If you transfer WotLK characters from a US PvP server to the Westfall US PvE server are they locked to only be on US PvE servers going forward?

I did some research and can't really find anything conclusive. If you click on the 'Wrath of the Lich King Classic' tab for this article it doesn't mention PvE vs PvP servers:

On the above article, if you click on the 'WoW Classic' tab it does say under the 'Realm Restrictions' that : "... You cannot transfer a character from a PVE realm to a PVP realm ..." but I don't see the equivelent restriction listed in the WotLK tab... That link goes to the following URL which also only mentions WoW Classic (but not WotLK Classic):
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We miss you guys in Retail 20s. <3
i miss you baby, its so hard i miss retail so much but im just not able to run events on there and get ques quickly
Sorry ^^ I dont understand iu still have a 20s guild ? or you r only on wotlk ? Anyway im EU i'll buy Wotlk promo epic , but idk if im suppose to go with u on US server or EU.. i think i maybe go US ! Can you suggest a server ??? **

Alright, i'm thinking abut to join u, i'm just ++ horde side, but i like allience too its a MOOD ! So can u tell me ? and ur server is US or EU ??
Bcz if i buying EU and u US i'll not be abl to play with u at 100%
<GOLDEN TWINKIES> The Largest, Most Social, & Fun Having Twinking Guild is recruiting all TWINKS! We are prepping and organizing for Cataclysm! We are going to go into the new expansion with an explosion! I want 10v10 Pugmades in all 3 brackets in-house for GT 19/29/39’s!

WELCOME TO THE PARTY!!! Let’s be FRIENDS!!! We’ll get you geared, & enchanted up! We welcome all! Our motto is if you’re a twink you belong!

We focus on 19s/29s/39s!

19’s: Recruiting ALL 19's for fun! We’re the Largest 19 twink guild for the Alliance! We pre(creamade everyday in a SOCIAL setting! Let’s do inhouse games, 10v10 AvA pugmades! Let’s celebrate our victories in the gulch. I host 3 events a week for 19’s! Let’s be the best and stay GOLDEN!

29’s: Recruiting ALL 29’s, we're the Largest 29 twink guild for Alliance! Join us for fun, relaxing, and sometimes sweaty battlegrounds together in a SOCIAL setting. We do 10v10 AvA pugmades for 29's as well! Let’s win every game! Taking home the gold daily! I host 2 events a week for 29’s!

39’s: Bring your 39's here as well! We run 39 pre(creamades) daily! We just got our 39 officer back! We are building the guild for 10v10 AvA 39 Pugmades as well! Join the Largest Alliance Twink Guild and actually have friends to play with CONSISTENTLY! Don’t join another dead guild! Working on events for the 39's team! One event a week for 39’s atm.

Let’s give Horde the cream!

We do 7 events a week in the guild: We host our <Wednesday Warsong Night> for 19’s, <Thursday Night 19’s Party>, <The 29’s Party> on Friday, <Saturday 10v10 AvA Night> for 19's, <Sunday Night 10v10 AvA> for 29's.<GAME NIGHT/ MOVIE NIGHT> On Mondays, and lastly <39’s Tuesday Party!>.

Guild trailer: Come join & follow my twitch for more information, and to see the activity & health of the guild!

Join our Public Discord and be welcomed with OVER 700 Twinkies in Discord to be friends with! And 900 in game! Come hangout in our famous public coms "TheHangout Oven!" Make friends in wow! /

Come on! IMAGINE A REAL GUILD! We'll be your friends & family! Our mission statement is: Let's bring the twinking community together! If you need anything, come to me <3!

See you on the battlefield! Your Sweet Treats Host, Life!

Add my btag Life#13615

Whisper Anyone in Guild for an Invite! Just Follow the rules and we will be okay!

