Bracket wide activities at all time low.


The strength of this bracket was always its tight knit community, now it seems to hinder us, as people are less and less motivated to engage in large events like pugmades out of fear of performing poorly. Its pathetic and the bracket needs to mature right away.

This expansion has shown some great balance of classes, yet far less premade action than last xpac, why is this? Has real ID made twinks that lazy?

The return of Tombradys pugmades needs to happen, as well as heavy arena activity.

Youre probably wondering the point of this thread? Its quite simple really I just want to play 2v2 and im sick of getting dodged so will anybody please play me fucknin hell ill mirror u ill do anything just play me i hate warsong so bad
Well, unfortunately the days will always be darker before they become bright again and I would venture to say that the days will remain dark for months to come. Twinking just isn't how it used to be and well, god damn it, it's disgusting. Simply put. It seems like people would rather sit on the sidelines and watch as our bracket gets raped than do anything about it. Pizza and his gang of redneck hillbilly burn outs would rather see the bracket burn than to douse the already existing fire. And it stems from that. He breeds evil.
Well, unfortunately the days will always be darker before they become bright again and I would venture to say that the days will remain dark for months to come. Twinking just isn't how it used to be and well, god damn it, it's disgusting. Simply put. It seems like people would rather sit on the sidelines and watch as our bracket gets raped than do anything about it. Pizza and his gang of redneck hillbilly burn outs would rather see the bracket burn than to douse the already existing fire. And it stems from that. He breeds evil.

Spot on sir, you're a wise man and I respect you. There is far to much hatred in this bracket, hatred which needs to be cleansed and purified ( Wailing caverns reference, lol).
Hopefully being so deep into the expansion we see the more "competitive" side of the bracket we once had emerge again. However the competitive side must be balanced with respect and a humble attitude towards all players.
Games only seem to go on towards the evening, however it is finals week for most colleges so expect pug activity to pick up again soon. As far as premades go, unfortunately this time around I don't think they will be as strong as they once were. I feel we are coming towards the demise of WoW; the final stretch. I foresee a final slowdown of twinks as we head towards the end. I hope that's not the case as I have grown close with most twinks over the last 6 years and continue to make new friends.I can come off as a jackass but it's simply because I love to apologies. In the end, I love all my fellow twink friends and foes and I hope we can reignite the tink spark that once shined blindingly bright.

The best solution I can think of working with what we have right now would be for every active player to roll both alliance and horde toons. Most have both but we need to work on balancing the games. Far to many times have I seen players staying on one side because they are to afraid to leave their groupies. You know who you are. I want to start seeing guild members playing different factions against one another if it meant balancing one side. Most nights its one side dominating and very quickly the other side dies out after 2 games. Horde needs a boost in numbers. I will be working on a horde hunter again here in the near future.
I talk to alot of people, basically everyone i knew from the whirlwind BG group i was from.

Nobody wants anything really to do with this bracket anymore, considering the 20-24 bracket

The word i heard the most was, the "Drama"

basically thats because all thats left, playing 19s, are kids..

Look im not trying to be a dick and like call out people for being young, but its because of the demographic.

Like look at wtf you have going on in this bracket.

You hear kids who are just saying, im number one, im the best.
Its sad because, you dont know if its trolling or like its serious.

You got kids making threads and arguing over shit thats like irrelevant, fighting over who is the best.
trying to cover up losses like your lifes on the line. shits sad

People who know there good, stay humble.

Everyone just thinks there the shit, and its just so evident that people with that mindstate, havent got out into the real world yet.
Thats what makes people not want anyyything to do with this bracket lol.

Basically people need to grow up literally, like literally age before this bracket goes anywhere. Yeah whatever, wow is for kids whatever argument u wanna make with that, but this bracket feels like everyone is a 14 year old.
Half these kids are more interested in finding out a new jump or a glitch,farming hk or pulling some scheme then seeing this bracket go anywhere.

I come across tons and tons of old 19 friends weekly, people with gear and toons that are unbeleivable, pop on for the first time in a few months, see how shit the bracket is and leave.

The only person i got so far to straight up come to bleeding hollow and help 19's is a rogue featherfoot.
That contributes to part of it but the main thing is what I stated earlier, imo. There has always been drama in this bracket, even more in the past. The big thing right now is not enough people willing to help the losing side which causes that side to log completely.
That contributes to part of it but the main thing is what I stated earlier, imo. There has always been drama in this bracket, even more in the past. The big thing right now is not enough people willing to help the losing side which causes that side to log completely.

You actually think that they'll mod you over me? Ha, hahah. You're on, pal.
I talk to alot of people, basically everyone i knew from the whirlwind BG group i was from.

Nobody wants anything really to do with this bracket anymore, considering the 20-24 bracket

The word i heard the most was, the "Drama"

basically thats because all thats left, playing 19s, are kids..

Look im not trying to be a dick and like call out people for being young, but its because of the demographic.

Like look at wtf you have going on in this bracket.

You hear kids who are just saying, im number one, im the best.
Its sad because, you dont know if its trolling or like its serious.

You got kids making threads and arguing over shit thats like irrelevant, fighting over who is the best.
trying to cover up losses like your lifes on the line. shits sad

People who know there good, stay humble.

Everyone just thinks there the shit, and its just so evident that people with that mindstate, havent got out into the real world yet.
Thats what makes people not want anyyything to do with this bracket lol.

Basically people need to grow up literally, like literally age before this bracket goes anywhere. Yeah whatever, wow is for kids whatever argument u wanna make with that, but this bracket feels like everyone is a 14 year old.
Half these kids are more interested in finding out a new jump or a glitch,farming hk or pulling some scheme then seeing this bracket go anywhere.

I come across tons and tons of old 19 friends weekly, people with gear and toons that are unbeleivable, pop on for the first time in a few months, see how shit the bracket is and leave.

The only person i got so far to straight up come to bleeding hollow and help 19's is a rogue featherfoot.

Hahaha yea thats what the old whirlwind tinkers I knew said. Too much drama, and also that games aren't competitive.

This is probably the slowest week of the year for twinks. Give it a chance.

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