
MOD | GM of Golden Twinkies | CoLead of Twinkcraft

(Bringing the “Golden Era” to Twinking by Uniting EVERY twink!)

The Largest, Most Social, Most Active, & Fun Having Twinking Guild is recruiting all TWINKS!

Golden Twinkies Logo 20's & 30's.jpg


We're here to gear you up, enchant you, and bring you into the action!

We are the largest, most social, most active, and most fun Twinking Guild in NA, and we want YOU! We have events 6 DAYS A WEEK both PvE and PvP, and active members on Discord at ALL TIMES! Our goal is to be a home for Twinks of all kinds to find friendship, community, and opportunities to flex your Twinked out toons! For anyone with passion for Twinking <Golden Twinkies> is the guild to join! Come share your passion with us!

We are DOMINATING in The War Within! Actively hosting 20v20 / 15v15 / 10v10 Wargames for Retail 20s! Achieving 25 Man Twink Raid Teams for 30s/35s! We need you to come and join the events!

Alliance & Horde / Cross Faction & Server <<PROJECT GOLDEN OUTREACH>> To unite all Free Trials and 10/20/30+ Twink enthusiasts!

Public Community for Retail Twinking, or in Game use Code: vPowq7jhMol



Why be Golden? Why care about Twinking brackets that aren't as popular as they used to be?

Well, I (Life) have played a lot of World of Warcraft and have made a lot of long-lasting friends. Friends and guildmates that continue to mean the world to me. I would do anything to keep those friendships alive and fruitful. I want to be the glue that keeps our family tightly together, prosperous and provide a space where you can depend on to keep your favorite time in Twinking alive. Providing that "Golden Third Space" to relive those feelings of Twinking back in time. & Remix those concepts into new and beautiful adventures to go on together.

Our mission is to provide people in twinking with an active community, full of friends and meaningful relationships. A space with people that are focused on camaraderie and having integrity. Lastly a space that is serious about balancing and wanting to provide the best low-level experience in the world. We are a place of ideas, dreams, coming together and making progress.

For LVL 20's: I wanted to build an incredible space to fight ableism and allow for people to come join and unsub and utilize us as their endgame! We provide constant updates like blizzard does and work diligently on preventing blizzard from obstructing our way of playing! Also to provide a safe space not just for you as a person, but also from the constant griefing of level 29's in the wild. I truly care at keeping this place abundant and alive and hope that one day you all will care as much as I do about the 20's community, it's brought me the greatest people in the world into my life. Forever Thank You XpOff.

For LVL 30's & Up: This whole concept and Idea for this project, was born out of my guild's love for inclusion and wanting to give everyone a chance at being Golden. Truthfully, people just get frustrated at pvping sometimes, especially when things get competitive. So, we wanted to come together to build a "New Golden Era" for our guild that isn't split into different teams. With those new goals in mind, we began Raiding! Just keeping things positive and adding achievements to our guild. Since we are a social space, just being able to hangout for raid and spend time together is truly what our guild is all about.

Just like a twinkie surviving the apocalypse, you can count on me to keep fighting for us!

Although our current events are for 20's, 30's and 35's, we are always trying to organize events for any bracket that has interest in the guild! Come make friends for the events you're most interested in!

Imagine being a part of a thriving community of like-minded people where you get to learn, grow, and do amazing things you couldn't do otherwise! This is what <Golden Twinkies> offers!

Latest Wargame VOD
Latest Raid VOD
Latest Ep of Twinkie Talk


Contact GM's: @Life | @Grimz | @Emelia

Don’t tell hostess (brand who owns actual twinkies.)
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Thank you all! <3
I’d say happy ❤️, there’s a lot of people on the realm!
Yeah RP realms are fun for the most part. Just that sometimes things could get... weird :PepeLaughW:
GL with your guild, would be a fun experience
Yeah RP realms are fun for the most part. Just that sometimes things could get... weird :PepeLaughW:
GL with your guild, would be a fun experience

As long as you’re respectful to other guild mates and don’t offend anyone, I could care less. What happens in goldshire can stay there
Ooo my main's server....welcome...So will you be doing carries through goldshire also? (Alliance)...jk welcome to xpoff

LOL definitely no carrying in goldshire maybe another guildies will oblige
Thanks everyone so far! We are regularly doing 5 mans with full twinks now for ataldazzar and others! Feels good
Played a linked F2P on Moonguard throughout BFA, don't let the server's rep scare you away. Sure if you're a goldshire fence sitter it might be a little weird but while chilling in a city or doing some open world farming/pve the random interactions and people you come across can be a breath of fresh air. So many random farms were made bearable by just bullshitting with the people who happened to run past
Played a linked F2P on Moonguard throughout BFA, don't let the server's rep scare you away. Sure if you're a goldshire fence sitter it might be a little weird but while chilling in a city or doing some open world farming/pve the random interactions and people you come across can be a breath of fresh air. So many random farms were made bearable by just bullshitting with the people who happened to run past
kaxle the roleplayer
Played a linked F2P on Moonguard throughout BFA, don't let the server's rep scare you away. Sure if you're a goldshire fence sitter it might be a little weird but while chilling in a city or doing some open world farming/pve the random interactions and people you come across can be a breath of fresh air. So many random farms were made bearable by just bullshitting with the people who happened to run past
^This (at least the few times I was there)
Also, if one or a group insists on being a goldshire fence sitter they can always activate warmode or chromie [if they can] to place the very local weirdness in its own phase and have a clean goldshire. Everywhere else is relatively normal.
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Hey, I used to twink a bunch but stopped playing and recently got back into the game. Retail gets boring quick for me usually so I'm interested in possibly server transferring some of them to Moon Guard or starting fresh. Is it any specific level?

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