GM: @Life
Officers: [@Epichealtime

Instagram: Life_gstwinkies (@life_gstwinkies) • Instagram photos and videos

Twitch: life_gstwinkies - Twitch

Twitter: Life GM of Golden Twinkies (@life_gstwinkies) / Twitter

Slogan: Get Creamed! ✨

Don’t tell hostess!(brand who owns actual twinkies.)
Toss me an invite to KottnKandi
We are recruiting 70s to pvp on retail at late night potential rbg team. as well as sod members to raid to lvl 40 with us. as well as continueing to dominate 19 and 29 twink pvp on wotlk classic moving towards cataclysm
What server are you guys on for SoD?
<GOLDEN TWINKIES> The Largest, Most Social, & Fun Having Twinking Guild is recruiting all TWINKS! We are prepping and organizing for Cataclysm and the War Within! We are going to go into the new expansion's with an explosion! I want 10v10 Wargames in all 3 brackets in-house for GT 19/29's and Retail 20's.

WELCOME TO THE PARTY!!! Let’s be FRIENDS!!! We’ll get you geared & enchanted up! We welcome all! Our motto is if you’re a twink you belong!

RETAIL: Moonguard Alliance & Horde / Cross Server Next XPAC / Already Have Cross Server Public Community to join! Link Below.

20's: Recruiting all 20's for inhouse wargames its pvp time FINALLY! All twinks accepted in guild ofc! Rules will apply for rosters! WE NEED MASSIVE SUPPORT TO GET THIS HAPPENING! I'LL BE STREAMING ON MY TWITCH ETC!

CLASSIC: Pagle Alliance

19’s: Recruiting ALL 19's for fun! We’re the Largest 19 twink guild for the Alliance! We pre(creamade everyday in a SOCIAL setting! Let’s do inhouse games, 10v10 AvA wargames! Let’s celebrate our victories in the gulch. I host 3 events a week for 19’s! Let’s be the best and stay GOLDEN!

29’s: Recruiting ALL 29’s, we're the Largest 29 twink guild for Alliance! Join us for fun, relaxing, and sometimes sweaty battlegrounds together in a SOCIAL setting. We do 10v10 AvA pugmades for 29's as well! Let’s win every game! Taking home the gold daily! I host 2 events a week for 29’s!

Let’s give Horde the cream!

We do 7 events a week in the guild! <Sunday Night Game Night> <Monday Movie Night> <Tuesday Night Dungeon Night for 20's> <Wednesday Wargames Night> <Thursday Night Party Retail Bg's> <Friday Night SOLO SHUFFLE for 20's / Arena Tournaments> <Saturday Night Wargames for 20's>

Guild trailer: Come join & follow my twitch for more information, and to see the activity & health of the guild!

Join our Public Discord and be welcomed with OVER 800 Twinkies in Discord to be friends with! And 900 in game! Come hangout in our famous public coms "The Hangout Oven!" Make friends in wow! /

Public Community For Retail Twinking: or in Game use Code: vPowq7jhMol

Come on! IMAGINE A REAL GUILD! We'll be your friends & family! Our mission statement is: Let's bring the twinking community together! If you need anything, come to me <3!

See you on the battlefield! Your Sweet Treats Host, Life!

Add my btag Life#13615

Whisper Anyone in Guild for an Invite! Just Follow the rules and we will be okay!

GM: @Life

Instagram: Life_gstwinkies (@life_gstwinkies) • Instagram photos and videos

Twitch: life_gstwinkies - Twitch

Slogan: Get Creamed! ✨

Don’t tell hostess!(brand who owns actual twinkies.)
Hey life, don't know if you remember me, I used to run with you and few other peeps from the guild a long time ago. Was wondering if I could get an invite to the guild on my horde warlock 29 twink with old school pvp title. Would love to run with other peeps again. name is Maddchild-Moon Guard
Cute little screenshot from last Wednesday!
can i join on more than 1 character i am already in the guild on my monk but i want to join on my shaman and dh too
As long as you love GT and care about our guild and its well being. That is fine with me. I do personally prefer internal but we allow all free trials etc. we want to grow the bracket ofc.
i love the twinkies they are my favorite guild and the only hope for the 20s bracket
I thought Blizzard had killed f2p, but the only hope is this guild. What requirements do I have to meet to join? I have a lot of classes, I don't know if I can play with all of them.

Big thank you to everyone!


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