this is me speaking up against bison/phron/zara/faith/any other 24 they can get facerolls all the time. It's really quite annoying to see good people basically waste games that could be good because they wanted to stack the deck
You are so wrong Lil it's not funny, please stop your forum trolling, flaming, constant @'s and so on. We all know it, we've all seen you.
Okay first of all, we hardly ever run premade groups in the grand scheme of things. Secondly,
we're playing with friends!!
It doesn't
matter that Faith/zara are now usually on P2P 20s or 24s, it really doesn't. We are playing with eachother when we can, because we
I want to let you in on a little secret.
Sometimes, when a group of friends all play one game, they like to play
together. It's not about forming a group for the intention of facerolling.
Now, another point I want to discuss with you, is how you are so against 24 premading and facerolling. Thinking back to the beautiful memories I have of early Cataclysm or even mid-Cata, I recall two little gnome rogues, who literally
one hit everything. How? Rogues were extremely overpowered at 24 in those times, combined with the fact you were well geared and stuck together constantly? No competition. I specifically remember watching everybody die around me, including then myself, and you both had EMOTE MACROES!
Not to mention the death rays.
You truly come across as pathetic when you make threads/posts claiming to be against it, when you used to do it.
Just because you changed your ways, doesn't make you any better than them.
Bye bye, Lil.
Edited to be a nicer. Ti Babies might start crying.