you to use Heavy Runecloth Bandages. A must use for twinks who pug often and find themselves in periods where you could use a heal but no healers are around. A very skilled twink uses bandages to great benefit. The Bandage is like a channeled heal that can be broken if you take damage. Great for when A healer is CC'd and the FC is taking a lot of damage and or helping keep Your only healer alive so they can focus on healing everyone else.


Not really a must have but a useful Profession for any twink. With the removal of the Rumsey Rum buff a lot of people have turned to Food Buffs for that little extra stats.


Just like Cooking not a must have but a lot of great things can come from fishing. Such as the Lucky Fishing Hat on Sunday tournament in STV along with the ability to lvl Cooking and get vanity items such as Titanium Coin

The Professions Below really cannot really provide no benefits to you as a level 19 twink.


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Re: So....You want to be a lvl 19 twink?

Race Overview

Both factions have their more desired races and As I List the Races for each faction the ones at the top are the more popular choices for races. Just because one race is more popular than the other remember to pick the race for your play style. Every Race can be great if played right.

When it comes to the Alliance it seems as though the Selections for pvp based races are limited and you often find everyone rolling the same race for the same racials. With that said though I'm a big believer that any Alliance Race can do well if you use there racials to your best benefit.​

Night Elf- With the change to insignias this race has slowly become to most popular alliance race. With their Quickness and Shadowmeld this race has defensive capabilities that most races wish they could have. Shadowmeld is becoming a fan favorite in general due to the ability to drop combat/target and get bandages off/restealth if your druid rogue. Top that off with Nature Resistance and you have a very defensive race that will allow you to play more aggressively.

Gnome- The short Gnomes in my opinion are growing in popularity. With the Racial Escape Artist they essentially have 2 trinkets to remove snares. (as long as you have a insignia Equipped of course). Not only that but there Arcane Resistance comes in great handy with so many Boomkins in the bracket. Along with other Races Gnomes have Expertise with Shortblades and best for last They have Engineering Specialization which allows for them to use items such as Portable Bronze Mortar & craft items like Discombobulator Ray

Worgen- With the change to Insignia Worgen has grown in popularity as one of the more offensive Races to pick. One of the few races out there that has Reduced damage from two schools of magic Abberation, racial sprint Dark Flight and increased critical strike Viciousness. A worgen is a solid choice for any offensive class. Top that with a increase to skinning Flayer which would allow you to skin higher lvl mobs sooner making lvling skinning faster. Worgen probably is the most viable choice for anyone who prefers alliance and still want that aggressive playstyle.

Human- Human by far use to be the most popular Race choice for alliance. But with the change to the Racial Every Man for Himself which use to be the only 2 min cooldown trinket, now every trinket has a base of 2 mins so really this racial only frees a trinket spot up which can still be benefical for the right classes Insignia. Not only that but the Human Race offers Expertise Sword Specialization & Mace Specialization. Finally for PvP aspect they have The Human Spirit

Dwarf- Considered to be more of a Race you play if you want to be different or for style. The dwarf's signature Racial is Stoneform Making this Race a viable option for anyone who prefers Defensive abilities. Most used for classes that FC often find Stoneform a great choice for those High Burst moments. Along with Frost Resistance which doesn't seem as viable at this lvl as other Racial Resistances. There offensive capabilities often get outshined bye other racials but they do have increased of expertise with Crack Shot & Mace Specialization so they do have a chance at playing hunter/melee classes.

Draenei- The once race of choice for most Alliance due to Heroic Presence this race can still be a good choice for any caster. But with the change to required hit for melee/hunters you often don't see many Draenei running around. With the change of Shadow Resistance The resistance aspect no longer helps you resist fears making this less appealing as not alot of Damage at 19 doesnt do Shadow Damage. Along with Gift of the Naaru is a little helpful to those classes without heals but still tends to get outshined bye other racials. I would suggest Draenei only if you're someone who like to play the Oddball, For every class there seems to be a better race than this one at this lvl (higher lvls tend to see more benefit to these racials)


Pandaren- coming out in MOP is the first race that you get to choose both factions, pretty rare to see them at 19 as alot of people don't find there racials very beneficial for pvp other than Quaking Palm and since the removal of the buff you receive from Rumsey maybe Epicurean. All in all I believe they designed the Racials more towards leveling and pve with things like Bouncy and Inner Peace the pandaren would be great choices for any class you would like to level to higher levels. In the matters of pvp I believe Pandaren are great choices for twinks that are more established, they know their classes and know what they are capable of.

When it comes to Horde Race Selection I like to believe that there is a higher variety that meshes well into your play style. There is more choices to pick from in the pvp aspect and you really can't pick a race that will do you wrong as long as it works for your play style.​

Blood Elf- This race tends to almost be the poster boy of Horde pvp, probably the most popular race for Horde due to their looks and there great racials This race seems to be a race of choice for most twinks. With a reduced damage taken from Arcane Resistance this class is ideal for the every day pugger running into boomkins constantly. Include that and other racial benefits such as Arcane Torrent making it the only race that can silence there targets and restore some resource.

Tauren- The Tauren in my opinion is probably the strongest choice for any horde player. The large race makes for the ability to use the terrain of warsong easily completing jumps other races have trouble doing. There Signature Racial War Stomp is considered one of the most versatile abilities the AoE stun is a gamebreaking ability if used right. Include that with Increased Health pool Endurance, Reduced damage from Nature Resistance. Tauren's in my opinion is the Race of Choice for those who like playing defensively. Include the ability to level herbalism faster than most with Cultivation its easy to understand why Tauren Race is a solid choice for any twink class they can be.

