Got a rant, had a bad day? TELL IT HERE

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When you're enjoying 7-15 min good close or quick games, and a group of idiots come ruin the fun for both teams by holding the flag in a boring-ass blowout. I mean really, wouldn't it be just as fulfilling to kill a bot for hours on end?

Pay to Fail.

Edit: Okay switched to ally and had a freaking awesome challenging game, I guess farmers are good for something :eek:

We had some close games. One yesterday where Horde pug team lost 0-1 to that alliance premade ..... about 7 24s I think.

Ambush slice stab city......


The first SS Efckiller comments " I don't think bison power sleeps"...

I played WoW for 30hrs straight..... /ZZZZ

in this section "Got a rant, had a bad day? TELL IT HERE" I see several of your SS posts with Bisonpower on the horde team with other 24s. /lol Some of them I pugged into others I was grouped with. I'm sure LiL hunter is enjoying your posts.

My question is what is you graphical posting to do with your rant? That you are running into 24groups or that Bisonpower is with them?
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Re: The QQ Thread ;)

Ahhh. Questing IRL can definitely be a mixed bag. I want to get 'the explorer' title IRL.
Rolling warrior... prot then went arms. As usual... roll dps and no heals on team. 5 game loosing streak now..... no need to post SS but all I see are rogues/hunters.... lol


Finally won one game. No I didn't crutch on a premade or sync que with anyone....

........ Crutchpatch FOTM
(I just remembered I had a an undergeared worgen rogue and its CTA WSG!)

View attachment 2903

Saved a few caps by picking up flag last second before EFC could cap. Such tactical training provided by Zara and Heidi

After numerous losses Horde/Alliance I went back to the true tested method of much needed soul therapy.....

...... Beastmastery!!! Huntahpowa... pewpewpew die rogues die.... disengage... pet crits 500... pew pew pew....
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Re: The QQ Thread ;)

One patch healers are strong so everybody rolls a healer. As a consequence games are stale with no one dying.

Next patch healers receive a nerv, so everyone rolls DPS. Healers are suddenly a rare sight and the few that try are soon fed up with trying to heal alone.

Vicious circle that emphasises the imbalance.
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I was so excited about it being WSG weekend and now I feel disgustingly sick. Horde always have more 24s than Alliance and they completely dominate the BG, perfection, and shoved all the way to gy farming. It's not enjoyable auto-rezzing and getting killed again and again and again and again and again, right on the spot. I feel like eventually the 20-24 bracket will die because people are gonna stop queuing because they aren't having fun. I was so excited to have quick queues and farm some honor and now I don't even want to play.

Fuck imbalanced teams.

Edit: Vengeance battlegroup.
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I was so excited about it being WSG weekend and now I feel disgustingly sick. Horde always have more 24s than Alliance and they completely dominate the BG, perfection, and shoved all the way to gy farming. It's not enjoyable auto-rezzing and getting killed again and again and again and again and again, right on the spot. I feel like eventually the 20-24 bracket will die because people are gonna stop queuing because they aren't having fun. I was so excited to have quick queues and farm some honor and now I don't even want to play.

Fuck imbalanced teams.

Edit: Vengeance battlegroup.

Just leave the graveyard and don't rez. No hks for them. Eventually they will get bored and make that last cap.

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I was so excited about it being WSG weekend and now I feel disgustingly sick. Horde always have more 24s than Alliance and they completely dominate the BG, perfection, and shoved all the way to gy farming. It's not enjoyable auto-rezzing and getting killed again and again and again and again and again, right on the spot. I feel like eventually the 20-24 bracket will die because people are gonna stop queuing because they aren't having fun. I was so excited to have quick queues and farm some honor and now I don't even want to play.

Fuck imbalanced teams.

Edit: Vengeance battlegroup.

Well , Create any Huntr/Rogue , ask any friend to join you. if P2P inv him into a group and play together , if not Count for wg , 1 , 2 , 3 q , When queue is rdy you both say pop . Thats what i do with [MENTION=20340]Enioopaladin[/MENTION]. Eniorogue - thrall and Lennykillear at sig. . triple Hunters are Op too. Me + [MENTION=18779]Arberian021[/MENTION] +Enio, Sometime we go 4 hunters and 1 rogue From Borean Tundra.
Even if we lose we STILL have fun. Im telling about the hunters and the rogues because theyre Alliance , Its fun when you go with someone in a group , Like when you get in with a pocket healer , immagine if youre balance with Arcane Intelect +60 intelect and Kill every 1 on the bg. 1.5k Critz of starsurge are awesome. You should try it. You should try feral too.
Just had an accident with a bugged mob following me over the whole wetlands map. The moment I switched onto my desktop to turn fraps on, a lvl 40+ pally suddenly appeared, killed it and then tried to nomnom me. Well he did, but only after like 2 mins or so and because I was in trolling mode instead of just running away. He was called Becool - well... ain't that irony.
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