Nah nobody was running Resistance gear at the time when you queued, not even Elypsia. I was running full stamina gear when you tried sniping, which is kinda funny because I wasn't even the target & stamina sucked so hard but if you're bad at the game you think high health = good.
It's in that social/chat thread Idk if it's even been moved to xpoff, where Demonmage brings up resistance gear being stupid (after he lost to me & wicker because Lewis died to protpala burst on his 13k hp Priest). I even have a couple posts there about it as well.
FYI I resisted both Shadowfury casts vs Meat and both would've killed me. It was pretty funny. Vs Demonmage I resisted nothing actually but it's easy to blame the gear anyway, instead of asking your Priest to play with a liiiiittle more health because we all know what Prot Pala could do.
Maybe your buddy Healium can tell you about that actually. He used to queue Prot all the time, even used the lvl90 talent to break 2.4. If anyone knows Prot it's him.