Undead- Probably a fan favorite the Undead race tends to be chosen more for the looks than their racials but don't count them out too soon. With the ability to Trinket Fears Will of the Forsaken, To heal themselves without consumables Cannibalize(not to mention the epeen of eating your foe that you just owned) Stack that with the life stealing ability Touch from the Grave, Undead racials are often taken for granted.

Troll- When trying to pick a race I would recommend this race to anyone who wants to be a more aggressive player. With their natural Regeneration & The Voodoo Shuffle a troll can sometimes be a very hard race to kill making them a prime race to use when you get into sticky situations. Include Berserking making this race a choice alot of people lean towards for those high numbers on the score board. Haste slowly becoming more and more popular with the twink community this race tends to shine where others lack in that aspect. Also being the Horde's Dead Eye the troll race tends to be a prime choice for hunters. I would also like to reference Beast Slaying with Hunters becoming more and more seen sometimes the ability to do more damage to there pets really makes a difference.

Goblin- The Goblin became the race of choice for the less mobile classes due to the Goblin signature racials Rocket Jump & Rocket Barrage which allows you to do take advantage of alot of terrain exploits the Rocket Jump makes for a great tool to get away from melee and or a group of players. What I think alot of Horde players took for granted was Time is Money being a prime choice for any class. There are other Racials that don't impact PvP as much but still are nice to have such as Best Deals Anywhere & Better Living Through Chemistry is a very interesting Profession bonus because with the Alchemy you get the Mixology Bonus for potions you can make which in a way could be used for pvp. Include Pack Hobgoblin and you got a very well balanced race that would be a smart pick for pretty much any class you wanna pick.

Orc- This Race is considered to be the Iconic Race of the Horde, Being a very savage primal race Blood Fury tends to be there signature racial. Command that with Command Orcs in my opinion is probably one of the best choices for a Hunter on horde side for pure damage aspect. Orcs make solid choices for Warriors with there Axe Specialization and couple that with there defensive Hardiness. An Orc I believe would best suit a very aggressive player that believes pure brute force is the only way.

Race Conclusion
Remember when picking a Race that just because it is popular doesn't mean its going to fit your play style. There are alot of cookie cutter opinions out there but I for one believe its more about how you play and use your racials that matter. Not what is most effective overall. Yes some Racials tend to be more useful for more play styles but at the end of the day every Race listed above can be fun and effective for any twink that find the right way to use the Racials. I hope this part of the guide helped you in your choice of Race Selection.
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Re: So....You want to be a lvl 19 twink?

Guide Conclusion

I really hope that this guide does what it is intended to do, Lead players who have trouble deciding what path they want to take. If you are a player like me you like to know what everything is capable of and you have a general idea of what you would be good at. But you like to know other people's opinions before making your own mind up. If you have any questions, suggestions, and or just comments to make feel free to do so in this thread and or message me. Welcome to the 19 bracket and lets have some fun

Thank You
Armory List from [MENTION=9433]Agonist[/MENTION]
Guild Directory from [MENTION=9433]Agonist[/MENTION]
Battletag Thread from [MENTION=4850]Sputnick[/MENTION]
Enchant Thread from [MENTION=5623]Silinrul[/MENTION]

Guides Listed Are From
[MENTION=10506]Nollix[/MENTION]-Arms Warrior
[MENTION=7223]dartofblue[/MENTION]-Holy Paladin
[MENTION=5715]Erotk[/MENTION]-Survival Hunter
[MENTION=4002]Curley[/MENTION]-Sub Rogue
[MENTION=16519]Laurenti[/MENTION]-Mistweaver Monk
[MENTION=14930]Shift[/MENTION]- Druid

All spells/talents/items listed here was found and linked from wowhead
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noticed that my link goes to eliots guide, since his was above mine, im guessing it was a copy paste error? if so all good, but could you fix it please :D
I've played ret paladin spec for a while, and currently it's probably on par with a fury warrior. Judgment is the only ability that hits hard, as it does holy damage rather than physical, and it hits harder than Templar's Verdict on any high armor class. Avenger's Shield does more damage than TV and can also bypass armor since it deals holy damage.
To be honest that stone statue is mediocre at best. I tried it out and compared to the other professions it really doesnt offer much benefit.

Oh, you don't have to stay in Jewelcrafting though. Just make a bank load and switch to another profession. You don't have to be a JC to use them, just to make them since they're soulbound.

I was dueling an arms warrior (geared, but no chants), and his MS was hitting me for 144, my TV was hitting for 158
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Shadow- Key Spell for this Spec Mind Flay & Shadowform. Shadow Priest doesnt live up to the greatness it has in the Mid Brackets (29, 39, 49). The damage is ok at best and compared to Disc its next to nothing. I would say if you want to play Shadow I would do so just for fun when you have established yourself into disc.

Shadowform is at 24...
that being said, the only attacks are mind flay and shadow word: pain.


Shadowform is at 24...
that being said, the only attacks are mind flay and shadow word: pain.

Fixed, I took away all of the Key Spells of each spec because I felt that info was easily found in game.

Keep those suggestions coming, When the guide is going to be submitted I will credit people with the info they helped with
Looks like you put a ton of dedication into this Khaos, good luck, lucks very nice so far!

Don't get offended by this, but you're going to fix up the spelling/grammar, right?

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