Got a rant, had a bad day? TELL IT HERE

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I keep seeing a chest enchant that scales down to + 15 stats to chest. I can't find the name of it anywhere and everyone I ask with it says they don't remember Grrrrr!!
The way I see it is that I had some back and forths with phron before about this very subject and as far as I'm aware he understood where I'm coming from and just from the little I've read lately I can tell he's changed or second thought some of his previous actions.

Dr Lil, /gratz. Good work on Phron. Your wise words have apparently influenced him according to your observations. Hopefully the patient can post some of his changes and thought form here to verify your perspective.

I can't have that same effect on bison cause it's like talking to alittle kid and he has some smartass reply to everything.

Whats wrong? What effect is that? What exactly are you trying to accomplish? What do you want me to learn or realize exactly?

I know phron and bison aren't the same person but if you read what I said to phron it's very similar to what I've said to bison except I was only able to have a mature conversation with one of them so only one of them could actually get my point at all.

50% success! 1 outta 2 ain't bad. Seriously you mention "mature conversation". Well everyone can read the numerous posts and can concur which one is perhaps more mature. Then again this isn't a popularity contest.... or is it?

Edit: He doesn't care about farming or the things he does in game so why in the world would I care if he wants to be left alone or not? Some people I really don't care what they read but I'm sorry to you and to other people who has to read this nonsense but sometimes you just gotta beat the truth into a kids head for them to realize.

You mention several times that nobody cares. Mother Earth cares for all her children! Its OK I don't mind you not leaving me alone. I'm rather flattered with all this attention.

Research has shown that beating kids isn't very healthy in the long term. BTW what truth are you promoting for us to to realize?

If you're sorry for the nonsense reading why initiate and instigate?

I've made numerous posts on TI and you have responded several times with your "perspective"... (a lot have violated the TI Code of Conduct, ie off topic, naming people, trollling/flaming etc).

I know lol trust me but bison likes to always state how he pugs into those bgs though so I was being sarcastic.

I don't always state I pug into premades. Why do you make false statements?

He can make all the smartass posts on here he wants but like I said everytime someone catches him in the act of exactly what I claim on here it just makes his claims less reputable and (hopefully) will get some of the people defending him to realize I'm not that bad just speaking the truth (not holding my breath on that).

Inb4 oh I pugged into that
Inb4 oh I wasn't farming I'm just topping the hks magically
Inb4 every other kind of sorry excuse he's used before besides just saying yes I premade with 24 farmers alot and I farm

/gratz with your further flaming/trolling posts.

Your agenda appears to tarnish and defame me.

I'm glad you finally spelt it out cleary above "...what I claim on here it just makes his claims less reputable..."

After your usual "Trustmeiknowwhatimtalkingaboutitsthetruthandidontcare..." type of posts you go on to state that you are trying to help me realize something.... (BTW Self Realization is part of my eclectic belief system)..... /hic

I've already stated that I premade/sync ques but I pug more.

I never said I pugged into the posted screen shots (by iminibiv). What is there to deny? Nobody asked me about it.

I was in group with them for two games but unfortunately didn't come across any of the numerous 24 Alliance groups. So I dropped out and synced que with Zara (countdown to zero...) and ran into some 24Alliance premades.... /lol bad timing.

If I premade all the time how did I get to know so many F2P players? How would I have built my reputation? (noobthirsty)
Certainly not by riding the premade bandwagon.

Thank you for saying:

I make sorry excuses (life is about perspective)

I make smart ass comments (i believe i was cordial/civil and more importantly I didn't violate the TI Rules of Conduct)

I'm a hypocrite (I like philosophy)

I'm like a wall (some great walls out there!)

I have the mindset of a child (I'm a Child of the Universe!)

I troll bitch (/coughcough... I have a troll, my rogue! I have a bitch, my doggy!)

I like to faceroll and GY farm (btw do you still secretly roll your alt 24s?)

I need to learn/realize/take advice (Don't we all!)

And good for you speaking the truth! Speaking your individual truth is important in the world. All the Power to you IRL!

/love (mother earth father sky)

Know yourself and know the world. Life is about making decisions. /peace
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I have no preference in this debate. I don't really know either player, I think it's a silly argument.
Arguing over a game is always jokeworthy, but since this seems to be slapping everyone on TI in the face over, and over... and (sigh) over...

Saying that you are going to continue your (note the neutrality of the wording) disputes with Bisonpower here even after he has both acknowledged them and asked to be left alone isn't borderline flaming - It is all out trolling if not blatant flaming. As someone who has been an administrator in many chatrooms and a few forums, I would ban you; flat out, no warning ban you; for the way you are carrying your arguments against Bisonpower across a plethora of threads on this forum.

The ONLY reasons I can see to continue to attempt to defame a member of TI are for some extremely serious grievances.
I.E., Bisonpower has been and is continuing to harass another member of TI and it has not yet been noticed.
I.E., Bisonpower has committed murder/rape/grand theft and has continued to post or link images about it.

Seeing as how your disputes with him are over a game, are extremely repetitive and constant, and are trolling for responses, I see this situation as ban-worthy.

From someone such as yourself who has been a positive member of the community for so long, I am extremely disappointed. You have long established yourself as a non-empathetic firebrand, but this is going too far.

If you continue to harass Bisonpower, or any other player for that matter, for issues relating to the game, I would like to establish a request to the TI moderators for the deletion of your comments from the thread(s) in which they are flaming said player.

Thank you,


P.S., Didn't you make a post about leaving TI and WoW in general?
P.S.S., If so, have you come back just to harass a player?
He got banned because he was repeatedly (I assume false) accused and flamed of being la'haryl/wily even though all the posts he made were in no way offensive, if not constructive. Unless I mossed something that's how it seemed to me he got banned... false accusations imo but w/e

it was him, if the thread is still locked there somewhere Lil presented some proof of the case linking charcters by Xao and Laharyl with same achivment points.
When fellow trial twinks whom i've know since cata cry about pvp balance. I'm like "you already survived the worst, (lolcata) and you still play better then these gear crutchers", I get it, its hard. Its ALWAYS been hard. Suck it up, things were nice for awhile, consider mop an intermission, a small reprieve from challenging pvp. And no, this doesnt apply to the cocky players from AP horde who roll pugs in their 10 man premades, who are pretty much as bad, as the 24s. I mean you're after the same thing right? An easy game? Lawl, what a joke. I realize things appear differently from your high horse. Anyhow, i know this doesnt apply to every player from AP, but ive met some real shitheads who rage and cry when they lose, or brag and boast when they win. You all, deserve each other. /Deuces Stay classy.
When you're enjoying 7-15 min good close or quick games, and a group of idiots come ruin the fun for both teams by holding the flag in a boring-ass blowout. I mean really, wouldn't it be just as fulfilling to kill a bot for hours on end?

Pay to Fail.

Edit: Okay switched to ally and had a freaking awesome challenging game, I guess farmers are good for something :eek:
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Patch update not allowing me to load WoW. WTF 1.5hrs.... "game is up to date" Hit Play then it just loads up again.

Anyone else having problems?

I had to do a complete uninstall/reinstall. And the launcher just sits there. Have to launch from wow.exe instead on the launcher...
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