Born US, Raised Mexican
With the removal of the Rumsey Rum buff a lot of people have turned to Food Buffs for that little extra stamina.
I believe someone mentioned that rumsey rum light and rumsey rum dark still provide a stamina benefit.
If they don't, here's a list i know of:
6 stamina + 6 spirit
Murloc Fin Soup - 2x Murloc Fin
Seasoned Wolf Kabob - 2x Lean Wolf Flank (makes 3)
Gooey Spider Cake - 2x Gooey Spider Leg
Crocolisk Gumbo - 1x Tender Crocolisk Meat
Goblin Deviled Clams - 1x Tangy Clam Meat
Curious Tasty Omelet - 1x Raptor Egg
Pilgrim's Bounty (thanksgiving event only)
Slow-Roasted Turkey (12 AP + 6 Stam)
Candied Sweet Potato (7 Haste + 7 Stam)
Cranberry Chutney (6 SP + 6 Stam)
Pumpkin Pie (6 Spirit + 6 Stam)
Spice Bread Stuffing (6 Spirit + 6 Stam)
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